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Cultivated Reef

Tigahboy's Bucket-o-Fish


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Haha. I didn't get a single hair cut since I started this 30g project until just recently. Before that, I used to get haircuts twice a week.

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for those that just PM'd me regarding the "thinning" of my tank. lol. I do prefer local trades first...then I'll get back to those out of state if I have stuff available still. I don't have a vendor fedex account so it costs an arm and a leg to ship out of state fedex priority overnight.

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Nice pics, especially the shot of the blasto! What is that little yellow thing in the pic, a sponge? Looks cool...


Did you want to do that trade next week?

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yellow cucumber.


haha. your PM box is forever full. I sent email to you instead yesterday. I can ship on Monday if that's cool. you'll get it by Tuesday 10:30 AM.

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10" Red Devil



Not to sound like a jerk, but what is the perfect size setup for his sps?


I mean arent all of our systems technically too small for alot of these corals.

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i like the cluttered look, u know what they say: "your tank isn't complete until you fill it up with enough corals so that you can't see your LR" ...or something like that?

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Ahh... the dreaded groupie attack.


I wasn't speaking ill of tb's tank, I just wanted to offer an opinion for him to take or leave. It was only done in an effort to help.


When SPS are competing for space, one will end up destroying the other. Unless, of course, you frag the hell out of them to keep them small.


Fragging them too much can cause color loss, tissue damage, distorted growth patterns, and can even lead to the death of the coral.


On top of that, the beauty that is SPS can't really be enjoyed until they've had a chance to grow out and color up in a healthy system where they are not bothered.


As for a perfect size, there isn't one. I've seen SPS doing well in an Aquavase.


Now, to have them grow out, you will need some space. How much space depends on the coral, how well you want it to do in the tank, and how large you're willing to let it get.


I just happened to notice his being very close together so I made a comment to make sure he was aware of this as well.

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speez - not sure about that. I think it's just better to keep them from touching each other tho.


BelowH20 - the orange monti cap I'm gonna be sending over to you is shown towards the top of the pic above.

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Hey if you want...after all is said and done with local trades could you make me a list of what you would be willing to sell and send to Miami? I just started a new 24g JBJ and I'm hoping to get the lights in soon from nanocustoms. I have a 25g at home that would house them beautifully until my new tank is fully cycled. I'm especially interested in the red yuma as its the only color i DONT have in my 50+ ric/yuma collection. also the red blasto and any of the SMALLER acan frags.


Oh and i almost forgot ;)

Your tank is absolutely amazing! I have seen hundreds of tanks and cant remember ever seeing a more amazing collection of corals.

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nano_mike00 - rbaby would KILL me if I sold to someone else. haha. but w/ that said, I dont think I plan to sell my one and only yuma. if it for some reason makes tons of babies, things may change. =)


Maxvan1 - nope, haven't calculated costs...and I don't plan to. =) I might get depressed. In terms of number of coral pieces...I guess around 40-50?


BKtomodachi - it's a very heavy bucket of fish tho.

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10" Red Devil



I hope that comment wasnt directed towards me. I am far from a Tigahboy group, for one thing I would never follow anyone with that screen name, no offense tigahboy, im sure there is a good story behind that name.


But I was just kinda curious as to the sizes these acros get, I just wanted to get some edumacation for when I do my sps tank, I have done sps in a 20 long, very similar to Tigahs, but I had to tear it down after only 6 months due to a long move. I didnt have as many as Tigah though so the space issue was not as much of a concern, but your comment got me thinking.



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haha. enuf w/ the groupie BS. nobody is anybody's groupie. period. =P


and yes, my username is silly...made it in high school and I just like to stick w/ it for consistency. =P

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I need to work on improving my fish photography skillz...I took like a million, and this was the best I could do. haha.




Aside from these 2, I have:


1 diamond goby

1 hi fin red banded goby

1 barnacle blenny

1 6-line wrasse

1 mandarin


my 6-line wrasse found its way down to the sump/fuge tank. I'm having a hard time getting it out.


p.s. mandarin has only been in my tank for a week.

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