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Coral Vue Hydros

Tigahboy's Bucket-o-Fish


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whoa..$250 for the pico...I wonder how much it would cost for one sufficient for my 67g. I got my MRC for $150 so that will be quite a price jump.

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the pico is rated for 150gals or something like that. I heard this cr is too efficient to be ran 24/7. They recommend it being ran on a timer. Damn if I know what that means. Seems like rubbish but hey, just more testament to the makers. Efficiency is probably 10% (arbitrary number ) tops between all current popular reactors in my opinion. I just like they way it was designed. No fugly key hole flanges, easy access. my only grip is the thing that keeps media from entering the pump doesnt always set right. No john guest fittings, and the glued on maxijet 1200. I'd like to be able to replace it if it broke. Otherwise, I'll let you guys know how the thing works out when I get more experience with it.

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Here's a growth pic of the "Orange Crush" Acan...about 4 full heads and 2-3 baby heads in about 2 months time (started w/ only 2 small heads). crazy fast.





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Everytime I see one of your tanks, and then look at mine I think to myself "be the tigah, be the tigah." As always, looking good.

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their mommies will miss them.


Green and baby blue acan



Rainbow acan



Red & Grey acan lord



I think I'm definitely getting more used to using the dremel. always a little nervous before I start, but no losses for this round of fragging. Pics were taken about 30 minutes after fragging...already poofing back up.

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lmao. I wish I could get ahold of that rainbow frag. Let me know if you wanna trade some acro for acro and birdsnest sometime. I need to replace my lost acro and b/n and add some color. Unless of course you wanna donate to the "Kogut can't leave his tank for more than a day or corals fall on each other and die" fund. ;) Hahaha. I still have to look @ your tank every day and just stare in awe at it. ;)

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timb000 - hehe. i hated to frag those guys, but I put it up on ebay since I'm scrounging for some money to pay for some unexpected medical expenses. blah!


Kogut - we can work something out. But I seriously refuse to drive out to Valencia again! haha. send me pics of what you want to trade via PM and I'll see what I can do.

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WOW This is the first time Ive seen your tank and I must say it looks amazing. One of the nicer Ive seen. How long has it been set up for? I bet those acan frags on ebay will go for over 1000+

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those frags better go for over a grand! for the rainbow and lord frag alone you would probably get around 600-800 i bet. anyway, gl on the auction! (tooooooo expensive for my tastes but, as always, i love the rainbow!)

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Yoshiod - thanks! we'll see how it goes. don't want to jinx it. =P


Vic - Sorry, dude. M. danae is still too small to frag...i wish they grew a little faster. But I'll let ya know when it's ready.


larnie - duly noted. hehe.

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Reefer Addict

Tigah-Keep forgetting to ask you were you scored your pink yuma.


Let me know if you are willing to give up the source.



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