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How do you clean OUTIDSIDE aquarium glass?


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This topic was brought up in my thread yesterdayish, starting from my use of Kents glass/acrylic cleaner. And suprisingly , alot of people also shared what methods they use,so beings that we spend lots of time and money making our tanks look awesome,isn't it logical a discussion for this type of thing be going on at some point? :)

I use kent like I said and microfiber towels.


The most effective and safest to use is Distilled vinegar and some paper towel IMHO

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More effective than windex? I think not. Come on. Live on the edge with us. Your glass will never be so clean.


Effective and safest...yea I think so. I can use it to clean both sides of the glass whether its my display or sump(this is particularly helpful when cleaning salt creep along the rim of my aquarium) without worrying whether it gets in my system. Have you ever tried using it to clean glass? Dont get me wrong windex works great on glass but when you have hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of sensitive animals to care for. Why risk it? epsecially considering the potential risk when the alternative is just as effective and much safer.

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Effective and safest...yea I think so. I can use it to clean both sides of the glass whether its my display or sump(this is particularly helpful when cleaning salt creep along the rim of my aquarium) without worrying whether it gets in my system. Have you ever tried using it to clean glass? Dont get me wrong windex works great on glass but when you have hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of sensitive animals to care for. Why risk it? epsecially considering the potential risk when the alternative is just as effective and much safer.





But seriously. I probably shouldn't use it. But I do. Its always worked for me. I don't like change. :lol:

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Some people just want to watch the world burn! Me I rather toss a chlorine tablet in your sump and leave a turd in the upper deck of your guest bathroom toilet! An upper decker!

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Some people just want to watch the world burn! Me I rather toss a chlorine tablet in your sump and leave a turd in the upper deck of your guest bathroom toilet! An upper decker!



You are an evil person.

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Some people just want to watch the world burn! Me I rather toss a chlorine tablet in your sump and leave a turd in the upper deck of your guest bathroom toilet! An upper decker!

Me and my best friend went to a house party thst got really out of control and we took a full cat litter box and dumped it in the top tank of the toilet

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Dang...I'm afraid to even use Windex in the same room as the tank :lol:.


I use water and a paper towel and then polish with my shirt sleeve :blush:.


I'm going to pick up some of that kent marine glass cleaner though. No Windex for me.

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I use a viva paper towel, fold it in a square and get it wet with fresh water, then I scrunch up a dry paper towel and rub off the water with a swirling motion until dry. I'm anal about it. It looks great ?

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Windex. I bet if I sprayed a little directly into the water nothing would happen. That's what carbon is for.

If there's a fish near the surface they will die. Guaranteed!
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Dang...I'm afraid to even use Windex in the same room as the tank :lol:.I use water and a paper towel and then polish with my shirt sleeve :blush:.I'm going to pick up some of that kent marine glass cleaner though. No Windex for me.

You won't mind the $5 spent ;)

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Windex. I live on the edge.



Windex.. squirt it right on the glass.



Ha ha, I too use a generic Windex with vinegar and old kitchen hand towels.



I would be careful with these. I have heard stories of the chemicals from the windex eventually seeping through the glass and harming stuff inside.

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I would be careful with these. I have heard stories of the chemicals from the windex eventually seeping through the glass and harming stuff inside.

Is there any way to prove that that was a cause. There are so many variables in this hobby I feel like that is a long shot to say that was the reasoning behind a tank failure.

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