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Two Cats and a Reef


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still haven't found a high-flow place for the dendro... really tempted to just throw him in the edge of darkness where there is pretty high flow in general... thoughts?


eh, might as well give it a try.







OMG Morgan I forgot to tell you the coolest thing ever!


So the dude is appaarently going to propagate the next batch of clams himself rather than import!


He's done it a few times and gets hundreds of tiny clams omgomgomg omgomgomg


Apparently you sacrifice one clam and cut off its "Gonads" (His phrasing, not mine!) and then cut it up and wave it around the tank. This causes the other (Few dozen clams in his case) clams to make a "Mass Spawning Event" (MSE)!


Just think about it. Hundreds of microcopic Maximas! Im so excited- and he says he doesn't mind if I swing by to check on the newly-borns!


Probably commencing operation "Gonad Removal" on thursday :)


Is this "acro al"? I heard he's the first person to successfully captively breed and raise giant clams. If I remember correctly the hard part is getting the larvae to settle. Here's the link I dug up (fairly recent):


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OMG Morgan I forgot to tell you the coolest thing ever!


So the dude is appaarently going to propagate the next batch of clams himself rather than import!


He's done it a few times and gets hundreds of tiny clams omgomgomg omgomgomg


Apparently you sacrifice one clam and cut off its "Gonads" (His phrasing, not mine!) and then cut it up and wave it around the tank. This causes the other (Few dozen clams in his case) clams to make a "Mass Spawning Event" (MSE)!


Just think about it. Hundreds of microcopic Maximas! Im so excited- and he says he doesn't mind if I swing by to check on the newly-borns!


Probably commencing operation "Gonad Removal" on thursday :)


omg didnt see this before i commented on your clam breeding build idea. no way??? im so interested. if he has such success, this would be something i would be infinitely interested in.

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Is this "acro al"? I heard he's the first person to successfully captively breed and raise giant clams. If I remember correctly the hard part is getting the larvae to settle. Here's the link I dug up (fairly recent):



No. Maximas.


omg didnt see this before i commented on your clam breeding build idea. no way??? im so interested. if he has such success, this would be something i would be infinitely interested in.


Yeah the dude used to do it, and is going to breed his giant maximas again! Crazy! Last time he had over 100 successful "Babies", and this time he is going to use more parents and has new ideas to have a higher yield.


If anything, I could try to buy some of the TINY babies (A week old or so) in bulk and try to grow them myself as a fun summer project.


2 feet x 4 feet x 8 inch Flood Tray is $60, so I would need to DIY a stand. I already have a few tanks to use as a sump, and an old skimmer. The lighting would be a RapidLED kit

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eh, might as well give it a try.








Is this "acro al"? I heard he's the first person to successfully captively breed and raise giant clams. If I remember correctly the hard part is getting the larvae to settle. Here's the link I dug up (fairly recent):


picture forthcoming. haha need to import the post-cut selfie from the phone haha


plans this morning:

get out of bed. acclimate dendro to fluval edge.

test params

water change fluval if needed


also i frgot to comment with all the excitement from being the last week of school last week. but the orchid world has been exciiting too. i had this phalaenopsis that hadn't bloomed in two years- my late husband had given it to me as a small wedding present two years ago. it hadn't bloomed since, but it did.... on my anniversary on Monday. beautiful deep purple. picture forthcoming as well. :) i was getting ready to toss the thing because i was sick of it not blooming. glad i held onto it... everything seems connected somehow!


hypo- is anything in bloom right now for you?

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eh, might as well give it a try.








Is this "acro al"? I heard he's the first person to successfully captively breed and raise giant clams. If I remember correctly the hard part is getting the larvae to settle. Here's the link I dug up (fairly recent):


the photos on that guy's fb page of all the teenie babies is so fascinating.

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Wow. Love your hair and the colors in it. How long was it before?.


And that's just so special about your orchid.

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MWhiteLock- I have 1/3 of your clams! This one is beautiful, I'm a little jealous. Very light purple with yellow stripes!


Never seen anything like it :)


Pics after it acclimates. $12


He's getting a LOT more this week, so I'll be able to cherry pick a light blue/teal one and another

the photos on that guy's fb page of all the teenie babies is so fascinating.

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Thanks, Annette! I have a lot of it, but it's really fine and really straight, so it ends up pretty heavy in the summer time. It was down to my waist before... i'll see if i can dig up a photo. i had used henna on it last summer and it was a pretty red/copper color, and then ended up just letting it fade out over the year.

Thank you also about the orchid! i'm enjoying it now like i did before.

MWhiteLock- I have 1/3 of your clams! This one is beautiful, I'm a little jealous. Very light purple with yellow stripes!

Never seen anything like it :)

Pics after it acclimates. $12

He's getting a LOT more this week, so I'll be able to cherry pick a light blue/teal one and another

wait, acclimates where?? i thought he was shipping directly. I am so beyond confused.

also i am dying of anticipation. it sounds BEAUTIFUL!

