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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

New 29 gallon

The Speez

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got light!


test fired it last night and it worked great...hung the light today and............nothing......


tried other outlets, plugs, direct to walll, re-pluged all compontents, re-screwed in bulb...nothing...



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im thinking the bulb probably blew...


or worse, the ballast isn't working, try to find someone close to let u borrow a bulb, or just call the place/person you bought the lights from and ask them what's the deal with the lights, worked for 1 day then died the next. good luck

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Man, that sucks. How long did you leave it on? Sometimes MH take awhile to restart, so see if you can switch it back on and just wait like 10-20 minutes. But yeah, it does sounds like a bulb blew out. Should give the company a call and demand replacement! =)

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I let it "rest" and turned the light on again for 20 min....nothing,


The light is from Premium aquatics so I'll call on Monday and get a new bulb. Also, the hangar kit they sent was for the wrong light, so I rigged one up at Home Depot.


Never had an issue like this with any other online vendor.

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premium aquatics is supposed to be good too...but it's probably cuz it was shipped for such a long distance...it probably got bounced around and crap, or the UP* folks probably played kick ball w/ the box.

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went to LFS and got new hamilton 10k 175 bulb....works great! Only paid $100 for a friggin lightbulb....CAN YOU SAY HIGHWAY ROBBERY?


I even brought all my lighting equip. to test it there! Also re-plumbed mag 7 to scwd with larger diameter piping and I would say that just about doubled my flow!


Will have pics of new and improved tank later!

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I'm going to Cancun on Thursday and will be back on Jan 3rd, so the neighbor's in charge of top offs, dosing, and feeding..YIKES..


Therfore, I'm holding off on the bad ass SPS until I get back....but then it is ON!


I found out there are some killer places in SF for more "exotic" SPS, RICS, and ZOOS so I gonna check it on in 05'!!


I did get an orange digitata s.p? from a LFS that was killing it..$20 for 2 frags.....Tips were bleaching...with better water quality and calcium in my tank there is already signitficant polyp growth bringing it back...

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new scaping job (not a major redo, just more cosmetic)!


I am super happy with how my tank is turning out. MH is like 10 millions time better than PC!


Right Side:

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New "Cove"


This is for the brain to get HUGE and the yellow watchman goby to hang out....does anyone think he would possibly pair up with a pistol shrimp if I got one?




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yah, it would, you definatley should get either a Tiger pistol or Randall's pistol. That is the only thing your tank is missing. They are so fun to watch, IMO the best thing in saltwater! Oh, BTW, I love the tank it looks great! I'm really really big on the clean look, and yours does that perfectly. Keep posting pics, and definately get a pistol ASAP!

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Okay...I got sick off remembering to topping off twice a day....so here it is!


I esentially didn't want to take the risk of having a flood with a plunger style top off (kent marine) because I really dont want to ruin the 80 year old hardwood floors in my house, so I went with a Tunze Osmalatorizetradog whatever....it works. also, the sensor is a laser, so there are no moving parts - thus there is almost 0 chance that it sticks ON.


anyways, check it.

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If you are going to get a pistol make sure you get the right one. Find a pistol that comes from the same area as the goby. Nice tank too. Are those firfish a pair how come they dont fight? Also what tye of rock are you using and could you take some close ups of the corals especialy that frogspawn looks great

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thanks for the pistol shrimp tip newbie....Im leaving today until Jan 3rd so I'll take pics when I get back.


I think firefish are happier in 2 or 3's , thus why I got 2. They are buddies and dont pick on each other at all. In fact, most online vendors recommend keeping them in a group.


The rock is a mix of Fiji and Tonga branch that has been in other tanks (my old ones for 1 year now). I will be getting some Kalini to make shelves for SPS when I get back. I want the tank to have a feeling of depth (front to back) and have not yet been able to accomplish that by stacking rock vertically.


I'm still not totally sold on the whole pistol shrimp thing...I'll decide at a later time.


Check back in January for some "rare" SPS (Tigaboys term) or whatever....just corals that make me happy and make the tank look lively and nice. That is when the real stocking will begin :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

got back from cancun to find the tank going crazy.....xenia had grown up the back wall and split 3 times....digitata had gained 1/2 inch and the piece that wasnt doing so hot had also came back and started new growth.


So I got some new stuff yesterday...impulse buy...


Also, I'm going to aquarium concepts in a few days in hayward which supposedly has some awsome stuff.....

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