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New 29 gallon

The Speez

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somehow they all look better than the super horrible yellow picture. All 3 are a much better representations of the true color of the tank than the previous pictures.

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man...my vision is failing me...but from what I can see...it looks like you are bitin my calc reactor! hahha. j/p, bro. tell me how set-up goes cuz I have no idea how to set mine up. =P


edit: oops, didnt notice the bigger pic until after i posted this.

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I want to keep about 3 clams and I hate remembering to dose B-Ionic everyday so I figure this will help.


Tigah- I will give you all the info I can on setting this damn thing up. I have emailed Andy 4 times today (he probably hates me by now) and I think it's coming together. I am just running out of plug space..HAHA I might have to get an electrician install another outlet...damn this hobby is expensive X)

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Thanks for the compliment Got Reef....I'm not rich but I figure that if I ever upgrade to a larger tank that I will have all the pieces I need. The Calc Reactor will make life much easier as I will never have to think about dosing for Calc/Alk anymore. I plan on more SPS and Clams so I figure stable parameters will be extemely beneficial to my system.

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Here is the tank after 30 minutes of running with the reactor. It is a little cloudy with the calcium media being stirred up for the first time.


I will take another picture this evening when things have cleared up.

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I having bubble control issues with my Milwakee CO2 Regulator. Look on RC, some people have had issues with this controller as well. I would buy a different brand.


SPS time baby! Also at some point I'm gonna get a gold Maxima and maybe a crocea. The skys the limit :)

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The water is 100% cleared up. My Alkalinity has already gone from 7 to 9.5 in 1 day and it seems like it has stabilized right around 10.


The pH dropped for 8.5 to 8.1 and stabilized. The effluent water is 6.8 and hasn't changed either.


I fixed the regulator by adjusting the working pressure to 20 PSI and using the needle valve to set the bubble rate. Milwakee suggests that the working PSI be set at 10 and the needle valve not be used except for very fine tuning, but I found (along with countless others on RC) that using the main adjustment knob is nearly impossible to set the flow correctly. I can get no bubbles or a steady stream using the big knob of the regulator, but otherwise cannot set the rate without the needle valve.


Also, at 10PSI the flow of CO2 is highly irratic. My suggestion for anyone who cares is to set the working PSI @ 25 and use the needle valve to get 20-30 bursts per min.


Then again no one is crazy enough to put a Calcium Reactor on a nano reef except for maybe Tigah and myself. Whatever, watch how fast our SPS grows and how colorful the get.

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Thanks for the nice comments everyone!


Since I've got an established refugium, functioning skimmer, and calc reactor, its time to start with some hardcore stocking.


I am thinking of adding a piece of tonga LR to connect the two peaks and load it up with SPS. Primarily Montipora Digitata species just cause I like them. Also, I'd love to have a bunch of zoos and rics covering the bottom, but I'm gonna save some room for a gold Maxima.


Also 1 or 2 acan pieces at some point and blastos....I gotta stop typing now. Too much Champagne and Chianti Classico Reserva with my Rib Eye tonight.

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Originally posted by The Speez

Then again no one is crazy enough to put a Calcium Reactor on a nano reef except for maybe Tigah and myself.  Whatever, watch how fast our SPS grows and how colorful the get.




I'm insulted

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