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120g La Ville des Poissons 🐚 Well that didn’t last long 😢

ECLS Reefer

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ECLS Reefer

According to Greek mythology, the Garden of the Hesperides was owned by the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus. The Hesperides were nymphs that lived within the garden and tended it for Hera. They helped maintain the tree of golden apples said to give immortal life to anyone to ate of them. I don't have a garden full of nymphs but I could consider my fish to be little nymphs tending their own garden of special apples, which if all goes according to plan will grow for a very very long time.





So here is the new system set up:



Neptunian Cube 120g with sump

Started (5/29/20)



Inkbird temperature controller

Hydor 400 watt heater

Smart ATO micro

Trigger systems Emerald 5g ATO reservoir

Jebao DCP 8000 Sine wave return pump

Ice cap 1K gyre wave pump

Reef octopus 110 INT skimmer

Redsea 90 LED x2

Jebao 4 channel dosing pump

Marine color 3 chamber dosing container + 1 single chamber

Marine Color 4 channel tubing holder

Wifi single channel multiplug

Single channel multiplug

Telescoping lightbulb fixture

Highgrow 36W blue LED bulb

Small shop light



Filter Media: 

Seachem Matrix carbon 

Seachem Phosguard 

In Tank Filter floss -or- Poly filter

Filter socks x 2

Water change schedule - Hopefully monthly or even less frequently!



Dosing Schedule:

Seachem Reef fusion 1 BID

Seachem Iodide (actually out of this but usually BID)

Brightwell Aquatics Magnesion (off currently)

Seachem Reef Fusion 2 (off currently)

Seachem Reef Trace weekly on Wednesdays

Strontium (currently Kent) Q 4 days

Brightwell Microbacter 7 weekly

Testing schedule - weekly on Friday or saturday




Carib Sea Arag Alive white sand 100lbs

Purple live rock from LFS~ 20lbs

Maori live rock from LFS- 26lbs

Pukani dry rock (currently culturing and not mature yet) 50-60lbs

Media blocks in sump




Starry blenny

Black snowflake clown fish pair

Yellow tail damsel

Yellow Coris wrasse

Leopard wrasse

Tricolor (clown) wrasse

Bicolor blenny 

Yellow watchman goby 

Fire shrimp 

Peppermint shrimp x 2

Pincushion urchins

Tiger sand conchs

Electric blue hermit crabs

Halloween hermit crabs

Emerald crabs

Dwarf blue hermit crabs

Tiger pistol shrimp

Bumble bee snails

Trochus snails 

Nerite snails 

Asterina snails 

Cerith snail 


Bristle worms-- very few and those all transplants from the Evo.


Green Star polyp x 1 mat

Branching GSP x2

Palys x1 (nebula)

Palys x MANY (not sure on the species but pretty and fast growing)

Purple rhodactus mushroom x 1

Hammer x 2

Torch x1

Green/red Montipora x1

Red montipora x 2

Rainbow mdntipora x 1

Green/blue montipora x 1

Purple Monti x 1

Lime Milliopora x 1

Strawberry staghorn x 1

Green zoa x 1

Blue zoo x 1

Mystery zoa x 2

orange and white gorgonian x1

Leathers x 2

Blue Kenya tree x 1

Sinularia x 3

Pavona x 2

Poccilopora x 1

Rainbow acans x 2

Acan lordowensis x 1

Frogspawn x 1

Cup or scroll coral x 1 

Goniopora x 1

Alveopora x 1

Toadstool x 2 

Elegance x 1

Brain coral x 2

Ricordea x many on one Tonga branch

Yellow ricordea x 1

Rainbow ricordea x 1

Donut coral x 1

Duncan polyp x 1

Chalice x 1

Rock flower anemone x7

Sherman Rose/Black Widow hybrid bubble tip anemone



Feeding Schedule:

Frozen: cyclops & brine/Nyos Gold pods/zooplankton/phytoplankton/two droppers of selcon/ 2/8ths teaspoon of reef roids -- three times per day for leopard wrasse

