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17g Cube Nano Reef


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Hey everyone just started keeping a nano reef about a month ago with the help of of this forum and my LFS it's looking pretty good already. 

A little history on the tank. I've been keeping nano fresh water for about 5 years and always wanted to do a saltwater tank. I got the tank from another LFS that was going out of business close to my office. It was a display tank, and I got the tank and most of the equipment and livestock for 100$. According to the owner it had been running for about 4 months. Bagged up the fish, and drains most of the water, moved it to my house. There weren't any coral when I got it as it didn't have a very good light. I've since done a few upgrades and everything seems to be doing well and I've added some cool easy to keep soft coral. Plan to keep my bio load low and keep up with weekly water changes. 

Current Equipment:

Tank: Aqua Japan AJ-40B 17g AIO Cube

Light: AI Prime HD

Pump: Lifegard Aquatics Quiet One Pro 800 240gph

Circulation: Hydor Koralia Nano 240

Heater: Ehiem Javier 125w

Filtration: Live Rock and Sand, Water Changes 



Live stock:
1 Tomato Clown 
1 Azure Damsel
1 Condy Anemone 
2 Big Nassarius snails (like 5-6 small ones)
1 Feather Duster
4 Hermit Crabs
3-4 Various Other Snails

1 Green Star Polyps
1 Knobby Wall Frogspawn

1 Candy Cane Coral
Orange mushrooms
Blue mushroom
2 Zoas
1 Kenya Tree


My Clown loves the condy:)







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Thanks @burtbollinger. And yes I don't plan on adding any more fish. These two came with the tank when I got it and I know they will grow. I feed them only a few pellets each every other day. Sometimes they get some mysis shrimp after I feed the anemone about once a week. 

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@Christopher Marks Yeah when I first brought the tank home it moved around for a few days. Now I think it's found it's spot and hasn't moved for about 3 weeks. I've found it moves pretty much where ever the most flow in the tank is. 

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That Condylactis could become a problem down the line. They don't play nice with other anemones and coral. They also tend to move around more than the average nem, which could become an issue if you start stocking coral more densely. 

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