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Coral Vue Hydros

g0tfish's 50g Oceanic Cube(ish)


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Yes, my 50g was a spur of the moment thing. If my sponsors would not have stepped into the petco that one faithful Thursday afternoon, i would never have received such a great display tank. I feel that this tank will bring out the inner marine biologist in me. The tank will be a 30" L x 18" W x 20" H which actually equals to about 46g... =(. Heres a list of the equipment i want so far. The ones that are bolded are bought.





50g Oceanic

eReef 200 25g Sump

300w Finnex Titanium Heater

CSS 65g

Quiet One 4000 Return

2 Return U-Tubes w/ SCWD

2 M620 Seios

250w DE Hamilton Reef Star Pendant



Oh, how i love the planning stages of a new tank. This is a nice upgrade from my 15g and i will definately take full advantage of it. Can you say larger fish?! YAYYY



PS. Pics Soon ;)

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nice to see that youre moving up in the hobby didnt you say you didnt have the right funds before back when you had the 15g? New job i see :P Goodluck with the setup and we want to see the PICS

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Pics as i promised. This not the final destination of the tank. The sump is on back order and will be purchased next friday. Yay! =)









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A lot of work has been done today. I moved the tank and stand into my kitchen area where its next to the living room. I filled it with water, sand, and rock. Water is Catalina and cost be $15 xP and the sand was my old sand with an extra 20lbs. It looks like its enuff but i might want to add another 10. I turned both seios and my heater on.


I also added live rock! My friend hooked me up with a killer deal on live rock. Premium Marshall for $2/lb!! and Premium fiji $1/lb!! Some of the pieces were sooo damn light i could not believe. They are great! The largest piece was about 15lbs. I love em! Rock work isnt great, but with big pieces i can only do so much before i get frustrated. I might move stuff around later on. Its a lagoon style aquascape with the middle open for clams nd a brain or 2. PICS ON NEXT POST =)

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I seriously need to keep my hands out of my tank. My dog's hair is getting everywhere! Anyways... heres pics of everything. The skimmmer is temporary until i get my plumbing done. I like how thigns are falling into place. Tell me if u guys like my aquascape, i think it aint too shabby! Thanks













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O yea here is my "fish list" for the future


Fish List


2 Ocellaris

3-5? Bangaii Cardinals

1 BiColor Blenny

1 Cherub Angel

1 Small Yellow Tang

1 Mandarin (maybe)

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that looks great so far! nice job!


is that stainless steel is see? i love oceanics stainless steel stuff! to bad they didn't make a 58g in it!


are you going to put that skimmer in your sump?

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Thanks! The stainless steel is what got my "sponsor's" approval. They love how its clean looking and stuff and doesnt clutter the house.


Yes teh skimmer will b in the sump, however i really want to upgrade teh skimmer to the 125g instead of the 65g i have xP I jus think im cutting it a little too close.

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yah. not a bad idea. i got a skimmer rated for 125g too just to be safe.


also i like how you did you seio pumps. that should creat a lot of random flow.


looks great.


is that a 150w or 250w light?

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It is a 250w with a 14000k bulb. I LOVE IT! It is a big upgrade from my 70w crappy piece of crap and my 130w oddysea ######ty piece of ######. If only i started like this the first time around. Would have saved me a billion dollars.


Also, i am deciding on a return pump right now. Im stuck at Quiet One 4000 and a Mag 12(i think). Both should give me around 1000 gph with head loss. Anyone have experience with both that can give me advice? Thanks a lot

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i have heard quiet one's are great, and very quiet. mag's are good but a little noisyer.


i went with the rio hyperflow 20 because of its energy efficiency. it uses like half the energy and puts out like 300 more gph. A lot of people hate rio pumps, but I have always had great luck with them. i haven't installed it yet though, as i haven't finished my plumbing, so i dont know how quiet it is. i hope it is quiet!

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hey matt that looks great. Did you get that one at west covina? I was in there the other day and they had a killer deal for the tank and stank. Was something like 250ish for both. I was gonna pick one up myself but thought wait i already have 5 tanks in my room. haha

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I have a quiet one by my bed and I can barely hear it. Just make sure to put some padding on the bottom of the pump. Are you gonna have a sump or a sump/refuge?

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lgreen: Hmm... i have heard that mags are a little more versatile than most of the other pumps. But then again they are a lil noisier. I was thinking abotu the rio HF but i dont wanna risk getting sand caught or something jamming x_x


timb000: Thanks, i got the tank and stand at the Petco at Rosemead and Huntington. Yea i got a deal on it so my "sponsors" jumped on it. The stainless steel isny actually realy metal :( Its actually wood covered with a small sheet of plastic. People cant tell its not real metal unless they actually feel the inside of the edges though!

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shao-lin nano

Really nice looking setup you got going. Is the sump going to go with this tank? How are you going to run the plumbing?


I noticed you mentioned your "sponsors" quite a few times. Who/What do you mean by "sponsors"? Wish I have "sponsors".

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Originally posted by shao-lin nano

Really nice looking setup you got going.  Is the sump going to go with this tank?  How are you going to run the plumbing?


I noticed you mentioned your "sponsors" quite a few times.  Who/What do you mean by "sponsors"?  Wish I have "sponsors".


I was wondering the same thing. Is it like a sponsor that an alcoholic has at AA, or sponsors for wakeboarding. Fill us in (If you feel like it).

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Those are nice tanks....Ive seen those at the petco's down here...I think it was $299 for the tank, stand, and hood...Pretty nice

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My sponsors are actually my parents. Im a high school student see, and until i have real estate of my own, i require their funding and their consent. The deal is, as long as im doing well in school, they will try their best to fund my little project. Plus, they both like starin at the tank now that its downstairs and out of my room! =)


sponsors rock

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Thanks Phergus.


I have come to a problem, that i probably should have thought about way earlier in the project. My light is about 6" above the water. My tank is 20" deep. Is there too much light in my tank? I know some people keep it at 8"-10" above but im not sure at what depth. What do u guys think?

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