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24G Nano Cube DX Startup, Setup, Manual for newbies, in the works


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It's a little early to tell, but, looks oK to me. One thing that is gone..with the submersible halogen, there was always a brown layer near the light...the heat probably kills a layer. That is disappearing.


As for the aiptasia, no one had peppermints nearby so far. I may have to nail it until I can buy them. SH

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I know it would suck to ship just peppermints and all, but when I was there this past weekend, Premium Aquatics had a whole tank full of them. They have certainly been a PITA to find lately, though.

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My initial cleanup crew was the following:


5 nassarius

2 scarlet hermits

2 blue leg hermits

one skunk cleaner

2 emerald crabs


Since then, added included:

2 margaritas

2 ceriths

2 trochus

3 astrea


Confirmed losses:

2 margaritas

2 scarlet hermits

I believe 1 or 2 nassarius


My last tank pixs are a few pages back but here are the most recent reposted:









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If you're worried about your beautiful display tank being overtaken with aiptasia, then go for the pepermint. I know now that he has been doing the job that I assumed he was doing when I bought my tank.


I looked last week into the back chamber, and saw a little aiptasia. Then I scraped him out. Then I looked farther down. And I screamed. There were probably 2 dozen or so back there. Disgusting critters.


At least now I know that my peppermint is doing something other than just killing featherdusters!

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first off, thanks for the pics....

second...... thats like a cleaning crew of 20 or more............. lol i have like 10

snails and hermits put together lol


^^ also can you take a pic of the banggia, if im seeing it right

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You aren't scoring the glass you are just cutting off the vinyl layer on the back. also theback of the tank isnt the part that is libel to crack, its the from of the tank, most notably were it bends.

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Hey steel, the tank is looking great. I think that's the first time I've have heard of a Banggai...


I think it's about time I get a fish or 2. I want to get true perculas, where did you get yours?

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1) Plusses....interesting look with very distinct colors; unusual; hovers so a little easier to take pictures


2) Negatives....hovers so not a nano action figure; picky eater...only eats mysid and brine; gets a little aggressive when dinner is served


My clown, firefish and Banggai I got from the lfs's. My sixline and yashia came from liveaquaria.com. SH


Some followup


1) As per recommendations, I picked up two peppermint shrimp today. They had a rough acclimation. As soon as they were released on the bottom, my sixline got a 'lean and hungry look'. Was chasing them..butting them...scarin' the s#$%t out of them. I expected to find them mauled when I got home, but, they were both intact.


2) That red macroalgae was finally identified by the professors in Ireland. Here was his ID and quote:


We were looking at the little red alga that you sent to me. It is a pretty little things and is clearly a member of the family Delesseriaceae and even has reproductive structures. We're not sure, but it may be a Haraldiophyllum, a relatively rare and interesting genus. We will send some plants to an expert in the family to see if can add a name.


If anyone missed the original post, here is the link:



The macro has not invaded my corals as yet, but, it is pervasive in the tank.


3) My Hawaiian feather duster left it's tube the other day, showed up in another part of my tank, then has disappeared.


4) Started dosing my tank with SeaChem Iodide. My iodine/idodide levels were undetectable.


5) Purple gorgonian survived a FW bath 2 weeks ago and is thriving again


YAWN...hope this isn't too boring. SH

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Whitney...I started using SeaChem, but, to be honest, it is nearly impossible to make an accurate reading. The blue color is so vague that it is worse than trying to decipher the higher nitrate colors with the API nitrate kit. It comes with a small container of a control which didn't appear to be the exact same color on the color chart, so, I think a zero reading is convincing but trying to read a particular level is extemely difficult.


So, I may check into a Salifert kit. In summary, I don't think this SeaChem kit is good for achieving a particular iodide level. However, getting a zero reading IMO is of concern for low levels. I'll research it further and repost. Good question. SH

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Great you have a rare and unusual algae... :) sell it on ebay! w/ that Prof's statement as backup I see Mega dollars in your future and that algae in an ebayers tank.. LOL J/K (I know you would never do it anyway ;) )


I bet you are glad to at least have it identified. You should update that link too with your findings to complete it for future readers...


Tank as always is looking good!


