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New 29 gallon

The Speez

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This is my new 29gal reef. I'm running it skimmerless with a eco-style refugium/sump. The pic was taken yesterday @ 2 months.


Let me see if I can post a few pics then I'll explain more.

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Wow it worked!


Here is the deal....The tank is a custom made 29 long with a built in overflow W/ durso style standpipe. The sump is a eco-system refugium with 4 types of Macro. That is my only export mechanism besides some carbon.


The return is a Mag 7 hard plumbed that leads to a SCWD and to drilled returns.


There is about 45-50 lbs live rock and this point. All the life with the exception of the open brain and 2 firefish were transfered from a nano cube and a mini bow 7 that are no longer set up (THANK GOD!)


I just ordered a Tunze top-off system that will essentially make this tank fully automated...(except for feeding and dosing (bionic))


The lighting is a orbitz 130 watts PC which essentailly gives me 4.5 watts per gal..ok for zoo, softies, and maybe a lower light sps near the very top.


Here is a large tank shot

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Thanks Bin


The fuge is running on 13 watts P.C, which seems to absolutely do the trick. I've NEVER been able to run a reef (4th tank I've done in the last 5 yrs) at 0 ppm Nitrates and with the macro algae the nitrates are 0, and they have been growing out of control..I will need to prune them real soon.

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thanks Tigahboy,

Ive been crusing this site for a few months getting ideas, and your tank definitely provided some inspiration.


Yeah it is acrylic, custom made by local guy in Sacramento. I tried my best to make the tank look very clean and simple, that was a big issue for me.


Do you ever have heat issues with the 250 MH?? I should have bought an aquamedic 250 instead....in due time. Do you think an lower light SPS (digitata sp?) would be possible towards the top.

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Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I didn't notice this comment until now. Thanks for the kind words!


I'm a huge fan of the "clean and simple" look as well. =)


Get a MH...it's worth it. I'll elaborate more in response to your PM.

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You know who is a punk....Tigahboy..he's like dude get a MH and I start thinking oh, maybe I should get a MH!.....yeah, so 2 days later here I am with a new light...


Ice Cap 175 Watt MH 10K with 52 watts supplemental PC lighting.....that 227 watts...quite an upgrade from the Orbitz 130 watts of PC huh??


Anyone want to buy 130 watt PC fixture (IT HAS MOONLIGHTS..OH BOY!)


Tigahboy what is your phone#, so I can give it to my girlfriend so she can call and yell at you when she finds out I bought this light instead of the new office furniture I promised her.

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good reply! No, I'm really excited to throw some MH on this tank. I just needed some (any) encouragement to throw away more $$.


I was jusk 100% kidding :)

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Oh...if you want to "throw away" more money...I can help you do that EASILY. but i think it's not really throwing away...it's more like investing.

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last shot with the 130 watts PC lighting....next one will be with 175 watt 10K Ushio MH and 56 watts actinic suplement....then it's time to buy SPS!!!!


Check out the frogspawn in the middle...i moved it up higher and it is going nuts in w/ more light and flow.

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