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Shadow's 16G Disaster. Fumigation Poisoned the Tank and Crashed It.


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Wow, your green brittle star is so pretty. I didn't know they could come in that color. Love the way it molded itself to the shape like that.

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I got sexy's in the 40B. I think I'll do a pom pom crab for now then. Maybe add a peterson's shrimp someday if the tank goes okay. It is mostly an experiment.


Aw, he's not that bad! As long as he's well fed, he stays off the predator-radar. :P


If you do add the shrimp someday, don't forget to post some pics. They're super rare over here, and I don't know anyone who owns one.


I have a pom pom. Love that thing. And since I just found his hiding spot, I can watch him any day any time :)


I love Pom Poms. It's a pity I lost mine sometime back when lightning took down one of my nanos. He was the cutest crab ever. :)


I tried them in bigger tanks and I see them like... once every few months lol... lets see how well he can hide from me in a betta tank!


Oh yes, you should be able to view him everyday! :D


Wow, your green brittle star is so pretty. I didn't know they could come in that color. Love the way it molded itself to the shape like that.


Thank you. And he certainly is a keeper. Very hardy as well. :)

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Aw, he's not that bad! As long as he's well fed, he stays off the predator-radar. :P


If you do add the shrimp someday, don't forget to post some pics. They're super rare over here, and I don't know anyone who owns one.


I trust a green brittle as much as a mantis :P


Will do, I have never seen them in person but they are always for sale online here. Probably get one from sealife. How did you manage to get one then? Just lucky the LFS had one?

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I trust a green brittle as much as a mantis :P


Will do, I have never seen them in person but they are always for sale online here. Probably get one from sealife. How did you manage to get one then? Just lucky the LFS had one?


Lol. :P


I have never seen a Pedersen's in person as well. As for the White Spotted Nem Shrimp, they're seasonal stock. My LFS carries them on occassion at U$D 3.00 each. Right now they're renovating the store however, so they're not pulling in any large fish shipments yet. Once they get the renovation over and done with, it'll be crunch time. Can't wait to order/pick up my bonded/mated pair of Pictus Blennies. They'll be pricey, but worth every single ringgit. Also, I'm waiting for a Pom Pom, Porcelain and the White Spotted Nem shrimps. Will probably snag 2 to 3 shrimps to host my purple goni and green mini maxi. :P

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Lol. :P


I have never seen a Pedersen's in person as well. As for the White Spotted Nem Shrimp, they're seasonal stock. My LFS carries them on occassion at U$D 3.00 each. Right now they're renovating the store however, so they're not pulling in any large fish shipments yet. Once they get the renovation over and done with, it'll be crunch time. Can't wait to order/pick up my bonded/mated pair of Pictus Blennies. They'll be pricey, but worth every single ringgit. Also, I'm waiting for a Pom Pom, Porcelain and the White Spotted Nem shrimps. Will probably snag 2 to 3 shrimps to host my purple goni and green mini maxi. :P



ahhh.. that sounds cheap.. lol.. white spotteds are like $17-20 here, generally. I really like the purple on the Peterson's shrimp.


That's the thing I am not sure about. The only nem's in the betta tank will be majano's so not sure if those shrimp require nem's or not.


I just got another bubble tip today, maybe a few more flower nem's or another bubble and I could put some peterson's shrimp comfortably in the 40B. Right now everyone bickers over the nems. A porcelain crab and my female clown are always fighting, no one gets hurt though and no one seems to win as they both still hang out in it. Then a 2nd crab and 3 sexy shrimp fight over a flower nem....sometimes sharing, sometimes not.... and my 2nd flower nem won't stop moving so no one wants to have it as their house.

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ahhh.. that sounds cheap.. lol.. white spotteds are like $17-20 here, generally. I really like the purple on the Peterson's shrimp.


That's the thing I am not sure about. The only nem's in the betta tank will be majano's so not sure if those shrimp require nem's or not.


I just got another bubble tip today, maybe a few more flower nem's or another bubble and I could put some peterson's shrimp comfortably in the 40B. Right now everyone bickers over the nems. A porcelain crab and my female clown are always fighting, no one gets hurt though and no one seems to win as they both still hang out in it. Then a 2nd crab and 3 sexy shrimp fight over a flower nem....sometimes sharing, sometimes not.... and my 2nd flower nem won't stop moving so no one wants to have it as their house.


Lol, your tank is so active! My nem just stays put and nothing hosts/hosted it. Even when I had my clowns, they pointedly ignored it. Instead all six of them took turns bouncing on my leather toadstool. -facepalm-


And that is extremely expensive for a shrimp - no wonder you were having second thoughts purchasing one over there. With their short lifespan taken into account and the price (ermagawd), I can understand why you prefer the Pedersen's over the White Spotted. I love purple flecks as well - but I have never seen a Pedersen's being sold in any LFS in Malaysia or Singapore. But I suppose we get some things that you can't get in the US (take the Pictus blenny for example), so I guess the same principle applies both ways.


Btw, I went down to grab a glass of juice at 2am in the morning and I found something spawning in the tank. Not sure what it was because the larvae looked like little balloons with tiny tails and a pair of black eyes. They made an excellent supper snack for my YCG and Mandarin though!







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are the green brittle stars bad? I had no idea.


