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Don't do that !!! Shit happens and well,all you can either do is give up or figure it out. 


 I had a problem like this,but with phosphate. It was a bad batch of RSCP. Mixed up a gallon and sure enough it was .9ppm of phosphates !!! 

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1 minute ago, Reefkid88 said:

Don't do that !!! Shit happens and well,all you can either do is give up or figure it out. 


 I had a problem like this,but with phosphate. It was a bad batch of RSCP. Mixed up a gallon and sure enough it was .9ppm of phosphates !!! 


i dk man. After losing thousands of dollars in corals I have no desire to reboot this.

I used to spend hours looking at it, now I have to have to close my eyes to feed my fish.


none of my reefing tragedies affected me like this, even my TOTM that crashed didn't sting this bad.

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30 minutes ago, TheKleinReef said:

rip clean?

dk what that is. 

if i restarted, it just be a restart. new sand and rock. 

Rip clean just means to drain the tank, take out all the sand, wash sand for hours to remove all the nasty stuff, put sand back in, refill tank.

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1 hour ago, ninjamyst said:

Rip clean just means to drain the tank, take out all the sand, wash sand for hours to remove all the nasty stuff, put sand back in, refill tank.

Scrub the rocks too @Murphych just finished one.

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2 hours ago, ninjamyst said:

Rip clean just means to drain the tank, take out all the sand, wash sand for hours to remove all the nasty stuff, put sand back in, refill tank.

odd term. but yeah i wouldn't use this sand again. reefflakes is literal garbage.

55 minutes ago, A.m.P said:

Scrub the rocks too @Murphych just finished one.


i'd redo the rock work, wouldn't keep this rock except to maybe cycle the new rock.

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3 hours ago, TheKleinReef said:

odd term. but yeah i wouldn't use this sand again. reefflakes is literal garbage.


i'd redo the rock work, wouldn't keep this rock except to maybe cycle the new rock.

Pages 27 - 29 follows the progress of my rip clean. It's pretty good i must say. Tank looks great and go the chance to rescape! 



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I completely understand your disappointment and frustration. Your coral losses have certainly been devastating. 

 I am the worst reefer. No testing and that means no dosing. My tank is softies and some LPS nothing fancy. Do you think you could be happy with a softy tank? For me the advantages of a low maintenance, low stress tank has been very rewarding and as long as there are some flowing corals and of course some color I am happy. Not for everyone but you might want to consider this over tanking the tank down. 

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2 hours ago, debbeach13 said:

I completely understand your disappointment and frustration. Your coral losses have certainly been devastating. 

 I am the worst reefer. No testing and that means no dosing. My tank is softies and some LPS nothing fancy. Do you think you could be happy with a softy tank? For me the advantages of a low maintenance, low stress tank has been very rewarding and as long as there are some flowing corals and of course some color I am happy. Not for everyone but you might want to consider this over tanking the tank down. 


i have horrible luck with soft croal. I've had a plug of zoas in this tank for over a year and they're the same size if not smaller.


i wouldn't go softy, but i'd consider LPS

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27 minutes ago, TheKleinReef said:

I've had a plug of zoas in this tank for over a year and they're the same size if not smaller.

seems to be pointing to low nutrient issue.  I can't grow any zoas in my WB tank, and I could hardly get any algae on the glass on a weekly basis, don't even think of daily.  In fact I melted away some high-end zoas like nobody's business.  some ppl might think it's ideal, to not have to deal with algae, but it's really bad for corals.  if you had low nutrient, the more you did multiple wc recently would only drive that even lower (if you didn't up any fish feeding/amino supplement/coral food)


I'm sorry for all the trouble.  It seems you're dosing decent amount of supplements and particulate food from the opening post.  Has there been any changes?  what's your routine maintenance?  are you in the routine wc or minimal wc camp?  could there be some sort of buildup of byproducts?  still planning ICP?     


PS, IMO, rip clean is just a weird way to say "reboot with existing live rocks and livestock".  when you're rebooting with seasoned/more-matured live rocks, you kinda can expect the results to be an improvement, since you're purging all the crap that built up that may not get removed through routine maintenance.


