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Cultivated Reef

50 Gallon in-wall project


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ARG!!! I wake up in a great mood today getting ready to do a few hours worth of work on my tank before school and work and i cut all the pieces, and realize that i only have 3 screws and a few bolts. Well this is what i managed to get done.


Here is a picture of the canopy being built. It will keep the halides 12" off the water. Yes, thats pretty high, but its the minimum height that allows the most arm room, which i need. My 15g has such little space and it makes it impossible to work on it. Well, I learned from my mistake.

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Battling for time is the only problem affecting this project. With my Dad's birthday tomorrow, car stuff, (selling it, 1998 Acura Integra GSR TURBO, PM IF INTERESTED)work, and school... ah there just arent enough hours in the day. One good thing though, I got a majority of the light hood done today. I plan on adding 4 4" fans (2 on each side, 2 sucking, 2 blowing) and using One 250w metal halide until i can afford another one. Diy hood for light starts soon so check back. Here is a picture for the time being:

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Here is the beauty at a distance. The whole structure stands about 70" tall, almost as tall as me! Thats a beastly stand for you..


I will try to get some work done on it tomorrow so be sure to check back daily as work on it will most likely occur every day until it is done. Thanks to all of those who have subscribed! Your interest in my setup helps me keep my interest in finishing it.

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lookin good bro, The picture frame idea is great. Ive seen a tank like that and it was gorgeous. Planted tank though. I really like what you've got done so far

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Looks awesome, though I doubt 50 gallons qualifies as a nano, and what does 'bump' mean for peeps who are posting it and nothing else? Sorry, not meaning to rag on anybody.

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bump = they are suscribing to the thread.


good looking tank bro. i'dbe wary of mh in a wooden hood. can you say fire hazard? :o


also two sucking fans and two blowing fans is the same thing as 2 sucking fans or 2 blowing fans. it just like putting a turbo at the intake of a car and a second turbo at the exaust. pointless. put all four fans blowing either in or out and you'll double you air flow. don't believe me try it for yourself. ;)


also you can run pipe from a ph behind you rocks to blow out waste. that way you can change the ph if you need to. (i've doen this with a few cichlid tanks.) hth good work bro keep it up

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Thank you for the ideas on the fan and powerhead. That really does help and i see what you mean about the turbo placement being like the fans. Good analogy. As far as the MH goes, on my current tank the stand is particle board. I used a metal plate to disperse the heat where the halide was shining on the wood. I used to keep plants in the house and actually almost burned the house down by having it in a wooden hood, but the metal plate really did the trick this last time.




Yeah I know 50 gallons doesnt qualify as a nano reef but reefcentral is just sooooooo slow due to the high traffic, so i thought i would do it all on nano. I will probably post it on rc someday when i have the patience.


Today I will be focusing on an efficient powerhead driven float switch acutated top off system, possibly dividing my sump into a refugium. We will see.. Thanks for the compliments everyone!



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Bump is basically a way of moving the thread bad to the top, not necessarily subscribing to it. You may also see TTT [to the top] Any new updates?


since 1 am? :P

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Lol no new updates as of 1:00am. In a few hours ill be home from school and able to do some work on it. Probably around 3 or 4 you will see updates if i made progression. Thanks



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For my 50 gallon i'm using 2 3/4" durso overflows and a mag 9.5 attached to a SCWD. I"m probally going to use a mag 7 for my closed loop. I'm only going to be running one 250 watt XM with 2 24" actinic's.


I'm starting stand this weekend, so hopefully i can get some pics up too.


How high should i have my 250 watt?

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I go to school at DVC in Pleasant Hill but ill be transferring in a couple years to either cal poly or berkeley if im lucky. Hows SJSU?


I wont be drilling holes for returns as the more modifications i do to the actual acrylic, the chances increase for something going wrong. I see it as a car. Everyone knows that 4 bangers can last twice as long as a v8. Im no mechanic but im guessing its because of less cylinders, valves, pistons, less (moving) parts. Less is more. :) Thanks for the idea though, i didnt even think of that.


Im placing my halide 12" from my water surface (mainly for arm room but also for heat) but im sure you could get away with 8". Just use some fans! (before fans on my tank i was pushing 87 degrees. Well time to wrap my dads bday gift and start work on the system!

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tank finally in closet. Now comes the headache of trimming the veeneer to the right size to picture frame the tank, and all of the plumbing. I have alot of work ahead of me but i thought i would take a minute to update

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i goto dvc too! lol. what classes you taking? im taking freshman gen ed courses. hist 120, engl 122, anthro 120, human 110 something like that.



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I hope it is not too late to be bringing this up but are'nt acrylic tanks suposed to be supported allong the WHOLE bott of the tank ? I know you have the two braces but I would sugest a solid piece of wood (plywood?) good luck sounds like it will be nice

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Acrylic tanks dont have to be fully supported on the bottom when they are this short. Probably a must on say a 180 gallon acrylic or something longer. I have good support though on it and i dont think it will flex. If it does then im screwed ! :-P WEll i was going to lay a sheet of 3/4 inch plywood on it but everything is measured so exact that it would throw everything off. Thank you for the suggestion though!


Dark spyda,

Im taking English 118 (its not challenging at all! they put me in the wrong class i think), Spanish 120, and Math 120. I had chemistry 122 but i dropped it due to time limitations (it was a 5pm -8:45pm class). Whats your name? So you have anthropology and english122? What time?

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