Frozen: cyclops, brine, marine cuisine, emerald cuisine, reef frenzy, mysis, reef plankton, plankton/ phytoplankton/ zooplankton/ three droppers of selcon/ Zoe/ 2/8th  

              teaspoon dried spirulina/ 3/8ths teaspoon reef roids/ saltwater--- once per day for all critters

Seaweed -- every couple of days for blennies

Pellets: hikari carnivore blend/herbivore blend/ algae pellets -- every other day or so for sump dwellers and display tank

RedSea Coral Nutrition A & B - every other day

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  • ECLS Reefer changed the title to 120g Garden of the Hesperides
ECLS Reefer
17 minutes ago, spectra said:

Better get a pic before the Kitten gets mad............ :biggrin:


Congrats on the new tank..............

Working on them!!! Thanks! I'll get the pictures and the slight saga of the start up on here shortly.

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  • ECLS Reefer changed the title to 120g Garden of the Hesperides 🐚
ECLS Reefer

So, on Friday 5/29/20 I started this big new tank!! In my mind, the last one I’ll have to worry about because at the moment the effort to care for this one and two small ones is over much. But if a 300g falls in my lap someday.... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

I digress. 

Because I’ve plumbed a tank before and it was serviceable, and miserable, I decided this time to pay for the delivery and install. SO much easier. No spousal arguments this time or frustration. My friend came over early in the morning (she’s a night shift nurse practitioner and had yet to go to bed), and helped me remove all the live rock and corals, corral all the fish, then literally go excavating for the yellow coris and leopard wrasses because they hadn’t awakened for the day yet. We also had to go back later and take my sons little plastic beach shovel and dig for the tiger pistol (caught the little bugger quickly). Lastly were the sump urchins, yellow watchman goby and Halloween hermits, after I disconnected the pump and plumbing so I could get at them. The goby was the hardest little turd to catch!! 



All in the tub! 

They set up the stand and new tank without any issues and filled with new sand- Arag Alive sand. It appears white but to be honest I didn’t get a great look at the bag and it could be Fiji pink. The tiger pistol LOVES the new sand and he’s gone to town excavating already. 


New stand and sump.


I waited a while for the cloudiness to disperse before putting the animals and rock back in- my friend stuck around to help me out with that too. (She didn’t have to work that night and hadn’t come off a shift, so she didn’t plan to go to sleep until 2pm). All the animals transferred well. We only broke one coral- the blue polyp digitata, but it’s alive and so now I have two I guess. The fish have already adapted and seem happy. The leopard hid for a little while but came back out within a couple of hours. 

Some of those are repeat photos but I had a couple videos in too. 

The new rock (about 50-60lbs) is culturing in the old tank water in the garage. It’s completely dried, new pukani so it could be a while before it’s ready. 





The tank initially looked like the Drop Off from finding Nemo, according to my son. My new light will arrive Wednesday. 

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ECLS Reefer

Yesterday I decided a new screen lid had to be made because hanging screen over the tank was ghetto much. So after doing the regular water changes for the Evo and the Challenge tank, I got down to making this screen out of window screen and PVC with zip ties. Maybe still a wee bit ghetto but until the new light is in place, I can’t make measurements for a new ClearView, which will have to be custom. My new tank is pretty standard in size and shape but not listed under their known brands, as it’s made by the small company owned by one of my LFS owners. It’s a sweet tank setup though. 

At any rate, I got it all put together and realized there was still a fair fish sized gap from the tension in the middle of the pipes. This called for a cross bar in the center which I placed today. I’m having to take the temporary light off the tank at night to fit the screen, which doesn’t matter too terribly much. 



I spent all morning yesterday organizing the sump, tying up cords and securing them. I’m pretty proud of the sump now. 


I ended up not liking the ATO reservoir and system that came with the tank. It was a 3g gravity fed box and it covered the whole right side of the sump so that you couldn’t get to the refugium for any reason. So I pulled it out and got my Trigger systems ATO reservoir in there with supports in the form of PVC legs, and made sure to get a siphon break on it this time since it’s above the fill area. Realized VERY quick it wasn’t going to stop filling if I didn’t 😱. 





