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The Bro Love Build! A bro love story! 75g of wet lov'n!


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Looks like my new 20L aio is holding. I'll do the tank swap sometime tomorrow so my carpet has room to strech out and give my guy's some room to grow.




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Got the new 20L up and running, 50% new water, chemipure elite in back chambers along with the heater and return pump atm. When I'm able to get my hands on some cheato I'll add it back there as well. The swap went really easy, just let the clowns and carpet sit in a holding bucket till I got the rock and sand transferred them I just filled it back up. The only hiccup was I got sung pretty bad in my wrist from my unhappy carpet. It was just like a jellyfish sting imo. I'll post pics of the tank and sting in a while.

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Nematocysts stings are nothing pretty but I don't pansy out. I used my own urine to neutralize the burn, made Bear Gyles look like a poos! Here's a few pics of the new clown tank. Nevermind the cords, I'll clean those up as I plan to use a canopy over the tank. I'll just run them along the top of the canopy and out the back well hidden away.




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I don't always drink dirty poopy water from atop a canvas of an abandoned boat, but when I do, I prefer to use the buttchug method!


On another off topic subject, my gf may be having a baby tonight. I'm I'm for the long haul. This is going to be a very long night.

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Like I done told Maury Povavich, that's not my baby Maury! That skimmer is on my dt tank hanging off the sump. It's starting to pull some gunk. Was running a little wet but I think it's starting to break in.

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congrats! hopefully it won't end up like it's dad! jk hehe
No doubt, that dirty sac of human excrement just shot n ducked out! I'm here by her side cause we found each other when we both needed help and I'm here to stand by her side. Plus she cooks n cleans. You know how hard it is to find a domesticated woman who's momma taught her right. I thought they no longer existed. By claiming this one it's like killing a unicorn, with a hand grenade.


Dafuq you mean too bukoo, this pure bama black snake baby!

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Lol, she's actually from around your parts up from maryland. The wierdest thing about you yanks is how your slang and how yall add an extra r in everything like the word wash. I gotta warsh my car caused I dropped a can of pop in it and parked under a pee can tree. But yet were the rednecks cause assuming that we're from Texas we have cows and oil rigs on our property. Well sir my cows and my earl take offense to your biased judgements, you sister spooning virginian.

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Awesome, we can play chase the potato on the string, I'll hold the string and you chase the potato around. Should keep you entertained for several hours them we'll kill a bottle of jamesison's! Good times to be had!

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Shoot son, I got my six tall boys sitting empty near my hospital bed, my ps3 plugged in and my personal computer set up right next to my cooler. I'm chilling dawg. Like I said I'm in it for the long haul brozeff!

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Still no dang babby, they are going to observe her for 24hrs longer. I can't stand the hospital so I'm heading to work. I gots Earl to refine and bills to pay. Here's a pic of my 20L dt with my new jeboa kung fu wp-25. Lowest possible wave short burst setting. It rules!


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Day two I'm the hospital and still no babby! How you liking that move. I stayed up north for two years but that's all I could stand. The first year was all good but the second winter came around and I was out so fast and chilling back on the island in my trunks while the snow fell up there. I enjoy the the heat, sand, and sun way much better than the freezing cold.

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Day two I'm the hospital and still no babby! How you liking that move. I stayed up north for two years but that's all I could stand. The first year was all good but the second winter came around and I was out so fast and chilling back on the island in my trunks while the snow fell up there. I enjoy the the heat, sand, and sun way much better than the freezing cold.



You and me both bro! I've only seen snow once and that was enough for me. Tank is looking good man!

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Yeah it is, thanks to you for hooking me up with some good stuff. Also I'm having some trouble with my led setup so I'm running my nova extreme pro over this tank till I'm able to get it back in order. I'm sure glad I had that thing laying around. You never know in this hobby. Also on a side note, this sucks, my gf's baby can't make up its mind if it wants out or not so I'm sleeping on one of those hospital fold outs listening to her snore while I'm wide awake. 6am will be here soon and I'm going in to work till I hear otherwise. I desperately need sleep so badly right now.

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Need a street hookup, these nurses are tighter than a dolphins blow hole when it comes to handing out meds when your not the patient. They should have a bar at these damn places, lol.

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