PPS, I'm a big fan of wc when things don't look right.  but try not to introduce too many other factors at the same time, i.e. filtration or any type of chemistry dosing.  Also as noted above, you may need to increase feeding to compensate the "clean water" issue, I have a friend on IG that literally pre-dose his wc now with 20 N and 0.05 P, just to avoid any drop in those two.  i knew changing salt was necessitated by the market availability, but that introduces a big sets of variables in the salt parameters as well.  

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53 minutes ago, mitten_reef said:

seems to be pointing to low nutrient issue

the longer it went on the less I think this was the case. I tested for the nutrients relatively consistently and it for sure wasn't that sterile of an environment. I think I had a batch of turkey salt, because the more WCs I did to help balance whatever was going on the worse it got.


53 minutes ago, mitten_reef said:

Has there been any changes?  what's your routine maintenance?  are you in the routine wc or minimal wc camp?  could there be some sort of buildup of byproducts?  still planning ICP? 

Things are just deteriorating slowly now instead of quickly. I fragged what I could to stop the STN. Most of the acros RTN'd nothing I could do to stop that. Maintenance: stir the sand 2-3 per week, clean skimmer cup weekly, 15g waterchange every 2 weeks quite religiously.  I ordered an ICP from bulkreefsupply. It should be here next week, then I'll send it off to triton for the analysis.


53 minutes ago, mitten_reef said:

I'm a big fan of wc when things don't look right.

this is when things really went south. alk spiked somehow. even when freshly mixed TM PRO is 7.3 ish. and stuff died even faster. like i said, I think i had a bad turkey batch, but I threw the box away. So i'll never know for sure.

53 minutes ago, mitten_reef said:

you may need to increase feeding to compensate the "clean water" issue

i dump so much food in this tank.

AB+ 3x per week, reef roids 2x, reef chili 2x, pellets like 3x per day, not to mention all the KZ stuff.

It was solid for a good 2 months then if went poof with my routine WC on feb 5 which was the 2nd WC with that box



I've went through every scenario in my head. the turkey salt is the only one that makes sense.

crap in my mixing bin, sps rtning/browing. I've never had SPS rtn like this before. from the middle.

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22 hours ago, ninjamyst said:

But your salt box says German.  I can't imagine they reboxed turkey salt as German.....

think it was Turkish

don’t know for sure. Threw the box out right after I got it. The first 4 buckets were from Germany but I seriously think this box came from turkey. 

Alk was 7.8 yesterday and 8.5 today. 


This tank is f*****

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3 hours ago, TheKleinReef said:

think it was Turkish

don’t know for sure. Threw the box out right after I got it. The first 4 buckets were from Germany but I seriously think this box came from turkey. 

Alk was 7.8 yesterday and 8.5 today. 


This tank is f*****

Oooh snap.  I thought you knew for sure it was German.  Dang, must be the salt then.  Just drain the tank and refill with new water and sand.  

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4 hours ago, pal said:

Hey , you don’t know me but I’ve been following along since your totm. I know how much planning and work you’ve put into this build . such a bummer.  Hope you give it another try.

After the last few years, I’ll say it. 

that tank was pure luck. 
can’t recreate its success no matter how hard I try 

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Spent some time meddling with dry rock. 
3d printed some 3” pegs to support the more NSA type scape. I say more because I’m not that good at these type of scapes. Just tried to make an asymmetrical island with some branches for over hangs. 

If I can get it going together tomorrow I’ll swap the rocks out. Removed all the survivors from the rocks tonight. That was most painful thing I’ve done. 

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  • TheKleinReef changed the title to Roger's WYO'd NUVO 75 - Reset button pressed.
10 hours ago, TheKleinReef said:

Why are these always upside down



this is what depression looks like:


Are you uploading these from an iphone? I had the same issue until I switched to android, always had to manually flip them!

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39 minutes ago, Jaren45 said:

Are you uploading these from an iphone? I had the same issue until I switched to android, always had to manually flip them!

Yeah. iPhone. I tried flipping them and they’re still upside down. 

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Nothing I can do except post a bad flipped pic.

they’re always upside down lol. 



Even when I flip them on my phone they’re always upside down. How do you people post pics now?

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here's what I came up with, I can't upload another cause it's upside down, even from my PC.

I think I'm going to add a rock where the yellow drawing is to make another tunnel. Also Thinking about a small island on the L side for some anemones, but I'll need to build that so there's enough holes and stuff for the feetsies.

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  • TheKleinReef changed the title to Roger's Hybrid SPS 75G

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