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burtbollinger's Red Sea Reefer 170 (converted to planted)


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bought some wood and spray painted it flat white, covered with velcro on both outer edges, and attached it to the back of the stand/wedged against the wall...this prevents kids from messing around with the plugs, etc.





Neat idea! I might have to do this to hide wires and such from view.

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Welcome back to the hobby! I'm super excited to follow this build as it sounds exactly like what I'm planning. Although I never got out of the hobby, my Elos Mini has been chugging along on cruise control for the past few years as my 5 1/2 year old and 8 month old soaked up most of my reefing time. I'm planning on getting a Reefer 170 and using almost the same equipment you listed (APEX and Eshopps being the only difference). It's always exciting and nerve-wracking setting up a new tank but like you, I'm excited to use my past lessons-learned to do things right the first time around this time.


Following along for sure and excited to see where this goes.



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quick update on the Walt Smith 2.1 rock...did a few puffs on the rocks with a turkey baster and dozens of purple paint chips were sent circulating into the water column.


Not good. I don't think I can recommend at this point.

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Also, meeting up with a guy from Craiglist selling an identical used Ecotech MP10 (blue box) for 60 bucks. I dont need all the wireless or quiet drive stuff...Not sure if its a good deal or not...seems fair, especially since it seems like even spare wet sides and power cords are 60 bucks.

Will put on left side, and run both at very low speed. (going very low flow on this tank) AND if one croaks, then I can just remove and cannibalize the extra for spare parts.

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it seems like there are small areas on the rock that are organic, almost like old sponge, and not rock. these areas have been painted over.


After a while in the water, the organic material softens and the paint is easily knocked loose.


I think after a coating of coraline covers the rocks it wont be a big deal, but in the meantime, it means sucking out sinking paint chips.

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Also, meeting up with a guy from Craiglist selling an identical used Ecotech MP10 (blue box) for 60 bucks. I dont need all the wireless or quiet drive stuff...Not sure if its a good deal or not...seems fair, especially since it seems like even spare wet sides and power cords are 60 bucks.

Will put on left side, and run both at very low speed. (going very low flow on this tank) AND if one croaks, then I can just remove and cannibalize the extra for spare parts.


Weird mine has never flaked and I still have it in my tank. Wonder what's going on.
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whats going on is the pieces of paint that are flaking off are on areas where the purple paint wasn't applied to rock, but to organic matter on top of the rock. As the organic matter "decomposes" or re-softens in the water, it does not adhere to the rock, and the matter and the paint on top of it are flaking off when you apply a moderate blast of water at it from a turkey baster.


Thankfully, 95% of the rock is strictly rock...paint is well adhered to these areas.


Now...why there is what appears to be organic matter in the form of dead plant material on man-made, purple painted dry rock...i do not know.


what sucks is I had heard this was possible and did a long presoak and some gentle scrubbing in ro/di to prevent it...didnt help. Oh well...its not the end of the world, but there is the hassle of sucking up dozens of paint flakes on the sandbed.

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quick update on the Walt Smith 2.1 rock...did a few puffs on the rocks with a turkey baster and dozens of purple paint chips were sent circulating into the water column.


Not good. I don't think I can recommend at this point.

Who did you buy it from?

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BRS. Purchased 11-16 in a 22 lb. box.

It's no ones fault but my own tho. I had heard of this and ignored.

I'm just confirming it's an actual issue with at least some of this rock. It's not a tank killer, but it is an inconvenience.

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I have the rock since last year and haven't had any flaking but have seen some batches flake. If you check premium aquatics they have the following note :


This is a dry rock. Pictured is the first generation variety box we opened up to give a sampling of what could be inside. Each box will differ and vary in color, shapes, and sizes. The new generation has better color and shapes, and we'll have a new picture shortly!

Hopefully the issue is resolved with the new version.

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Nice pickup!


I just realized you also ran a Finnex M. My last tank was also a Finnex M that was torn down in January 2010. My reefer is still sitting on a truck somewhere. I am goofing around with scape options on the basement floor.

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i think the quality shift from the Finnex to the Red Sea is gonna be exciting for you. I used to think that Finnex was bulletproof. The Reefer makes it seem like an old JBJ.

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Very clean build! I love that rock, welcome back to the hobby! The mod possibilities on these tanks are endless, I think you will love this tank for many years! Thanks for the shoutout and I look forward to tagging along!

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Still no signs of an algae bloom, dinos or anything. Parameters still fine....0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 15 nitrates. Running skimmer with marginal production. 2 clowns....handfeeding 3x a day...they look great...been in about 10 days or so.


Now, my lights are "low."...for mid-day Blue 40, Whites 20, Violet/Cyan, 40.


Dave had suggested something like:

  • 75, 75, 80....once I had corals and if I liked the white look.

Should I bump my lighting to try to trigger an algae bloom or is not having one not a big deal?

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I started to see an algae bloom shortly after starting my light schedule. I am running two Kessil A160's and at the time was running them at 50% max. Shortly after testing and noticing my nitrates and phosphates were slightly elevated I started dosing NOPOX at just 2ML a day. This of course created some sort of bacteria bloom that went away about as quickly as it started. I was changing my filter socks out every 2 days.


If you water is testing out fine I wouldn't worry about it much.

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Following. I am officially sucked back in after lying a few years dormant. I need to get one of these.


Nicer than my old Elos 70 tank in several respects. Love the Herby downflow, sump seems well thought out as well. Prolly pretty quiet.


I had a battery backup for my MP40 back then. Attached it to the back of the stand to save room.


I also had a magnetic child proof latch to keep my kids out of the stand. Was effective.







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Thats a good idea on attaching to the back of the stand...I might do that actually.


If you restart you can use your old battery backup, just crack open the case by drilling out the rivets, buy new battery online for about 40 bucks, replace and re-attach case with some small self setting screws.

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starting to get some small rust colored spots on the sand and rocks...I assume this is diatoms? (sorry it's been a while since I did this last)


Do I do anything about this or just let it ride out?

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Hello sir, Great build. Yes on the diatoms, just ride it out. All new tanks go thru the ugly stage until they become balanced and mature.

Stay true to a maintenance schedule and they will naturally go away.

You can blow off the rocks with a Turkey baster if you so desire. :)

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  • burtbollinger changed the title to burtbollinger's Red Sea Reefer 170 (converted to planted)

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