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Green Mandarin in a 10?

Blind Tree Frog

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You know I had all my quotes and excerpts lined up from previous threads I have read, and wholesaler info that I know of from friends who have LFS', but I am not gonna bother, this thread has crashed and burned...why oh why did I ever think I could get it through to you, that a nano is no place for a Mandarin. Oh well.


Dear Mr. Rogers(lgreen),

Please stop molesting the kids...and put your shoes on your feet stink. You know in the good words of my long time childhood friend Hanna Barbarra, I have to say "If Woody had gone to the Mandarin Police, none of this would ever have happened."


thanks for the memories lgreen..lol :x

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ok, so i did some more research and here is what I found. Basically Ditchplains is partially right, but also partially wrong.


I agree, based on my research, that if you get a mandarin that is NOT eating prepare food, the yes, perhaps a larger tank is needed. One author suggested that if not eating prepared food, they should be in a tank with at least 75 lbs. of rock. However, i have seen nothing suggesting a "correct tank size". And i would say it is very possible to put 75 lbs of rock in a 55 gallon tank, and maybe even a 40 gallon. However, I still didn't really see anything suggesting a particular size of tank. One author even suggested that if they are eating prepared food, then tank size is not as important.


It appears that the amount of rock is the limiting factor if you have a mandy that is not eating prepared food, and only the tank size, in that it needs to be able to hold that much rock.


This also doesn't take into account whether or not you have a refugium, which would help quite a bit.


So it depends on what your mandy is eating. It many not be appropriate for a nano either way, but the 75g rule is rediculous.


I would say if you get one that is eating prepaired food, there should be no problem keeping it in a tank probably about 20-30 gallons or larger. Maybe a 10g, if it is really small. Although, they do get to be like 4 inches, so it might get a little cramped when it gets big. Ideally i would like to see them in like 55 gallons or larger, but I do think it is very possible to have a happy mandy in a tank that is a little smaller.




ps...ditchplains: your welcome. I didn't know mr. rogers was a child molester. I guess its alway who you least expect.

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It appears that the amount of rock is the limiting factor if you have a mandy that is not eating prepared food, and only the tank size, in that it needs to be able to hold that much rock.



Yea perhaps I should have corrected myself and stated a tank with extensive rockwork, something not exactly doable in a tank under 40 or 50g, hence the logic behind the 75g tank,only being that stuffing a 2X1 ratio isn't exactly doable in all tanks, depending on shape, and the experience of the user in aqauscaping, without causing deadspots. oh well, it's six and half dozen of the other lgreen.




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