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Top Shelf Aquatics

Dylan's Corner of Relaxation- New Update


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Went to Top Shelf today. Got some more snails and hermit crabs. I had red leg hermits in the tank, but I accidentally bought blue leg hermits at the store. Needless to say, there was an all-out war the minute the blues went in the water. There were 2 casualties, things seem to have settled down. Just did a water change. I think it's time for a cleaner shrimp but Top Shelf didn't have any. Might make the 5 minute drive to Living Reef in a little bit.



no one has cleaner shrimps. guess i'll have to wait a week.

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We've got a jumper :(


Came home from work just now and saw no sign of my six line in the tank. I didn't see him last night before I fell asleep either but just thought he had already gone inside a rock to sleep. But sure enough, there he was on the floor :( I'm so pissed. Really liked that fish. What makes it worse is that I have a sheet of acrylic that I put over the tank at night and when I'm not home. I guess I'll have to keep it on full-time now...

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Damn man,that really suck. Sorry to hear about the loss... Is there any gaps between the acrylic and the back part of the tank ? Maybe he had been planning on a jump and found a way ?!

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There's a gap on the left side where the surface skimmer is, but he was on the right side of the tank on the floor. And there is no gap on the right. So he had to have jumped before I put the cover on at night.

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After the Six Line jumped I was furious. But I also wanted to replace him because I really like these fish. But first I needed to do something about the lid. The acrylic just wasn't cutting it, so I went to Home Depot and spent the best $13 I have spent on this tank. I really don't know why I didn't do this sooner. But oh well. Just did a water change and wanted to share some growth pics, as well as some pics of the new Six Line and my new baby cleaner shrimp! I'm getting better at taking iPhone pics. They still suck, though.



Darth Maul Growth:



Seduction Growth:



Hawaiian People Eater Growth:



New Acan Heads:



New baby Cleaner Shrimp!



He likes the cave



New Six Line likes the camera





Why did I not do this sooner....



No one is getting out now





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Little RFA moved itself to somewhere it likes I guess. Gave me quite a scare last night when it detached itself from the rock.


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That's awesome !!! I saw the thread they had about these. Post some reviews on it,I really want to get one for my AC20 I'm using on my girlfriends tank. I just don't know if it'll fit,the tank is 6"x6"x6"

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Tank is looking great. I'm thinking the RFA may have moved to lower light, I could be wrong too. Sounds like your getting some sweet pieces in there.

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Just bought some zoas from Rare Reef. $45 shipped. Not bad.


Polar Ice Caps



Gold Mauls



Purple Hornet


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Petsmart is having a sale on Aqua Clear filters, so I decided to upgrade my AC50 to an AC70. Lately my water hasn't been very clear (lots of debri) so I figured what the heck. So far I can see that there is much more flow, and the increased GPH should definitely help. My roommate has an AC70 on his 15gal, so I think this was a good decision. And I already contacted Pico Aquariums and asked them to change my order to an AC70 surface skimmer so all's good. New corals will be here Tuesday!

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how much was the sell on the ac70?

+1 my brother n law was telling me they had a ac110 open box for $35 !!! That's such a steal.

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Something funky happening with fedex. not sure when the corals will get here but it definitely won't be today.



corals will be here tomorrow. the shipping label was created on monday but they didn't bag and ship them until today.

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Gotta love Rare Reef. Ordered 1 polyp of the purple hornets and got about 15 polyps. Ordered 2 polyps of the purple and green zoas and got about 20 polyps. chalice looks insane under these lights. I'll have pics tomorrow once everything opens up more.

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Wtf,really ?! Jesus man. Hopefully they are generous if I ever got to them. Hook a local brother up mannnnn !!!

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I don't think the purple hornets made the trip :( i've noticed that some polyps have started to melt away. oh well..

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