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I've read that a tank full of softies will consume iodine faster than WCs replace it. With my new frags (mostly softies) and new cleaner shrimp I was worried about iodine levels. I won a bottle of Ocean's Blend Iodine supplement at the reef-geek meeting I went to Saturday night, so I'm all set to adjust my levels as soon as I can get a good, reliable reading.


Maybe between the two of us we can find some feedback on a good, accurate iodine test. I'll see what I can find...

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You spurred me on Whitney..I've totally changed my approach now. See the link you inspired on Iodine supplementation:





And Trekbear..thanks again. Don't faint, but, several people have PM'd me that they want me to ship them some. One has a seahorse tank.



Edited by steelhealr
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Well done Steel. Thank you for sharing that article.


So what is your approach going to be now? Are you giving up on iodine supplementation? I would suspect that your red macro and gorgonian may be the reasons you're getting 0 readings. It's possible they have taken it all up and left none detectable in the water column (at least no iodide).


Do you think it would be wise to try to maintain a detectable level of iodine, but not necessarily the 0.06ppm in ocean water?

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Well..this is my take on it. With regards to the resources available to us, one would conclude that you have to invest in a Salifert iodine/iodide/iodate test kit to make a REASONABLE determination of what one's total iodine levels are in the tank. It's not a cheap kit ( I believe it's over $30). If all levels were low, I would think that it would be appropriate to dose the tank. However, I DON"T think it's wise to just dose it randomly or by rote bottle directions because 'inverts need iodine' or as the prof said, to try and achieve a particular ocean level. Lugol's is probably the best to add, but, also the most risky with regards to developing toxicity. Supplements, such as SeaChem's Iodide, are maybe a little safe, but, there is no prediction unless you test which way the levels will go (eg, will it stay as iodide or convert into iodate).


I think your assumption is dead on. That macroalgae in the tank, being red, brings it under the class of Rhodophyta. Red macros as we have both read now have one of the highest iodine contents. Considering it develops a large surface area as it spreads over the LR, it is probably 'sucking my tank dry' of iodine. Same for the gorg as it is a large frag for the tank. Thanks Whitney...you're keeping me on my toes. SH

Edited by steelhealr
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I found Salifert iodine test kits as low as $23 when I was poking around the net trying to educate myself on this whole iodine thing. Shipping could kill you, but it might be worth it if there were other things you needed to buy from the same web merchant.


If Lugol's is predominately iodide (I-) and elemental iodine (I2), couldn't the antibacterial/antimicrobial properties of the elemental iodine kill off the beneficial bacteria in our tanks?


I'll put a call in to my uncle (he's a "vet" at SeaWorld here in Orlando) and see if he has any input on iodine supplementation.


The manufacturer of the iodine supplement I won at the reef meeting is a member of the club; maybe he would be willing to shed some light on the subject. I'll share any discoveries I make as soon as I get any responses.

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That would be great info to have. From the medical standpoint, yes, if you dose with Lugol's injudiciously, you can potentially affect almost anything in the tank including the biological filter. Rember the term "LD50"? the does at which half a population of organisms would be killed? It is used in experiments when testing meds. Betadine is a solution used to prepare patients skin to kill bacteria prior to surgery. SH

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Bought my Salifert kits from CustonAquatics.com. Good prices. The shipping for one kit is $8.00, I bought 5 different kits and the shipping was only an additonal $1.00/kit for a total of $12.00. Shipping for you should be the same since we're both on the Right coast. Their Iodine kit is $25.

The best prices were from the guy in the classified here but I was too late to get the ones I wanted.

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Thanks Trumph..will look into it. I will probably buy the Salifert test out of curiosity.


Some tank updates:


1) Still haven't seen the peppermint shrimp. Hope they're not toast.


2) Since converting over to the new fuge light and discontinuing my submersible, the chaeto is taking off. Has a much greener color and expanding in volume faster than with the quartz light.


3) I removed my Hydor Flo nozzle to soak it in FW. I temporarily replaced the duckbill. Strange...the outflow was developing a long string-like algae despite the high flow. It doesn't look like hair algae and there is no hair algae in my tank.


Off on vacation. See everyone next week. SH

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