Also realized that rule number 1 is never completely trust anything done by someone else on your tank. While part of the delivery and setup included new water, I didn’t mix it myself or check the parameters after. So yesterday when I ran my first water chemistries, the salinity was 1.030!!! 😱😱😱😱. So for the last two days I’ve been working that back down to 1.025. Also had to draw off quite a bit of water because it was overfilled to begin with, which made it difficult to dilute the salinity with RODI. 

At any rate, it’s back to 1.025 and I can remote that @jack1978’s Kenya tree is no longer limp 😂. She’s standing tall now on the lookout for who she can kill. I’ve decided to allow Anubis to join the tank at his leisure so I’ve got the nem box turned on it’s side with a nice juicy rock next to it. So far he’s not leaving his box. Also successfully integrated Mr Blenny Blenn and Goby Doby to the new display tank!! They are both doing great and I hope Goby Doby finds the pistol shrimp soon. Mr BB and Altuve so far have gotten along- they’ve even checked each other out. They have neighboring barnacles. 😊.


So, the tank seems to have hit the ground running!!! 

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1 hour ago, DirtĂŠ Sanchez said:

So here is the new system set up:



Neptunian Cube 120g with sump

Started (5/29/20)



Inkbird temperature controller

Hydor 400 watt heater

Smart ATO micro

Trigger systems Emerald 5g ATO reservoir

Jebao DCP 8000 Sine wave return pump

Ice cap 1K gyre wave pump

Reef octopus 110 INT skimmer

Redsea 90 LED x2

Jebao 4 channel dosing pump

Marine color 3 chamber dosing container + 1 single chamber

Marine Color 4 channel tubing holder

Wifi single channel multiplug

Single channel multiplug

Telescoping lightbulb fixture

Highgrow 36W blue LED bulb

Small shop light



Filter Media: 

Seachem Matrix carbon 

Seachem Phosguard 

In Tank Filter floss -or- Poly filter

Filter socks x 2

Water change schedule - Hopefully monthly or even less frequently!



Dosing Schedule:

Seachem Reef fusion 1 BID

Seachem Iodide (actually out of this but usually BID)

Brightwell Aquatics Magnesion (off currently)

Seachem Reef Fusion 2 (off currently)

Seachem Reef Trace weekly on Wednesdays

Strontium (currently Kent) Q 4 days

Brightwell Microbacter 7 weekly

Testing schedule - weekly on Friday or saturday




Carib Sea Arag Alive white sand 100lbs

Purple live rock from LFS~ 20lbs

Maori live rock from LFS- 26lbs

Pukani dry rock (currently culturing and not mature yet) 50-60lbs

Media blocks in sump




Starry blenny

Black snowflake clown fish pair

Yellow tail damsel

Yellow Coris wrasse

Leopard wrasse

Tricolor (clown) wrasse

Bicolor blenny 

Yellow watchman goby 

Fire shrimp 

Peppermint shrimp x 2

Pincushion urchins

Tiger sand conchs

Electric blue hermit crabs

Halloween hermit crabs

Emerald crabs

Dwarf blue hermit crabs

Tiger pistol shrimp

Bumble bee snails

Trochus snails 

Nerite snails 

Asterina snails 

Cerith snail 


Bristle worms-- very few and those all transplants from the Evo.


