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Sturgi_ADA60p [update]


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Here is how the tank sits 7-16-2022


Tank: ADA 60p 

Lights: XR15G4 pro with rms mount

Sump/Refugium: Micro-reef custom 9.5 gallon. 

Overflow: xaqua in/out

Return pump: Hydor seltz d750

Sicce voyager 2000

Skimmer: none at the moment


Tank inhabitants:

clown goby

chromis (x2)

clown fish (x2)


flame algea

blue hypnea

carpeting halemida 


shaving brush macro


kryptonita candy cane coral

duncan coral

unknown lps


total tank volume is roughly 23 gallons. 

SG: 35ppt

PH 8.01

ammonia: 0

Nitrate: 3.5ppm

Phosphate: .007ppm







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Ordered the remaining parts to complete the system today super excited. 
Drilling the tank will be nerve racking but once completed I’ll love the minimalist look. 

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3 hours ago, Sturgi_0225 said:

Drilling the tank will be nerve racking but once completed I’ll love the minimalist look. 

Don't sweat it, if you've never done it before it's easier than it sounds.

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1 hour ago, Reefkid88 said:

Oh yeahhh !!! I haven't been this excited for someones build in a long time like I am for this one. 

Thanks @Reefkid88
Hoping to not disappoint now, I’ve seen your builds! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hard to get a good picture this late with lights going down but we officially have water. 

waiting to see where temperature stabilizes and plan on adding algae barns nitro cycle a come tomorrow. 

Still have a few things to grab and sort, my little dc pump burnt up today and my power head isn’t functioning properly….. My plan is to get an ai Nero 3. 



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  • Sturgi_0225 changed the title to Sturgi_ADA60p [cycling]

So the MP10 QD took a dump, luckily it was purchased from a local reefer who refunded my money. 

in a pinch I bought the cheap Sicce voyager nano 2000 and honestly for the money this thing is awesome. 

it’s compact and super quiet, more quiet then an mp10 and 1/10 of the price, anyone needing a power head should definitely consider one of these things. 

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Also to cycle I used the turbo start 900 with algea barns nitrocycle.


tadays readings 

api test:
ammonia: approx 6ppm

nitrates: 40ppm

These test are 24hours after adding products to tank. 

been having trouble with keeping Salinity stable, I think partly due to adding too much RO to replace what’s evaporated but I mixed salt this am and added to tank and so far it’s sitting around ~1.025 will test all again this evening 

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So I learned with turbo start it cycles immediately… however I still waited a week watched parameters waited for ammonia to drop did wc then added some macros. Here is how it sits today. 

Need to get a blue light filter


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  • Sturgi_0225 changed the title to Sturgi_ADA60p [corals added]
  • 2 weeks later...

It’s been a few since I’ve updated. Not much has changed other then Diatoms have shown up. 
doing weekly WC of 5 gal but may change it to more frequent smaller WC. 

corals and clown goby all seem happy the few hermits and snails are still kicking. 

My next purchase will be a controllable pic Powerhead, To help regulate flow along with a bigger CUC 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some natural light pictures

added these macros last night


shaving bush


picking up blue hypnea tonight and some gorgonians 




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Today we added some fish

two clowns 

two chromis 

also added blue hypenea (definitely more purple to my eyes) and my first gorgonian. 


tested parameters today as well


nitrate- 3.5ppm 


ph 8.0




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  • Sturgi_0225 changed the title to Sturgi_ADA60p [update]
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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