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i had this phalaenopsis that hadn't bloomed in two years- my late husband had given it to me as a small wedding present two years ago. it hadn't bloomed since, but it did.... on my anniversary on Monday. beautiful deep purple. picture forthcoming as well. :) i was getting ready to toss the thing because i was sick of it not blooming. glad i held onto it... everything seems connected somehow!

That is beautiful and so special :happy:.
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No. Maximas.


Yeah yeah, the clams in the link I posted are maximas.



also i frgot to comment with all the excitement from being the last week of school last week. but the orchid world has been exciiting too. i had this phalaenopsis that hadn't bloomed in two years- my late husband had given it to me as a small wedding present two years ago. it hadn't bloomed since, but it did.... on my anniversary on Monday. beautiful deep purple. picture forthcoming as well. :) i was getting ready to toss the thing because i was sick of it not blooming. glad i held onto it... everything seems connected somehow!


hypo- is anything in bloom right now for you?


Oh, that's always so satisfying when they seemingly come back from the dead. Keep an eye on it though, cuz sometimes that bloom is like a last ditch effort to procreate before they kick the bucket.


In bloom right now:

lycaste aromatica (wonderful smell)



dendrobium microchip; it's been in bloom since like Feb, I think. The longest bloom I've had.

(Not my pics, but I thought I'd show what it looks like)




gastrochilus japonicus; the spike is just starting to come out, so here's a pi of it in bloom (again not mine)






wow it just got really warm in here lol

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!! oh my they are all so beautiful. my cattleyas never last long but i love their smell. the dendrobium you have, does it smell? mine is called "love memory" and its white with pink centers- smells almost like roses but much sweeter. i wish they made perfumes like that. ive never seen that last one before- very cool.

I'm a bit worried about it to be honest, because of the last ditch thing. it's very finicky. almost dropped the spike halfway through and insstead jusst turned a strange angle and kept growing... leaves aren't as stiff as i'd like, so i'm monitoring closely, thouh im not sure if theres much i can do. ive already repotted this year and trimmed any molded roots. i guess i'll know to be concerned if the blooms don't last as long as they should.

Thank you for the compliments! im going to go all old- school and invest in some hot rollers to try and get some more volume into it this summer. haha i'll be sure to post pictures of me channeling the 50's with my hair :P


gena, thank you!

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hmmm, love memory -- I'll have to add that to the list lol. I have dendrobium kingianum, which also smells like roses sorta, and 2 oncidium twinkles that smell like sugar cookies (my favorite scent in the orchids I have).


The mirochip.... actually smells kinda bad in my opinion haha. I don't know how to describe it, but if you search online the descriptions of the smell is "sweet", "a delicate fragrance like Yardley soap", and "newly hatched birds" lol. It's a strong fragrance that can be smelled a couple of feet away, especially in the morning. It's a good orchid in general cuz the blooms are long lasting (mine is about 5 months), and it reblooms on the old growths, so every year you get tons more flowers.


How are the phal's roots doing? I've found that to be the greatest indication of the plant's health more than anything else.

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MWhiteLock- a few "Teaser Pictures"





Omg! Show me!!!


Hypo- it's roots are few but healthy. Leaves keep splitting though.


Annette- there are a lot of us, eh? You, gena, Felicia... :) who else?

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You know what? We have a lot of stunning female reefers on NR. Girl Power!!! The ladies have it!


I'm seriously jealous of her luscious flowing hair. Guys typically can't pull it off





Omg! Show me!!!




Yes? lol



MWhiteLock- a few "Teaser Pictures"



Man, I've always wanted a clam, but I'm scared about killing it, or it outgrowing my small tank

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Eh, if the roots are nice and healthy I wouldn't get too worried. If the leaves/flowers are kinda meh, I'd increase the fertilizer and/or light

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I am digging your orchid collection! Love the little clams too!


As far as water changes go, I think the more small ones you do the better. I am still chasing potassium and Fe (test kit for it) and doing about 8%/week an an 16% per month.

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Sorry, posting from phone and it posted before I was ready.

See edits.

That gif- rofl




Okay so this little clam is being really sassy, but I tried to take some pictures.


It is beautiful and open until I walk up the tank, and then it hides. Growl.


Thats actually a good sign- that its so sensitive to light. Here are some pictures


Oh and its a jumper all right. :)


The photos are terrible. Im using my iPhone and can't get any color out of it :(







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[quote name="hypostatic" post="5046279"


Man, I've always wanted a clam, but I'm scared about killing it, or it outgrowing my small tank


Clams are pretty easy actually, they've always been my least maintenance item in my tanks. They just sit there and get pretty. Only consideration has been calcium, and phyto, which most of us dose anyway.

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Clams are easy!





Morgan I know in the pictures it looks brown- its not. Its light purple with yellow stripes- I forgot to take a picture at the LFS but when it opens happily tomorrow I will take some.


Right now its irritated since I moved it (It fell over), but I'm sure by tomorrow it'll look great again.

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