Green Star polyp x 1 mat

Branching GSP x2

Palys x1 (nebula)

Palys x MANY (not sure on the species but pretty and fast growing)

Purple rhodactus mushroom x 1

Hammer x 2

Torch x1

Green/red Montipora x1

Red montipora x 2

Rainbow mdntipora x 1

Green/blue montipora x 1

Purple Monti x 1

Lime Milliopora x 1

Strawberry staghorn x 1

Green zoa x 1

Blue zoo x 1

Mystery zoa x 2

orange and white gorgonian x1

Leathers x 2

Blue Kenya tree x 1

Sinularia x 3

Pavona x 2

Poccilopora x 1

Rainbow acans x 2

Acan lordowensis x 1

Frogspawn x 1

Cup or scroll coral x 1 

Goniopora x 1

Alveopora x 1

Toadstool x 2 

Elegance x 1

Brain coral x 2

Ricordea x many on one Tonga branch

Yellow ricordea x 1

Rainbow ricordea x 1

Donut coral x 1

Duncan polyp x 1

Chalice x 1

Rock flower anemone x7

Sherman Rose/Black Widow hybrid bubble tip anemone



Feeding Schedule:

Frozen: cyclops & brine/Nyos Gold pods/zooplankton/phytoplankton/two droppers of selcon/ 2/8ths teaspoon of reef roids -- three times per day for leopard wrasse

Frozen: cyclops, brine, marine cuisine, emerald cuisine, reef frenzy, mysis, reef plankton, plankton/ phytoplankton/ zooplankton/ three droppers of selcon/ Zoe/ 2/8th  

              teaspoon dried spirulina/ 3/8ths teaspoon reef roids/ saltwater--- once per day for all critters

Seaweed -- every couple of days for blennies

Pellets: hikari carnivore blend/herbivore blend/ algae pellets -- every other day or so for sump dwellers and display tank

RedSea Coral Nutrition A & B - every other day

Yaaaay!!!! :happydance:

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10 minutes ago, DirtĂŠ Sanchez said:


 @jack1978’s Kenya tree is no longer limp 😂. 

Aw, that’s not nice...... you know he can’t control that. 

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ECLS Reefer

Here’s some shots of the corals with the big camera. Have to use both lenses to cover everything! 





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  • ECLS Reefer changed the title to 120g gαя∂єη σƒ нєѕρєяι∂єѕ 🐚
1 hour ago, DirtĂŠ Sanchez said:

Yesterday I decided a new screen lid had to be made because hanging screen over the tank was ghetto much. So after doing the regular water changes for the Evo and the Challenge tank, I got down to making this screen out of window screen and PVC with zip ties. Maybe still a wee bit ghetto but until the new light is in place, I can’t make measurements for a new ClearView, which will have to be custom. My new tank is pretty standard in size and shape but not listed under their known brands, as it’s made by the small company owned by one of my LFS owners. It’s a sweet tank setup though. 

At any rate, I got it all put together and realized there was still a fair fish sized gap from the tension in the middle of the pipes. This called for a cross bar in the center which I placed today. I’m having to take the temporary light off the tank at night to fit the screen, which doesn’t matter too terribly much. 



I spent all morning yesterday organizing the sump, tying up cords and securing them. I’m pretty proud of the sump now. 


I ended up not liking the ATO reservoir and system that came with the tank. It was a 3g gravity fed box and it covered the whole right side of the sump so that you couldn’t get to the refugium for any reason. So I pulled it out and got my Trigger systems ATO reservoir in there with supports in the form of PVC legs, and made sure to get a siphon break on it this time since it’s above the fill area. Realized VERY quick it wasn’t going to stop filling if I didn’t 😱. 





Also realized that rule number 1 is never completely trust anything done by someone else on your tank. While part of the delivery and setup included new water, I didn’t mix it myself or check the parameters after. So yesterday when I ran my first water chemistries, the salinity was 1.030!!! 😱😱😱😱. So for the last two days I’ve been working that back down to 1.025. Also had to draw off quite a bit of water because it was overfilled to begin with, which made it difficult to dilute the salinity with RODI. 

At any rate, it’s back to 1.025 and I can remote that @jack1978’s Kenya tree is no longer limp 😂. She’s standing tall now on the lookout for who she can kill. I’ve decided to allow Anubis to join the tank at his leisure so I’ve got the nem box turned on it’s side with a nice juicy rock next to it. So far he’s not leaving his box. Also successfully integrated Mr Blenny Blenn and Goby Doby to the new display tank!! They are both doing great and I hope Goby Doby finds the pistol shrimp soon. Mr BB and Altuve so far have gotten along- they’ve even checked each other out. They have neighboring barnacles. 😊.


