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Coral Vue Hydros

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Annd you're on your way! Good start/plan so far. Do have one peice of advice... give your equipment wires some slack on the tank side of the wall. That way water trickling down them will drip before making it to the wall.

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Is your tank on something other than just the metal stand? Most of those carts just have small pieces of crossed metal on the top. Are you sure it will hold and distribute the weight evenly?

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Yes, we took apart an old end table that had a 1" thick piece of granite top and it is under the tank resting on the four legs, this stand is rated for 400lbs so I'm not worried, my DH got atop it and stood on it just to be sure, he weighs more than the full tank will :P It is a utility cart called Honey Can Do from Target and is for heavy lifting. I was leery of the welds on the wire to the legs, but with all 4 corners of the granite supported by the legs I am sure it will handle the tank. We have many of these stainless steel shelving units in our pantry and they support quite a bit of weight. And since this one is rated for so much weight I feel good about it .


BTW I did the equation for the water weight and added it to the rock and the granite and it is under 400lbs.


125.1lbs of water.....1 gal. water=8.34lbs...15 gals

30 lbs tank

27 lbs granite

15 lbs rock.

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FInished with scape, pegs are glued into rocks, like the look of it!! What do you think?


first test salinity is reading high at 1.030!!! Both the Refractometer and the floating hydrometer read exactly to the hundreth that


I suppose I should take a gallon of water out and replace with RO/DI right? or should it be smaller increments?????


Ph is perfect at 8.0

temp is on its way 73


I got a snail shell with coralline as an added bonus along with a dead piece of coral red in color just for grins :P The top darker piece is live rock that was in the wrong tank so I kyped it! Maybe that will help it cycle.


The guy at lfs was telling me how he used Dr. Tim's One and Only solution which he swears by and other customers swear by it...some had completed cycle in a few days (like 2) :o So I ordered it today, even the reviews of it were great.


Please help with my salinity problem guys...thanks!

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Here's a close up...




Notice anything else a little strange???? NO SAND! My lfs was supposed to order a bag of Caribsea Pink Bermuda, not to be confused with Pink Fiji. It's larger grain and full of those beautiful pink and purple coralline encrusted shells...just had to have it. Well, someone over there told me it was in yesterday...hence...my going to get it and the rock today, but when I got there...no sign of the special ordered sand...I was steamed but what could I do but come home with the rock. I might explain that I live 45 minutes away from San Antonio, no small drive to and from. So when I got home I ordered my sand and Dr. Tim's One and Only and DH and I began doing the scape. I can add the sand when it gets here in a couple days.

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Congrats on the thread :).


Scape looks fantastic! I would just adjust it gradually. Take a couple of cups out, add a couple of cups of fresh water. No harm from that.


Stinks about the sand. How frustrating.


Dr. Tims One and Only is awesome! I used it on my pico. NO cycle at all.

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OMG OMG this morning a baby brittle star crawled out of the piece of dead coral...what do I do what do I do....should I run and get som phytoplankton???? I'm so scared he will expire from the cycle! :o

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Thx for the replies didn't think anyone had their ears on.


Another brittle star, bigger has appeared but only has 2 good legs, a third detached leg is laying next to him, but he's extending one leg so I know he's still kicking,

As for the salt, I took 1 qt. out last night and it went down to 1.028. Just took another qt out cuz I'm so worried about my babies :blink:

?Frags, I have egg crate under the scape, I would consider the glass only I like it too but I want it to be stable and my scheme is to use the crate and cover with sand, plus I'm getting a jawfish or gobi or blenny. Haven't decided which yet, any suggestions. I want a comical character so the jawfish is favorite right now.

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I had 2 more chunks of rock so I modified the design, never can have too much rock, hugh?! Here is the new one and you can make out my baby, I think I'll call him Lazerous




Thx Steelen but there is absolutely no food for them, don't they need something.

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Here is my little life raft:


He called it dead, but boy was it alive! Ha! I'm gonna be watching every morning for new critters now! There are also some nodules on the top piece that look like they may have been or maybe are still mushrooms, can they bounce back also???

I know I probably sound like a real sap, but this is just so exciting...remember????

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O yeah, the sand is on its way, it isn't in there yet due to a mixup at my lfs. The story is back a ways post #9...I couldn't wait until it comes in to start the cycle so I have to add it in about a week, hopefully less if it comes in early.

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As long as he's not green. I had a green brittle and little did I know.. All my little fish started disappearing. How far from San Antonio? We have some awesome saltwater stores in new braunfels.

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Spring Branch....did you know there's a new shop opening at corner of 281 and 311? Called South Texas Marine Aquariums I think that's it. Not open yet, but I looked through the window and they are setting up the big display, maybe next month. I go to BirdDogCatFish on 46. On my way there now. Bye!

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Brittle stars are so cool. Awesome HH. Don't panic :D. Are they still visible? They'll probably crawl up into the rocks. I wouldn't worry about feeding them at this point. Wait until you get your sand and everything is where it needs to be. Your scape may even change again when you move things around to get the sand in there :).


Fun stuff!!!!! :happy:

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Awesome I'll have to look into it. I just recently checked out "water world" in new braunfels. Nice small mom and pop place with friendly owners. If you're ever around new braunfels I'd suggest checking it out. Or Pollys pet shop in San Antonio is nice as well. They used to have a NB location but recently moved everything they had to their SA location.


Anyways, good luck with your tank, I've been following the thread and it's coming along nicely!

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O.K. so my Dr. Tim's One and Only is on its way so I read the directions on his ammonia and the Seachem Stability, both said if you're doing this right, fish can be added at any time. Soooooo, I went to the lfs and did some shopping, it took all my strength of will not to go completely nuts, and I kept telling myself stick to plan stick to plan. They had 2 black/whte clowns, $40 ea. but they looked so cozy I hated to break them up and anyways, I'd rather risk $25 on a baby misbar to my stupidity than 40, so I bought a cutey, he is drip acclimating as I write! Then the tank guy, who was not pushy and did give advice to wait on certain items, so I think I can trust him, gave me 3 one head mushroom frags for $5 ea. so I got them, Then they had a peppermint mommy full of eggs and I thought, "well food for others!" so I got her too (the eggs not the mommy :wacko:)....I promise no more for a very long time. I will take pic after tank entro............ :D

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