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The Retreat 2.5


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Well update: caulerpa everywhere!!! Was away from the tank for a bit and my grape caulerpa took over. Going to trim that back and then get to gluing! Also, there are some discs that have started forming on the glass (you can see them in the front right corner). What are these? Not coralline right?


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Picked up some more coral today- a rainbow acan, a bright green shroom, and some blue zoas. I really want to post pictures and such but my scape needs work and I am really frustrated by the lack of picture quality I can get😔 

going to rescape and post some pics anyway tomorrow

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Whole scape has been redone, and added a peppermint (Wurdemanni from ORA) to see if he will munch on some aiptasia and to add some action to the tank. Corals are angry but I will try to take some pics today

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I have tested nitrate all along this journey, and have never had readable levels (using a salifert kit) even after heavy feeding the day before. I am worried this will be a problem, especially since I don't have a phosphate test kit right now

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1 hour ago, greenerdayz said:

I have tested nitrate all along this journey, and have never had readable levels (using a salifert kit) even after heavy feeding the day before. I am worried this will be a problem, especially since I don't have a phosphate test kit right now

Nitrate tends to swing slowly and for whatever reason dry rock seems to really sink allot of N03 and P04 into it, causing algae and all sorts of oddities for the first year or so. You could try dosing with something cheap like Seachem's Nitrate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I cut all my caulerpa out- and within 2 weeks dinos are everywhere 😞 I am getting a turkey baster and adding more biodiversity to help out-compete it but I am feeling real discouraged. UGH.

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  • 1 month later...

Have some livestock updates!


1x Greenbanded Goby (he is awesome!!!)

Aiptasia is gone! Peppermint did wonders

Red Gracilaria 

Added 2 TINY snails that look like limpets but with tall shells if that makes sense


Still fighting some dinos, but they seem less long and reddish brown and more clumpy/gray now. I dose some phyto 2-3x a week (love my pods haha) and feed pellets 2x and frozen 2-3x. It is a lot of nutrients but the gracilaria and what is left of the grape caulerpa love it! Corals are growing too- I have 2 new heads on the acan, the florida ricordeas are growing fairly quick too. Still can't figure out placement for the blue zoas but they are doing ok. The Leptastrea is weird; some days it looks great and others it looks uncomfy...


What is next:

- getting good pics and posting them!!!!!!!!!

- considering some high-light corals for the top flat rock and moving what is up there (the gorg up there almost never has more than 20% of its polyps out, it is clearly too bright)

- deciding whether I want to bump up to the 6 gallon this summer and restart figuring out everything😂

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  • 1 month later...

Good news and bad news- tank went through some major neglect as I wrapped up my undergraduate degree in Organismal Biology!!! So: the glass was entirely coralline, there was red slime and all sorts of nuisance stuff everywhere. I spent like 4 hours yesterday cleaning this 8.5" by 9.5" little glass box... and it is clean!!! I scrubbed the rocks, cleaned out the overflow and pump and everything looks much happier (altho my acan literally doubled its heads) and the tank looks nice again. Still don't know why coralline only grows on glass and not on rocks but hopefully the scrub will help. Going to be ordering some new cleaners that are more appropriate for what I need and trading out the old ones. Also ordering some more coral!!! Idk what yet but will send pics when I do. (Thinking about trying out my first SPS but am unsure right now; tank is at 7 months and even w some neglect everything survived and seemed stable so🤷‍♂️)


P.S.- I have started thinking about what the logistics will look like for the 6 gallon 😈

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Ordered some frags! Got some sps and a pulsing xenia- they get here Tuesday so I will post some pics when they arrive and then after they settle



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First 4 corals are here! They all look great and the neon birdsnest is especially🔥

Some red cyano is coming back ugh but still tweaking flow and scape to make sure SPS are happy- *takes deep breath* Its a work in progress😀

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last 2 got here and I am super impressed, especially for the prices. Rough pic of the crew before bedtime, two new guys are the lepto and moldy green-orange lump (echinata) in the front


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Everyone had settled in really well! Birdsnest looks happy, monti has recovered the tiny bleached bit from moving, and the tan lady lepto has already shown some solid growth! Have to figure out the spots for a few things right now since the ricordea and acan don't get along, and I am still having cyano issues😭

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So I went to feed the goby some pellets and he has a bunch of white growths on his head/body/fins 😔 I am thinking its bacterial? 


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It looks to be bacterial tufts so I am going to keep the water pristine and feed him frozen only w selcon to help him fight it

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Some of the newbies are taking their time opening up, a little worried so going to do a 30%ish WC tonight. Also going to start cutting my photo period down (its at 12.5 hrs!!!) since my cyano wont go and now I have some sort of hair algae (I think) starting to grow with my increased feeding schedule. Going to take my time and hope that it helps- really don't know what else to do 😭

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How long have you been fighting dinos for, 4 months now, since you removed your calerpa? 


Have you been having problems consistently with them this whole time? 


Are you feeding live phyto daily? 


You've been adding new frags for about the last month haven't you,  how long has the goby been in there?


 What is you photo period at now, and  how high in inches is your light fromi the top of the aquarium, do you keep a lid on it, and if so of what material is it, and how many watts are you running your light at? 


How often are you changing water, and how much and what other cleaning/maintanence are you performing on the tank?  


How often and what are you feeding the fish/corals?


Do you have pods that you can see? 


I've had pretty good luck rip cleaning my tank about every week and doing %100 water changes at that time and topping off for evaporation.  I don't have a fish though, so...   


How do you think removing the sand from your tank would effect the Goby? 


You might consider posting a few clear full tankish shots under whites (like when you just turn the light from the main dashboard of the AI app) to help people get an idea about how you tank is going. 


One in the evening right before lights off when your dinos are showing themselves to max effect might be helpful.

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I am finding that dinos have come and gone, but the red blanket cyano is REALLY bad rn. Goby is basically fully recovered with lots of feeding and using selcon, so that is good. I havent been feeding phyto for awhile but maybe I should probably kick that up again. Photo period is just over 12 hrs, moving it slowly down to 12 even. Light is at about 12 watts 12” from top with a glass lid, I was feeding corals every other day pretty heavy and when I slow down the dinos and cyano kick up pretty quick. I hadn't changes the water for about 3 weeks, did one the other day and everything was PISSED. Haven’t seen pods since about a month after the goby showed up, he really gets after them I think. Ill pull out dinos/cyano/whatever pest is growing once a week or two

When I said dinos come and go I mean over time they return a little and then slow and cycle

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