So, the tank seems to have hit the ground running!!! 

Reach out and touch me!  
......that murderous biatch.  

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ECLS Reefer
Just now, jack1978 said:

Pictures are looking great, btw.

These were in a hurry and the water is still not completely clear. I'm still figuring out the sump for placement of filter floss or polishing pads and where to put the media bags. Getting some micro bubbles because of the poly filter in place right now. Just a bit of a learning curve still for this new system. Wish it would get super clear but at least the corals are all alive. Gotta take that as a HUGE win.

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ECLS Reefer

The big tank looks completely clear today, save I've noticed some micro bubbling, which I figure is coming from the sump because I can't figure out yet where to put or how to correctly put in a polishing pad or filter floss without pissing off the return pump. Still a daily struggle. Pleased to report all water chemistry is holding steady including the salinity, though a few corals are showing some displeasure at life, such as the big alveopora, the Kenya tree and one RFA. The SPS pieces surprisingly look happier than they did in the SCA. Cautiously watching everything for issues. New light gets here Wednesday barring any delivery truck issues.


I've been culturing or attempting to culture pods for the Mandy in both this tank and the Evo, as well as daily crops of live baby brines. I have wanted to start my own phytoplankton growing project to help keep the pods alive. Have been waiting for a few weeks for multiple plates of phyto from Florida Aqua Farms and today they arrived along with the F/2 fertilizer. Got the water to the correct salinity and fertilized, and I hope that tomorrow after work I can put in some of the phyto plates. I dearly hope it will work and I can sustain a working pod colony to keep the tanks and fish happy!! 


The sun corals are ridiculously happy in the big tank for some reason--they are opening up earlier and earlier daily.






Also, Anubis finally decided he would check out the juicy nice rock I offered him and came out of the nem box. 






I realize the second picture was blurry but the camera doesn't tolerate close up shots with any water movement and I didn't feel like turning off the pumps at the moment. Hopefully he stays put on the juicy rock and Pearl doesn't bother him literally to death like she has his predecessors



Oh and awwwwwwww..... @jack1978's Kenya tree went limp again ☹️😝



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1 hour ago, DirtĂŠ Sanchez said:

The big tank looks completely clear today, save I've noticed some micro bubbling, which I figure is coming from the sump because I can't figure out yet where to put or how to correctly put in a polishing pad or filter floss without pissing off the return pump. Still a daily struggle. Pleased to report all water chemistry is holding steady including the salinity, though a few corals are showing some displeasure at life, such as the big alveopora, the Kenya tree and one RFA. The SPS pieces surprisingly look happier than they did in the SCA. Cautiously watching everything for issues. New light gets here Wednesday barring any delivery truck issues.


I've been culturing or attempting to culture pods for the Mandy in both this tank and the Evo, as well as daily crops of live baby brines. I have wanted to start my own phytoplankton growing project to help keep the pods alive. Have been waiting for a few weeks for multiple plates of phyto from Florida Aqua Farms and today they arrived along with the F/2 fertilizer. Got the water to the correct salinity and fertilized, and I hope that tomorrow after work I can put in some of the phyto plates. I dearly hope it will work and I can sustain a working pod colony to keep the tanks and fish happy!! 


The sun corals are ridiculously happy in the big tank for some reason--they are opening up earlier and earlier daily.






Also, Anubis finally decided he would check out the juicy nice rock I offered him and came out of the nem box. 






I realize the second picture was blurry but the camera doesn't tolerate close up shots with any water movement and I didn't feel like turning off the pumps at the moment. Hopefully he stays put on the juicy rock and Pearl doesn't bother him literally to death like she has his predecessors



Oh and awwwwwwww..... @jack1978's Kenya tree went limp again ☹️😝



Quit touching it - give some recoup time!  

