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DbA's Nano Box lit Fusion 20: Broken Down & New Pup


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So I got bored while waiting for the light to be delivered and picked up a few tiny (seriously TINY) snails and a small hermit crab. It's not much but I was excited to have some sort of life form in there.


Here's hoping it will all be ready by April 11th as there is a local frag swap. I will hopefully buy all the things. :)

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Nice tank and equipment! Following!

Nanobox Duo will be my next light on my 28G! My minitide for my 10G fusion is in the works currently!

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Following your progress.

Im also getting a Fusion 20, probably with a nanobox duo aswell, or maybe a kessil a160 or a360.


Can't wait til you upload your progress :)


Good night from Sweden!

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Following your progress.

Im also getting a Fusion 20, probably with a nanobox duo aswell, or maybe a kessil a160 or a360.

Can't wait til you upload your progress :)

Good night from Sweden!

Sweden eh? That's like another world for me. At least we got something in common : the reef addiction!
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So Dave shipped my Duo with a Storm instead of the BlueFish Mini, which is fine. I get my light sooner and will eventually get the mini! B)


I did pick up a Neptune probe holder. It is one hardcore piece of plastic! It also fits perfectly in the back of the Fusion. With a couple moves coming up and a local frag swap, I will hold off on any Neptune add ons.



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Nano Box Duo arrived perfectly wrapped. Soon it will be controlled by a BlueFish Mini


Quick picture of it over the tank


....and my dog, Cassi, wants attention as always


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Nano Box Duo arrived perfectly wrapped. Soon it will be controlled by a BlueFish Mini


Quick picture of it over the tank


....and my dog, Cassi, wants attention as always


That light looks so sexy over your tank! Nice!

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So I finally started slowly transferring the critter to the new tank.


I do have what may be a foolish questions.. So over a year ago, LFS has this frag. It was about the size of a nickel and dark red. All I remember being told is it was a "filter feeder". Last night I noticed for the first time.... IT HAS TENTACLES. Is this a Favia or Favite or what?



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Everything from the BioCube has been transferred over. Now it's time to breakdown the old tank, which is going to be nasty. Now to keep everything healthy until the local frag swap.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It was a busy weekend which included a small local frag swap. I decided to pick up my first SPS, acan, and a small mushroom. Embarrassingly enough this is also the first time I dipped any coral and glad I did. So now I am good with stuff until I move...which is going to stress me out.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Doesn't look like the SPS is going to make it. I should have taken it slower on adding coral. Everything else is going well though.


Dave loves us.



..and I had a drink for the fallen coral


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It was a busy weekend which included a small local frag swap. I decided to pick up my first SPS, acan, and a small mushroom. Embarrassingly enough this is also the first time I dipped any coral and glad I did. So now I am good with stuff until I move...which is going to stress me out.



Sorry about your SPS, but it happens. That particular birds nest is very finicky. Encrusting montis are easier.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update.. I made my first move and the tank is still kicking. I moved in with my girlfriend until her lease ends in Sept. Then we are going into a much larger place (two bathrooms! B) )


I still need a case for the Bluefish Mini but that will happen soon enough. Poor Dave and the USPS.. sigh.



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Had some weird "snot" looking outbreak over the weekend. I think it's tackled after new media...a few water changes and A LOT of sucking them out with a turkey baster. Now I can watch the water perimeters and thinking about picking up some goodies soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No new real changes.. I did house sit my folks place, who have a 4 foot long tank. They aren't into coral much, so it's basically a FOWLR. My dog there for scale...and because I heart her. :P



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This weekend we went to a new LFS (Elos AquaStudio) which is very nice place. For any Cowboys fans, they have a tank decor that is modeled of the stadium (sorry reflection made the pic kind of terrible). I decided to pick up a tiny Red Dragonet and a couple of frags.




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The GF and I went back to the new LFS (Elos Aquastudio). I really enjoy it, as it is super nice and surprisingly affordable. They even have what looks like a soda tap machine for Copepods and Pyto ($14 for 16oz). B)


Also new frags...which in a couple of weeks I will dremel the frags and glue them down. I just need to make the impossible decision on where in the tank:







Any idea on what this is?


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Heading out of work for the end of my week. Everyone have a great Fourth of July.


She's bugging me to go swimming



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  • 3 weeks later...

So in Sept my closest friend is getting married in Destin, so we are making it a week long vacation. In preparation.. I bought a GoPro. I suck at photography and still need work in post processing photos but it's still fun.


The tank needs work but I don't want to add a bunch of coral before the trip. Just in case it crashes.. :unsure:




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which go pro did you get?

Hero4 Silver.


I am loving it and I am NOT the type of person to carry a camera around (other than my phone).

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