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All the new corals from the last order held their color and are growing well. But older corals are in flat out stall mode. No growth, no color changes, nada. 😕 


I’ve had a paletta pink tip that’s been the same size for over a year. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

haven't tested alk in a few weeks since it was sitting at 8.3-8.5 for 8 weeks.....


my alk is currently 6.7 (3 hanna tests and a RS to double check).


welp. things are growing. some how have to gradually get it back up  remotely since I'm headed to chicago for the holidays.

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On 11/20/2021 at 3:26 PM, TheKleinReef said:

Here’s this stupid algae I can’t shake. Even with 0.06 phosphate 😩



posted another thread elsewhere and god some good insight regarding the nutrient chemistry.

i'm starting to think that the po4 and no3 balance is off. I tested nitrate and it measured 0 three times. proceeded to test phosphate and got .15

Phosphate has been measuring around .04-0.06 since October.


don't feel like dumping food in, and from what I'm reading KZ stuff won't touch my nitrates. Looking into additives.



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My nutrients have been similar to yours with the new tank where my P is good, but rising, and having trouble keeping my N up - mostly because of hair algae on the new rocks and glass. It bottomed out a few times and lost color as well with some of the acros. Thankfully, it rebounds in a week or two after you fix it!


I've been dosing NeoNitro through the ATO and keeping my N perfectly stable at 5ppm which is helping keep my P more stable.


Hopefully once you get it stable and add some more fish, you can stop dosing all the other stuff! I've been dealing with the same thing from lack of fish and using AB+ to try and make up for it, but it's just not as good as fish poo! Dealing with new tank issues sucks! 

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49 minutes ago, jservedio said:

My nutrients have been similar to yours with the new tank where my P is good, but rising, and having trouble keeping my N up - mostly because of hair algae on the new rocks and glass. It bottomed out a few times and lost color as well with some of the acros. Thankfully, it rebounds in a week or two after you fix it!


I've been dosing NeoNitro through the ATO and keeping my N perfectly stable at 5ppm which is helping keep my P more stable.


Hopefully once you get it stable and add some more fish, you can stop dosing all the other stuff! I've been dealing with the same thing from lack of fish and using AB+ to try and make up for it, but it's just not as good as fish poo! Dealing with new tank issues sucks! 

I don’t think I’ll add many more fish, I just don’t have the aqua scape that would allow for more fish. Maybe a sand sifting goby. 

I whole heartedly believe in a few of the KZ products, but they might be geared toward one specific thing that it’s not helping my problem. I ordered some b-ionic nitrate to try. I could up my AB+ too. I cut back thinking it was fueling the algae but now that I think about it, once I reduced the dose the algae got worse. 

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We have detectable nitrate!!!!


nitrate: 0.1ppm

phosphate: 0.05ppm

alk: 6.2dkh Still yikes but I couldn’t do anything while i was on vacation, just glad it’s stable. Now I can slowly get that back up to 8.5 where it was since august 😅

ca: 440ppm


looks like I got the feeding regimen down. I’m also not gonna change the filter socks as often, gonna let those dirty up a little more. 

taking pics rn. Standby 

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I'm thinking about changing my lights. Not a fan of the radions. I thought I would be, but wow that discoball effect it gnarly and I can't find diffusers anywhere.

Might go back to T5.


Here's the flickr like for a higher res picture.


51803796599_6e23a77da7_k.jpgjanuary FTS by roger klein, on Flickr


I mounted the SPS frags and siphoned out a lot of the alage, so I need to take another one. Also got a lot of macro shots I need to edit and post.

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Macro shots, (click on link to see full res)


Green slimer:

51815752717_80d2c43e65_b.jpgJanuary 2022 by roger klein, on Flickr


Jason Fox Barney:

51817423355_050fe56c7b_b.jpgJanuary 2022 by roger klein, on Flickr


The King Purple Bonsai:

51817423350_d11f9d842c_b.jpgJanuary 2022 by roger klein, on Flickr


WWC Yellow Tip Tort:

51817050329_112568bb5e_b.jpgJanuary 2022 by roger klein, on Flickr


Red Dragon:

51817050319_44ff24c468_b.jpgJanuary 2022 by roger klein, on Flickr


Dragon Soul Torch:

51816813968_c4d5c600fe_b.jpgJanuary 2022 by roger klein, on Flickr


TSA Blue Slimer (Staghorn):

51815752682_6f503704b7_b.jpgJanuary 2022 by roger klein, on Flickr



Most of these shots were shot at high ISO, high SS. I need to take some time and do true maco/focus stacking. I'm just very lazy.

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PE has dramatically improved.


Since I noticed the decreased PE I've made these changes:


1. 3 rounds of interceptor treatment to eradicate redbugs one week apart

2. fine tuned KZ additives to 3x a week

3. dropped acropower for KZ's aminos

4. added phyto to the dosing regimen 2x a week

5. purchased hanna HR nitrate checker, added nitrate additive to dosing regimen as well.


Hard to say what the big factors were. My gut says the interceptor, nitrate, and phyto have made the biggest impact.

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Ugh. I’m bad at keeping nitrates. 

nitrates back at 0ppm

phosphate is at .05

alk: 8.6 

ca: 440

mg: 1350

pH: 7.8-8.0 depending on time 

SG: 1.026 


im gonna put the nitrate additive on a doser. 
dumping in food goes against my soul. 

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looking for some classics:


hawkins echinata

a. suhuarsonoi

a. abrotanoides

palmers blue millepora

northern lights granulosa




anyone have some i can buy/trade?

or know someone who is selling. some are gonna be easy to find (hawkins, palmers, but the others aren't so common).



I also added chapters to the first post, crazy how little i did to this tank after setting it up the way I wanted.

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2 hours ago, TheKleinReef said:

looking for some classics:


hawkins echinata

a. suhuarsonoi

a. abrotanoides

palmers blue millepora

northern lights granulosa




anyone have some i can buy/trade?

or know someone who is selling. some are gonna be easy to find (hawkins, palmers, but the others aren't so common).



I also added chapters to the first post, crazy how little i did to this tank after setting it up the way I wanted.

I just shot over your list to my buddy farmerty to see if he can fill some of the list.  He's currently in love with smooth-skin acros, smoothies as they're affectionately called, and has plenty of varieties.

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Nitrate is now on a doser.


starting at 2mL per day just to see what that does. Won’t likely do much in 80g but I’m gonna play this tuning  game slow. Week by week until I find the amount that can keep my tank between 5-10. 

also picked up a small tunze nano stream for the skimmer section as the detritus down there was getting bad. Will likely get another for the return pump section. I was debating on using a line from the manifold do do this job but this seems more logical. 

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  • TheKleinReef changed the title to Roger's Hybrid SPS 75G

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