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Tigahboy's Bucket-o-Fish


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I actually like the Sailfin, Zebrasoma veliferum...but those get way too big, rite?


Chevron is cool too. I was thinking yellow tangs since I was under the assumption that they are the smaller of the Tangs. I prefer butterflyfish more than tangs tho...but the whole reef cautious stuff makes me paranoid.

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ive seen yellow tangs grow to a good 8 or 9 inches. I don't think the size difference between it and other tangs will come into play until much much later on the line. You might want to ask about growth rates though, as that's a more impending issue

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I think Kole (yellow eyed) tangs are the shiznit. They stay a little smaller too. Purple and yellow are also great choices.


I've heard alot of people bash GARF, but they keep butterflies for aiptasia control in their prop tanks. They have some decent info about this on their page, just to let you know. They mainly keep copperbands, supposedly their more reef-safe than the others.

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YoYo, nice teardrop, tigah! Its sweet!


I just got a purple/blue crocea that was DROPPED! lol Check thread in the invert forum.


Shhhh! I'm planning on getting a mandarin for my new setup as well... again shhh! (its in the lfs show tank, eating live foods, btw)

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it was supposed to be the "rainbow" yuma that has been circulating around recently. but it's green hues are very very faint, so it doesn't look as nice as the pictures imo. oh well. still a nice yuma overall.



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where'd you pick that piece up from? aquadesignz? if so, i've heard that anthony sometimes reallllllly misrepresents the corals he is selling. still quite nice though.

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yeah...i've heard the same. but I've seen others w/ this "rainbow" yuma and none of theirs looks as good as any of the pictures...kinda weird.

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tell him you want your money back then! cause a stink, hell, if i paid what you paid for it, i'd tell him i wasn't satisfied with the representation he presented and that i want a refund or something like that.


check out eric's stuff at www.fragfarmer.com he's out your way and i've heard that he sells quality stuff.

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haha...i think it's the same yuma at fragfarmer.com (and a bunch of other places). and I saw what it looks like from fragfarmer...pretty much the same as mine.


Yeah, I hear good stuff about eric and his stock tho. I definitely need to check it out one of these days.

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On another note...I got my calcium reactor from myreefcreations.com yesterday as well. went in on that group buy over on RC.


Once I work my way thru the crazy amount of packing styrofoam, I'll take a pic. Still need the CO2 tank and guage, etc.

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sweet...i'm waiting for my ballast to get here so i can finally put some light up over the 10gallon. lol. it already has two fish, around 20lbs of lr and 20lbs of ls and i'm storing the pinkish orange and green ricordea frags in their till they attach. i put a pygmy angel and the bastardly strawberry psuedochromis(purple dottyback...can't remember the scientific name...porypheus maybe). that thing was a terror until i put the angel in!! the angel put that fool in check so damn quickly! lol. anyway, i'll be posting new pics sometime soon. hope the 67setup is goin well.

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why mrc? Ive heard some bad reviews about them. Well to be honest, mixed reviews. I shelled out for the reef fanatic co2 and 10lb bottle. I think it was like 240 overall. The regulator/solenoid unit looks OEM but they got great reviews so yeah I shelled out. Just a thought though.

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yeah, I was planning on going w/ the same one you recommended. it was this one, rite?



I heard mixed reviews on RC too, but those that I personally know w/ the MRC reactor seem to like it a lot. I think what ultimately got me was the reasonable price and the fact that we got a lil discount for the group rate and the shipping fee waived. Didn't end up costing me an arm and a leg.

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yeah that's what I got. I didnt get the monitor. Im too broke now. If i were going to get something, It'd be a controller. I'm currently saving up for one as we speak. As far as the mrc goes, I dunno. It looks nice but I would much rather shell out an extra 20% to save myself from headaches later on. So I ended up getting a schuran jetstream pico. It's been collecting dust for the last 3months (?). I'm hoping to get it up and going and putting my massive hours of planning into action. I hope you enjoy your new toy.

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ps What I mean is that even though they say they like it. How many reactors have they gone through? Enough to make a comparison? Ive read absolutely no problems with the schuran models, whereas there have been problems with the mrc. I know my argument here has little sustenance but do you kinda get my point? It's a risk with such a big purchase either way you look at it. I guess all one can really do at this point is make due with what luxuries we can afford.

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http://www.schuran.com/index_e.html. I got hooked up, 250 for the reactor. I guess I shoulda gotten it through atlantis but Im ####y. I shopped to make myself happy. It seems nice anyway. and smells like chemicals. I heard the 1 rocks but they didnt have it in stock, and it wasnt necessary for a 25gal. I hope this one will rock as well. Actually, it better rock or I'm going to get very moody.
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nip...i understand. i usually dont like to skimp on equipment either. but yeah, it was the cost factor for sure. put in a lot for all the other aspects of the new set-up, so just trying to make do.


but i do want to check it out if you have a link...could also do a switcharoo before i set it up. =)


edit: thanks for the link!

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