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MACNA 2016 San Diego


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Who is going? I know its not till next year. I Started this thread so we know who will be there, plan some get togethers and I can answer most questions about San Diego. I look forward to meeting you guys and cant wait till next year. Its gonna be a great weekend. I am starting a list here. Please let me know if you want to be added, and if you are attending the banquet. Might make it easier to plan a couple tables.





Screen name Attending banquet

  1. Sancho yes
chanelhouse metrokat StevieT yes Dramad1 ? Yoshi yes braaap yes PDR yes sangheili yes Merthynia yes DaveFason yes NanoMaster32 yes gena yes HM3105 yes evanski yes Christoper Marks ? guss6464 yes spiderguardnano yes stellablue yes felicia yes Zia yes Nyfishies yes dpoltsdsu yes jbb_00
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I'll definitely go to that. Wonder where they are planning on doing it?


I bought my full conference pass a month or two ago, so you can add me to the list....

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I'll definitely go to that. Wonder where they are planning on doing it?

It will be held at the Town & Country convention center. In Mission Valley.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be there. Not sure if I will attend the banquet, if not me then the wife. Going to share the three days between my wife and kids.

It's been a long time since I've been to the hotel circle, should be fun. Wonder if they will allow us to swim at the pool?

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I'll be there. Not sure if I will attend the banquet, if not me then the wife. Going to share the three days between my wife and kids.

It's been a long time since I've been to the hotel circle, should be fun. Wonder if they will allow us to swim at the pool?

I think I am getting a room there Saturday. I will let you use my key to get into the pool :ninja:

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It's not free. You need to purchase a full pass or purchase the banquet and or reception pass separately.


The reception is usually kick ass. The awards banquet can be up or down deepening on what you're into. But the food is always good.


We always go just because we get two tickets each with the booth package we purchase. If it sucks just boot out after dinner and start the inDrink

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Quote from Dave Morris Co-Chair MACNA 2016


We will be selling 1300 full conference passes. In DC they sold out about 3 months prior to the show. However, at the $89 and $99 rate, we are not even breaking even on the cost. Since it includes a Friday night reception with drinks and food and Saturday night banquet with a plated dinner, that alone adds up to more than $100. Thankfully that is what sponsors are for, to make up those costs. The full conference pass will not stay at $99 for very long. The next bump up will probably be to $119. When that happens, we do not yet know. It will be driven by tickets sold. Since you can sell your ticket to someone else, there really isn't any reason to wait.
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