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The Retreat 2.5


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New monti is showing white spots all over and the monti thats been here for awhile is like turning dark on top but still has it original green around the rim and around each polyp? Hammer coral also wont open now

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Could be skeleton showing up. 

What are your parameters? 

also as @fenderchamp pointed out, that could be your photoperiod that isn't appropriate to the new coral you added recently? or the flow?


if that happens suddenly, it's best to go back and try to figure out what has changed in your system in the past few days.

Compare your parameters to the last read you took.


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I moved the monti down and he is already starting to look better- will check params once I get test kits. I am thinking that being more regular with WC, cleaning and feeding will help stabilize everything (duh) so going to get on a schedule to do that

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Photoperiod/strength is weird in such a small tank, especially since I am trying to keep so many different types of coral w different needs. RN just focusing on moving down to 12 hr photoperiod

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Monti has totally recovered since moving him to the sand bed! Going to slowly turn light intensity down a bit and also find a new spot for the montis

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well idk what started happening but RTN took all of my acros, the birdsnest, and half of each of the montis- the montis have stopped dying back and all the other corals are recovering. For awhile I thought I would lose everything and crash but regular water changes and removing the xenia (heard something about them releasing toxins when theyre upset) and everything is progressing! Cyano growth is slowing every week, I just have a huge hair algae fight I am in. So nice to see things perking up after weeks of deaths I couldnt stop😭

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