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Cultivated Reef

2013 Nano Reef Gift Exchange :Secret Santa:


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We are frag rack buddies now!!!! I have the same one. It's black isn't it?

Yay! I'm actually not sure if its black or clear. I'm leaving to go to my parents' place for the holidays soon, so I had my gift sent there so I wouldn't miss getting it. My SS shipped really early, so it made it to my parents' house before I did! :lol: I just got my mom to open it and take a photo for me. She didn't tell me if it was black or clear. Either one is just fine with me! :)


Awesome Felicia!!!!!


Ohhh...a Christmas cactus :wub:. What color, do you know? That's your parent's house right?

Yep! Definitely something I've been wanting now that I don't have my frag tank anymore. My mom has had that Christmas cactus for years. Lily eats a nice big chunk out of it every year :lol: If I remember correctly the blossoms are a really deep pink. And yep, that's the kitchen table at my parents' house in Atlanta.

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Yep! Definitely something I've been wanting now that I don't have my frag tank anymore. My mom has had that Christmas cactus for years. Lily eats a nice big chunk out of it every year :lol: If I remember correctly the blossoms are a really deep pink. And yep, that's the kitchen table at my parents' house in Atlanta.

Frag racks are the best :D.


I have a white CC with pink center. It has crazy blooms going right now :).

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I think it's clear.

I don't have a color preference, so either is great! :)


I have a white CC with pink center. It has crazy blooms going right now :).

Pretty! Its funny because Lily chews on my mom's CC every year when we go there for the holidays, and the teethmarks are still in it a couple years later. My mom's poor CC permanently looks like its been chewed on :lol: I don't think from the photo that the one my mom has is blooming yet, but it looked like it has buds. That's exciting that yours is blooming now!

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That is a sweet frag rack! Everyone should have one!


Stupid forsenics team is stupid with all the Phd's runnin around there. They say they could only find my chocolate covered fingerprints all over the letter as well as "Chemicals consistant with the reefkeeping industry" Apparently, I should just wait for the next letter. Dunno what I'm not paying them for.


Lawnman you're in the klink for another night dood.

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Oh I see. Well as long as Lawn is in the dungeon, errbady can send his presents and coral purchases to me. Kthx.

Actually, since your tank is crowded and you refuse to get a bigger one I say all his purchases get sent to me.... It's the only truly responsible thing to do :P

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I would of rather been in the dungeon today. Had to help my brother move for 10 hours. Then we are getting a ice storm tomorrow with 6+ inches of snow on top of ice :wacko: Nothing in the mail today for me except bills.

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I would of rather been in the dungeon today. Had to help my brother move for 10 hours. Then we are getting a ice storm tomorrow with 6+ inches of snow on top of ice :wacko: Nothing in the mail today for me except bills.

Getting 6+ inches lawn? Damn, you're hardcore :P

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Got back from the mailbox. Seems the kidnapers are taking the day off for torture. Anyone else get anything?

Maybe they are going to send you his toe or something.


You can't be upset when I present you with a perfectly rational and intelligent suggestion kittykat :P :lol:

Sure I can! :angry: :Angry: :angry:


Nothing here!

Yeah Santa skipped me too.

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I am a pitcher :P

Hahaha, quick save


oh Santaaaaa.......


Is that the one with orange in it?(if so I'm making my way downtown to take this from you)

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