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1stimereefer's 1st tank- RETIRED


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OK, tank looks like this. I put the Purple Bonsai back in here because I have lots of necrosis when I put it in the 34. Don't know what it didn't like. Hopefully it'll make a comeback. My lfs is having a sale this weekend, maybe I can find something for it- there are no fish in there, nothing to produce some nitrates to make the red mushroom or zoas happy. They're looking mighty sad. I did throw in some daphbio powder for it after I gave some to the 34. Hopefully it'll help some.


Been trying so hard to get better pics of the 34 that I"m failing now at this one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks great!!!!! I see the spiral wire is getting worse though :(.


Yep, I put PE mysis on top of it and it showed no interest to extend. I'm thinking it was just too young, all the others I've seen from anyone on NR were more mature. And the chemipure elite just wiped it out.

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It looks great!!!!! I see the spiral wire is getting worse though :(.


Check out today's pic of the spiral. It went in on the 11th, only the 14th right now. Smaller tank though has more stability right now than the bigger one. WOW, just realized in 10 days this tank will be 1 yr old.



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Well, compare the plate from a week ago to today. Much better!! This little tank is doing wonders. I'll call it the Evolve Rehabilitation Inpatient Clinic.






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Have the polyps come out?

no but it's getting more dimply, thickening dimples, which I take as a good sign.


And the plate looks like it will be sporting dimples soon too. It ate 2 PE Mysis today. I'll do that tomorrow too. Get it's strength back.

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Looking forward to these King MIdas growing. I lost 2 polyps but 2 more grew back. The watermelons are doing well but the Radioactive Dragon Eyes had kinda just melted away when the nitrates left the tank after the fish were moved out.




Also want this one green polyp to become many.



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I missed that you got a spiral! Where did you get it?


Online at Woos Aquatics. $20. It's recuperating. Whatever happened in the 34 hurt it alot but as you can see it's coming back. I've not seen it have it's polyps open yet though to actually eat except at first. I don't care which tank it's in, as long as it eats and I haven't found it feasting yet. I only started feeding Phytofeast Live this evening so I hope I see change. I also do a little Coral Frenzy and Reef Bugs and Phytoplex (not on the same days). Even PE mysis didn't yet stir it open. As soon as its grown its skin back I'll put it back in the 34 because the light is bright in the Evolve.

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Got a realllly nice book yesterday. I had no idea clams had kidneys- makes sense for what they do but still. Never thought about it that way. His book came out before LEDS were really popular but the info is the same regarding care, etc. Love the pictures, over 200 pgs and just about every page has pics.



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Legendary Corals

OK, tank looks like this. I put the Purple Bonsai back in here because I have lots of necrosis when I put it in the 34. Don't know what it didn't like. Hopefully it'll make a comeback. My lfs is having a sale this weekend, maybe I can find something for it- there are no fish in there, nothing to produce some nitrates to make the red mushroom or zoas happy. They're looking mighty sad. I did throw in some daphbio powder for it after I gave some to the 34. Hopefully it'll help some.


Been trying so hard to get better pics of the 34 that I"m failing now at this one.





A current pic of what's happening- due to the expired Chemipure Elite issue I had to move over some corals to the Evolve.



You stocked that up fast in two weeks! Love how filled up it looks now. Glad to hear that all the corals are recovering. :)

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You stocked that up fast in two weeks! Love how filled up it looks now. Glad to hear that all the corals are recovering. :)


The stocking started back Feb 2013 and I transferred 75% of it to the 34 gallon tank in Oct-Dec. Then just recently had a bad issue w/ Chemipure Elite in the 34, corals were dying so I moved them back to the stability of the Evolve and they've been recovering there.

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This tank has done SO WELL as a rehab tank and is over a yr old so I couldn't help myself when I found some itty bitty cutesy wootsey clams on Saltcritters. Got her 13 days ago on the 20th & she's been doing extremely well. Her reactions are excellent. Within a couple of days she put her foot down. I didn't touch her to find out before that. When I put food in she takes in the water and closes, takes it in again, and closes. So she's doing well with all that. I was looking around yesterday and Cultivated Reef has clams this size as well that are selling under an inch and it said they were some of the hardiest maximas from the Coco Islands. I'll have to ask if Saltcritters knows the origin of them.


She's 3/4" long and w/ her mantle out she's an inch from end to end. She only did a slight turn from where I put her. There are another 2 potential locations in the tank for her as she grows, and by then the 34 will be established to take her. The 34 is only 5 mos old.

Meet "Lil' Bit "!!!! From the top she looks more turquoise, otherwise she looks royal blue.










Also, started reading....




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FTS- I added 2 more splotches of GSP. I just cut it from the stash down below. It loves this tank.




Lil' Bit- she's more turquoise from the top but royal blue from the side.



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