Lol, it depends on who you ask, I guess. Mine's well-behaved so far. I've had him for 1.5 years and he's doubled in size. He mostly eats detritus, fish pellets and shrimp meat. They have a tendency to grow very large and become increasingly predatory as they age however, according to certain sources. I keep a tight watch on mine, but he hasn't made a move towards any of my fish or inverts yet (unless you include those really tiny hitchiker crabs, which in that case, he has eaten a couple).

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are the green brittle stars bad? I had no idea.


Fish/invert eaters. Sort of like a mantis in that if you keep it fed, it might not eat things in your tank, or it still might. They tent up at night waiting for something to come under it and then grab it. I would suppose the most likely victims are bottom dwellers. They are more of a problem when they become very large.




Nice spawning pics btw, very cool.

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Actually mine stays splayed out at night. Only once I watched it actively tent up when a hairy brown mithrax crab (the size of a pea) scuttled underneath the rock the star was perched on. Then it was dinnertime. :wacko:

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Actually mine stays splayed out at night. Only once I watched it actively tent up when a hairy brown mithrax crab (the size of a pea) scuttled underneath the rock the star was perched on. Then it was dinnertime. :wacko:


He is just waiting to grow big and strong.

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From BlueZooAquatics:


'In spite of the Green Brittle Stars reputation for catching gobies or small slow moving fishes, the advantage to having them outweighs the possible problems. The reported problem behavior is less likely to happen providing they are actually kept well fed. Feeding them will keep them from hunting.'


I keep mine well-fed and target feed him as often as possible. This of course, does not mean the star is perfect in any way. Any animal can revert back to their true instincts/true predatory nature at the flip of a coin. When that day comes, I'll find him a good home. My LFS expressed a lot of interest in him when I temporarily kept him in one of their display tanks during my tank move. :)

He is just waiting to grow big and strong.


-hears the evil little chuckles coming from the 15G downstairs- :blink:

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Bluezoo is just telling you filthy lies because they sell them!


They do look cool though, I have almost bought the tiny red ones before. I have had to resist a few times. I have too many small fish so it would have to go in the fuge or something.

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I knew I shouldn't have walked into the store today. But I had to drop off a coral piece, and I walked back out with this little gal:



She's a P. truncatus if I'm not mistaken. Very nice pink coloration with prominent red tips on the tail. Came as a pair, but I only snagged one. Already on pellets and very healthy. Someone smack me.


I really need to be more selective over what I put into the tank. :ninja:

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Dang. Thats the anthias ive been searching for :( . Lucky. Dont feed it pellets tho, heard they do better with meaty foods.

Wait. Which tank is that in? Im lost as to whats your current tank lol

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Dang. Thats the anthias ive been searching for :( . Lucky. Dont feed it pellets tho, heard they do better with meaty foods.


Wait. Which tank is that in? Im lost as to whats your current tank lol


Really? There was a mini basketful of these guys along with some Purple Queens at the store. But only a pair of truncatus came in at 1" - the rest were maxed out at 3". This is a nano tank - I currently only have one tank, a 15G. Water quality and optimal balance is the only issue I'm worried about.


I fed her some pellets and mysis, and she swam after the mysis immediately. Currently very shy but actively roaming around the tank when she thinks I'm not peeking. Would she have done better as a pair though? I've never owned an anthias before, but I'm now doing my extensive reading on them. I really need to get smacked in the face with a tire iron for the impulse purchases I've made while being in this hobby.

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Finally, my anthias, Cherry, is feeling a tad braver today:






I feed her a frozen cocktail of phytoplankton + zooplankton + frozen BBS + frozen Mysis, Hikari Marine S pellets and a bit of Repashy paste around 5 to 6 times a day. So far she eats anything I toss into the tank.


Also, this is how the 30G looks like in the present. It's fully stocked with 3 baby bichirs, 20+ baby Cichlids of varying species (I mix them even though this is apparently a big no-no), 4 Tiger Barbs, 2 Opaline Gouramis, 2 featherfin catfish, 1 pleco, 1 Red Tail Shark, a few odd snails and some freshwater ghost shrimp.



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Pictures! :)






My new Hillstream Loaches from Vietnam. :)




My little dragon resting on the water keladi plant that I just bought few days ago. He loves to perch on the leaves. :)






My Lyretail Balloon Ram Cichlid. When I showed this to other international hobbyists on a FB forum, they went amok and said it's deformed, hideous etc. They basically wanted me to kill it because it looked different. :( But I love his quirks and he's a keeper. :wub:


Back to all my marine stuff - I have a mini outbreak of GHA but my urchin's on the case. Got diatoms and coralline on the glass, but nothing a bit of scrubbing won't take care of:




Also, for some reason my guppies and tetras are mysteriously vanishing in the 12G to the point that I only have 5 fish left. Since there's so few of them, I've decided to convert the tank into a paludrium of sorts and make it a FW crab habitat. :happy:


The crab will most likely be a Red Thai crab however. B)


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My Lyretail Balloon Ram Cichlid. When I showed this to other international hobbyists on a FB forum, they went amok and said it's deformed, hideous etc. They basically wanted me to kill it because it looked different. :( But I love his quirks and he's a keeper. :wub:


I don't get it, it looks like a pretty fish to me. Unless you're breeding it, then it doesn't matter if its deformed or not. Sounds like they need to get off their high horses.

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