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ECLS Reefer
8 hours ago, Snow_Phoenix said:

New big tank - yay! :happy:


Love the coral pics you posted earlier - those SPS frags are going to be really beautiful once they branch out further. 🙂 

I’m just so happy they’re happy! Nervous that I can’t be there today to stare at it and worry over it. But hopefully it’ll do okay. Super excited that the light gets here tomorrow so I can run the screen lid all the time, and not worry about jumpers.

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25 minutes ago, DirtĂŠ Sanchez said:

I’m just so happy they’re happy! Nervous that I can’t be there today to stare at it and worry over it. But hopefully it’ll do okay. Super excited that the light gets here tomorrow so I can run the screen lid all the time, and not worry about jumpers.

I'm very happy for you. 🙂


Any plans to do a Foxface or tang in the future? 

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ECLS Reefer
4 minutes ago, Snow_Phoenix said:

I'm very happy for you. 🙂


Any plans to do a Foxface or tang in the future? 

I’m not sure. I’m thinking based on research that a tank full of smaller fish is probably going to be best since it’s just 120g. We’d seen a regal angel we liked but the non-dwarf angels require 250g tanks, so that rules them out. And some tangs would work but might look weird in there with all the smaller fish. So I’ve been leaning more toward wrasses and more dwarf angels. Maybe a yellow tang. Hadn’t thought of a fox face though that might be an option. We will see. Gotta work toward paying some of this beast off first before worrying about more fish.

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9 minutes ago, DirtĂŠ Sanchez said:

I’m not sure. I’m thinking based on research that a tank full of smaller fish is probably going to be best since it’s just 120g. We’d seen a regal angel we liked but the non-dwarf angels require 250g tanks, so that rules them out. And some tangs would work but might look weird in there with all the smaller fish. So I’ve been leaning more toward wrasses and more dwarf angels. Maybe a yellow tang. Hadn’t thought of a fox face though that might be an option. We will see. Gotta work toward paying some of this beast off first before worrying about more fish.

Just an idea - you could do a multiple-wrasse-fish tank. I've seen a beautiful wrasse-only tank online - very colorful and full of activity. 


And I do agree a tank full of smaller fish is cool (my 60G is such a tank - half the fish in there are actually nanofish). Just make sure there's enough rockwork/cover/burrows/ledges/arches to keep everyone happy. 👍

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ECLS Reefer
10 minutes ago, Snow_Phoenix said:

Just an idea - you could do a multiple-wrasse-fish tank. I've seen a beautiful wrasse-only tank online - very colorful and full of activity. 


And I do agree a tank full of smaller fish is cool (my 60G is such a tank - half the fish in there are actually nanofish). Just make sure there's enough rockwork/cover/burrows/ledges/arches to keep everyone happy. 👍

Oh the rock I’m culturing is so holy my tank should be fully blessed. Seriously though it’s VERY porous holy rock so there should be a lot of hidey holes.


So fat there’s three wrasses, two blennies, two clowns, a damsel and a flame back angel in there. Oh and a goby, which I am overjoyed to say already found the pistol shrimp and now lives in stealth, poking he head out of their burrow 🙌🏼😊. I was looking at maybe a McCosker/Carpenter and Christmas addition. Maybe a blue star. A coral beauty and lemon peel and maybe a yellow tang or at largest a Powder brown tang. Maybe some other dwarves instead of any tangs I don’t know. 

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ECLS Reefer

Gotta wait until I have two real lights and all the rocks where I want them! Right now I’m kind of ashamed of how it looks, because I’m not a good rock decorator 😫

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ECLS Reefer

Okay couple posts chock full of pictures to follow. I’m just so happy that I’m a week in and nothing has died on me. A little pissed-offedness here and there, but the corals are still alive that are mad, so I figure given time they will get over themselves. But man I’m so happy that the SPS is going so well and the fish seem overjoyed at so much room to swim in! 



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ECLS Reefer

I can’t wait to finally scape the rocks out, though I rather dread it. I really have no vision for this kind of thing. 



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  • ECLS Reefer changed the title to 120g La Ville des Poissons 🐚 Well that didn’t last long 😢

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