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1stimereefer's 1st tank- RETIRED


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If was fine. I forgot which ones were the ones I wanted and I end up fragging some of these takeover zoas. I mean to get some watermelons but w/ everything closed up everything looked the same.

Did you do it under water or take the rock out to frag?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Woke up to my watchman goby on the floor from my Evolve8 tank. He jumped last night. There's a lid on it but there's a 1.25" hole in the top made for convenient feeding and that's how he got out.


On the plus side though, my "Lil bit" my blue maxima is doing really well. Certainly growing so I'll have to figure out a different rock arrangement soon to put him in the middle of the tank front/center for room to grow. Once I do that I'm going to suck out all the sand and go bare bottom.

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Woke up to my watchman goby on the floor from my Evolve8 tank. He jumped last night. There's a lid on it but there's a 1.25" hole in the top made for convenient feeding and that's how he got out.


On the plus side though, my "Lil bit" my blue maxima is doing really well. Certainly growing so I'll have to figure out a different rock arrangement soon to put him in the middle of the tank front/center for room to grow. Once I do that I'm going to suck out all the sand and go bare bottom.


Sorry to hear about the goby. They always do find the tiniest of gaps to squeeze through. :(

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Sorry to hear about the goby. They always do find the tiniest of gaps to squeeze through. :(


yeah, and I checked nitrates- zero, clammy is doing wonderfully keeping it clean. Still bummer though. I might just get a cheap damsel to have something in it to provide nitrates to the clam at this point. I used to have my tailspot in there, he was perfect for that tank. I should've left him in there. He's not as happy in the 34, he's over powered by the clowns so he hides. I haven't seen him in a week poking his head out so he may have disappeared from lack of food. I feel really bad for Slim. Hope he's not gone.


The sps are doing well in the tank, they like zero nitrates. I haven't done a partial water changes in several wks, I figure why do it while all looks great. I have enough nutrients in there and I have seachem fuel if I need to add anything. I know clams are not fans of water changes.

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Woke up to my watchman goby on the floor from my Evolve8 tank. He jumped last night. There's a lid on it but there's a 1.25" hole in the top made for convenient feeding and that's how he got out.


On the plus side though, my "Lil bit" my blue maxima is doing really well. Certainly growing so I'll have to figure out a different rock arrangement soon to put him in the middle of the tank front/center for room to grow. Once I do that I'm going to suck out all the sand and go bare bottom.


Yes if there is a small hole they "will" find it .... unfortunately


RIP Goby

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Sorry for the goby loss :(. If you are just going to replace with one fish, a damsel is probably the way to go. He can make bigger poops for your clam :).

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Sorry for the goby loss :(. If you are just going to replace with one fish, a damsel is probably the way to go. He can make bigger poops for your clam :).



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Ahh, so sorry about your watchman goby. Now I feel nervous about my midas blenny. I also have a lid but in the back where the overflow box and HOB skimmer is I didn't around them, just cut a rectangle leaving some open areas. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he never finds those!

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, so long w/o pics. Here ya go. I discovered I could take some good pics w my cell here.









I was thinking of acclimating a male & female molly, and then throw the babies in to the mantis tank for some interest. I think they'd be pretty w/ the macro. Do you think they'd bother the maxima?

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Oh, can you believe Lil' Bit will be one yr old on 2/20???? She's gone from .5 to 1.5" in that time. And I can't believe this little tank is coming up on 2 yrs. Seem so fast. As she gets bigger I'll have to rearrange this tank and or put her in the 34 so she can get more nutrition from the water column.

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I was thinking of acclimating a male & female molly, and then throw the babies in to the mantis tank for some interest. I think they'd be pretty w/ the macro. Do you think they'd bother the maxima?


I have no idea if they would bother your clam. Your idea for their babies though would probably delight Gertie!


Oh, can you believe Lil' Bit will be one yr old on 2/20???? She's gone from .5 to 1.5" in that time. And I can't believe this little tank is coming up on 2 yrs. Seem so fast. As she gets bigger I'll have to rearrange this tank and or put her in the 34 so she can get more nutrition from the water column.


That is awesome, congrats!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can't believe Lil Bit turned a yr on 2/20 and now this tank will be 2 yrs tomorrow. I did have one blue light go out though in the Ledtirc par 38 bulb the last month. If any more go out I'll move her into my 34. That tank is so scratched up and even using the items designed for acrylic has in the end caused little indentations/marks so they get filled in. Then I'll put the par 38 over Gertie's tank and rearrange her scape. Some mushrooms would be going in there. I think I'm also going to grab another piece of GSP and get it going on another rock in the rock flower tank that they have not gravitated to. It's too far to the left side. Those one rock gsp wonders are such beautiful accent pieces.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, so Lil Bit has been removed and rehomed to the 34g. More nutrients in there for her as well as nitrate. The sps I'm giving to my buddy here Randi . She's giving me some ricordea so this tank is now going to become a gsp, frogspawn, mushroom tank. I used to have ricordea in it and it did well.


I'll be moving the frogspawn out of the 34, it doesn't like the flow but the one in my Evolve 8 that was a 2 head, split the first head into 2 and now the 2nd is splitting also so I'll just place it in there since that one obviously loves it.


I have maybe 4-5 mushrooms in the tank w/ Gertie and I'll move those as well here. Since it's been 2 yrs I think I'll pull all the rock out, hold it for a moment in the 34, and turkey baste the sand to get some crap up before I do the water change. I also think I'll put a sachet of carbon in there and put some seachem matrix river pebbles in there. Then put the stuff back in that evening. Do you think that would be a good idea? I always hear about tank crashes and I want to avoid it but doing something now.

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Well, I took the frogspawn out of the 34 and put it here. Doing well so far. Now this tank will have 2 varieties.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checking in - I've been following this thread but for some reason I haven't been getting notifications, so I got behind :(


I think you've got a great plan for the revamp! It may be too late, but I was wondering if you'd thought of cleaning out the sand bed while you are rinsing all the rocks?

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Oh, I've since decided once I take out the water and put it in a bucket w/ the rocks, I'm totally tipping it upside down over the deck and getting rid of the sand entirely. Except for the brittles. I must have like 20 in this little thing.

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Great plan! So are you going bare bottom, or just putting in new sand?


bare, got a bare it somewhere!!!

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bare, got a bare it somewhere!!!



Will this be your first bare bottom tank? I think they work great if you have lots of flow to keep the detritus suspended and sucked out through the filter.


That's where I went wrong when I had my BB tank.

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