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Green Mandarin in a 10?

Blind Tree Frog

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Lgreen-I agree with many of your replies as I also stated in my reply we are all hypocrites. But please tell me how you you can replicate the enviroment of a 70 gallon or even a 20 gallon in a 10 gallon tank? It can't be done just from the parameters of space and volume. I have 65 lbs of live rock in my 30 gallon that would never fit in a 10 gallon tank even pulverized into dust. I have a 30 gallon and a 12 gallon Nano Cube side by side and can tell you they are completly different enviroments.

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sent before I meant to by my 2 year old...


Anyway...go to wetwebmedia and ask Calfo, Fenner or Pro, Dalbeck et al. and the guy you mentioned whether a scooter is easier to keep than a mandarin and paste their reply here.


As I also stated, a lot is lost in translation in written posts that can start adisagreement. I know after reading your early posts that your intent was not to tell a newbie to get a scooter because it was cheaper and less picky and if it died that's OK. But if you were a newbie reading this thread, it might appear that way.


LFS had 8 target and green mandys coming in on Monday. They lost all of them...:(

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sounds good...i don't explain my self all the way sometimes.


i am still somewhat supprised by the claimed mortality rate. We get like 6 of these guys in every week or two at the store where I work and we hardly ever loose one. They eat brine shrimp with out a problem too. Maybe just in my experience with them they are easy, but i don't know how it would be if they weren't already brine shrimp trained.

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Man I had a really long reply for this thread and just decided to delete it all, it's just not worth it.


I will say one thing though, in a large tank with a large pod population, these fish can actually become morbidly obese. So saying that we'll never be able to keep them truly happy is simply not true at all, in fact they'll probably eat so much they'll die a premature death from over-eating.

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am still somewhat supprised by the claimed mortality rate. We get like 6 of these guys in every week or two at the store where I work and we hardly ever loose one. They eat brine shrimp with out a problem too. Maybe just in my experience with them they are easy, but i don't know how it would be if they weren't already brine shrimp trained.



I understand though if your having different experiences, but the reality is that is NOT the norm, and the likelyhood of a more then 1/2 mortality for a Mandy in his 10 or 20 is pretty damn good, and thats poor beahvior, so my reaction was harsh because any newbie would take your advice and run with it only to find a very different response in his fish, and probably not be as ontop of feedings.


It appears Akayak65 is singing a similar tune here as well that Mandys as I stated,


Mandarians require huge rock work, and even those that are able to accept food don't survive in anything under a 75g.


Well no hard feelings...MMM HMMM..."I gave hime two good whacks with a sling blade"



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ditch plains,


of course you are right then, and were all along, as you probably already know, and knew before you ever though of posting here.


didn't realize the mandarin situation was that bad out there.


I thought I did a good enough job of explaining in my first post all these issues which have come up (such with regards to feeding--saying to make sure and get one that is eating, and eating something availables, such as brine shrimp), but perhaps it wasn't received that way.




given that...I will agree that a mandarin, in general, probably should not be kept in a 10g or a bath tub, or your pocket, or the freezer. But!...a 70 gallon, an ocean, or a blender is ok.


Opps...no not the blender either. my bad.

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lgreen, I'm holding you to what you say! I've seen some pretty much starved mandarins at GCW. What supplier do you use?


If you put a mandy in your 12, I have to see it at some point in time.... lol. I'll be putting one in my new 60 gallon, it'll be on the reef tour next year.

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I have a green spotted mand, in a 6 month old 20g reef. He constantly picks at the live pods in the tank and also accepts prepared mysis and brineshrimp+. No disertation here. Keep in mind that fish caught via cyanide (which has been prevelent in the past throughout the phillipines) destroys the digestive system, thus, you can feed a fish all day long and still lose the fish.

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"I've seen some pretty much starved mandarins at GCW. What supplier do you use? "


Huh? news to me, we lose one or two now and then, but aren't starved. We also usually get the small one, so that is why they are not big and plump. Also we usually sell them before they even get a chance to get fat in our tanks.


hey now...should we talk about what I've seen at the store you worked at?


just kidding, even our store is not perfect, i don't think any around here are


Our supplier is a secret (or more or less i dont know, i dont do the orders) I know it's not the place F&S uses though. The place we use probably has the best fish I have ever seen, but still we lose a few every once in a while.


Did you hear F&S is moving? Just a rumor, don't know if it is true or not.


Dang, I was bluffing, now I have to get a mandarin. No just kidding, I will get one probably. I have a 40 gallon refugium that is being added in a week or two, and my tank right now is crapping pods like crazy.


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no, not in a 10, maybe a 30+. Also I would suggest you heavily research the animal before buying it.


Green Mandarin Stats

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons

Care Level: Difficult

Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12

Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"

Color Form: Orange, Blue, Green

Temperament: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes

Diet: Carnivore

Origin: Indo-Pacific

Family: Callionymidae


* pay close attention to the italicized words



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lgreen... I cant say that I've been in the store for like 8 months... heh. Oops, I should look around a bit more.


We had a bali shipment get lost for three days! EEEW! It came in and we had to take pictures of everything to get wholesaler credit. GAWD that was disgusting.


F&S.... they have been "in the process of moving" since before I worked there! HA!


First judy wanted to buy the little of triangle of land behind the store... its shaped like a peice of pie for crying out loud! And WAY expensive, too.

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To the people who say its okay to keep it in a 10g and it will live:


I could keep you in a closet for years and you'd live. How happy would you be though?

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Brian da lion

It's not a spacial issue with mandarins. You could probably keep one if you fed it those bottled pods from seacrop, but it's probably not worth the cost.

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Blind Tree Frog
Originally posted by reefer21

no, not in a 10, maybe a 30+. Also I would suggest you heavily research the animal before buying it.


Green Mandarin Stats

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons  

Care Level: Difficult  

Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12  

Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"  

Color Form: Orange, Blue, Green  

Temperament: Peaceful  

Reef Compatible: Yes  

Diet:  Carnivore  

Origin: Indo-Pacific  

Family: Callionymidae  


* pay close attention to the italicized words



Yes I was at LiveAquaria.com. That's why my first post references their recommendatoins.

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I find it funny that everybody quotes Liveaquaria.com about husbandry on fish, lol. Liveaquaria is the last place I would look for husbandry tips. Try www.wetwebmedia.com or buy some books on it, they're more thorough, and actually give accurate information :P

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Blind Tree Frog

liveaquaria is easier to find stuff on. As nice as WWW is, they are a pain in the ass when finding condensed info.


Plus he's (they) one of the guys who says 75 gallons per fish almost regardless of what the fish is.

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Originally posted by VicSkimmr

I find it funny that everybody quotes Liveaquaria.com about husbandry on fish, lol.  Liveaquaria is the last place I would look for husbandry tips.  Try www.wetwebmedia.com or buy some books on it, they're more thorough, and actually give accurate information :P


Live Aquaria knows how to care for saltwater fish.

They are doctors you know. If they didn't know how to care for fish, then they wouldn't be selling them. They have some of the most beautiful specimens you can buy.


on the other hand www.wetwebmedia.com has a very unorganized website. This explains why most people don't use that site.

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Please tell me you're joking, reefer.


Liveaquaria will tell you whatever they can to sell you a fish. Wetwebmedia on the other hand, isn't in the MO business...and they have some of the top marine aquarium experts (Anthony Calfo, Bob Fenner, et. al.) giving advice and writing articles.




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