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Lets see those zoanthids!!!!

sir winston mulligan

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sir winston mulligan

i dont use actinics, and i have a 14k halide...*very important* make sure you acclimate your tank to the halide

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Thanks for the tip! Do you think this will be a good start... 2 hours a day and increase every day by 1 hour? Or do you think I should take it slow?


Also what happens when you purchase livestock from a LFS that was not kept under halides? Should you place these at the bottom of the tank or should I decrease my photo period when introducing new live stock?

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I just put corals that were not in the halides into a shady area and then over a period of a few weeks, slowly move them into more direct lighting.

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sir winston mulligan

NEVER SATISFIED REFFER: those are pretty sweet i might have some of those last ones you have(they are still tiny so i can tell)..


i put all new corals on the sand bed..if its some thing thats really needs long acclimation, id get some window screening and put maybe 6-8 layers on top of the tank so that it shades just the coral im acclimating..then remove a layer every 2 days..thats how i acclimated 12g cube to the halide, except i just covered the entire top of the tank...

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lol. i took this just for this thread


my zoo garden under actinics

white balance, -1/3 exposure

no color enhancing

this is what the camera took and this is what they really look like under actinics



these are most of my zoos, there are some in here that are being blocked and you can't see them clearly or something crawled on it and it closed. enjoy :D

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Some of these zoo's yall have are freaking amazing :D

I love sir winston mulligan 1 set of zoo's (they look great!!)






Started out with only a couple and they been growing gangbusters...

Next month I'm going to try and find some more colorful zoo's

I had some bright yellow's but they started touching the ric's and the ric's one :(


In my banner is a shot of the zoo's from the top of the tank down flash only ...

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sir winston mulligan

sweet pics! thanks for the comment on the first set i posted! keep em coming TheCurriculum! oh yeah what part of texas are you from?

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I need to actually take some more pics as most of what I have isn't worth posting




Tank lights had been turned on for about 2 minutes at this point...



About 12 minutes after the lights where on...

In the pic you can see a big stomanela (spelled something like) and a bleached out ric that is actually starting to get a little color back... I'm going to give it a few more weeks before I think about macking a tie tac... found under LR


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sir winston mulligan

cool pics bro! my mom lives in houston..every stop by city pets? they have this 5 dollar frag tank w/lots of coool frags..

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yea, City has some sweet 5$ frags. Just gotta make sure you dont get any flatworms. One came off a mixed zoo frag I bought, good thing it was still in the bag.


Hey winston, Still have the GPE's? UPS ground is a next day point from you to me so regular ground would make it. Ram

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sir winston mulligan

whats up man! yeah they do have a lil flat worm problem in the 5 dolla frag tank..and yes i do still have them! PM me and we will finish working that out.

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Haven't stopped by City Pets in Months... I guess this is the excuse I need to plan an extended lunch break in the next couple of days...

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your pic of that morph of paly is awesome zoaholic. mine above it came out kinda washed out. nice photo.


Belowh20- what time span is that growth pic?

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sir winston mulligan

wow! i leave for 2 days and i come back to all these sweet pics!!

awesome pics guys and gals!!

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