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7.5g Deep Blue Rimless


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Well after getting rid of my biocube I really miss having a nano. Since my 180g is pretty much on autopilot at the moment.. it's time to start something else. So if I plan this right, I should be able to do continuous water changes on the nano with the water from the 180. So this means no salinity swings, no exchanges, no temp swings (heater/chiller in the 180), and opens the doors wide open to have a nano NPS tank.


I currently use a UPLC-II to pull RO/DI from my garage to my 180 and I am thinking I could do the same to drive the continuous exchange system. The level controller relies on vacuum pressure with a backup float switch and is deadly accurate. It never adds more than 1/4 cup of RO/DI to the 180g at a time. I figure if I get 2 more of these pumps, even though expensive, I can use one to continuously pump water out at a slower rate than the one that pumps water in. I'll put the outflow tube just under the water surface so there's no chance of draining the tank and it does no harm to the pump to run it dry. I'll use the other level controller to function as the ATO pumping in water from my 180 and rely on the vaccum tubing and the backup float switch to prevent flooding.


Stay tuned... tank comes tomorrow.

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So I immediately wake up this morning and ideas are racing through my mind. The first thought is.. oh krap, what's the reliability of these pumps when running for hours on end.. budget is no obstacle. Maybe there's other options for peristalic pumps that are made for heavy duty abuse.


need inpuuuuuuut... moar inpuuuuuuuut...

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I got an idea. Use one peristaltic and one maxijet. Peristaltic will pump from 180 to the nano, nano has small 1/2inch glass overflow no need for box. Under the nano have a resovoir equal the size of the nano that the nano drains into. When the resovoir reaches high on a float switch it pumps the resovoir back to the 180. That way you only have to worry about 1 peristaltic....

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I've got a distance of about 50ft and would need to go up through the attic. I know the UPLC can do this no prob as it can pump 60ft straight up. I have never actually measured how fast these things can actually pump water.. It's possible they would only need to run an hour at a time if it can do 7g's per hour.. I would only need to do about 4 cycles per day. I have an SRO3000ext which is rated for a 300g heavy bioload and can dump all the excess food from the tank right into that.



The other thing is that these pumps have a 5 year warranty.

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Stocking plans

Couple gorgs.. dendros.. carnation corals.. tube anenome.. maybe a sponge or two.. definitely some tunicates.. Did I mention I won't have to cycle the tank... :)... I've got enough biomass in the 180 to handle the load of this. I am undecided about a HOB filter.. I may run one to help filter out some of the gunk, but how cool would it be to just have a tank, with a powerhead, nice sleek light and just two plastic hoses coming out of it.

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So it's the Litermeter III pump that is used in the UPLC.. I can save a bit of $$ by using one Litermeter and one UPLC.. 250mL/Min means I can change 4 gallons per hour. I guess I would need to run them continuously though if I want to maintain constant temps. Time to get the manufacturer involved.

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So now that it's set up.. i'm gonna have to move it. Will have to get a GFI outlet installed behind it so I don't have to look at wires and probably not a good idea to be drilling through the ceiling either above the tank. Should also take the opportunity to black out the back. So much for the 'scape.. hopefully it'll be easy enough to recreate. Might get rid of the shelf altogether as it'll probably get in the way of the gorgs.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I bought a snowflake clown and apparently my interests are not in NPS at the moment cuz clearly this tank has not been heading in that direction. I'll snap a pic with the new little guy after I acclimate him.

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  • 2 months later...

I need some new pictures.. I can't believe how much the tank has matured. After I get done pissing everything off with flatworm exit I'll snap some. I do need a different light too. This solar flare 15w just isn't enough to keep the zoas happy.

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This is a testament though on how easy it can be to run a nano. The only thing I do is take a 1g bucket which conveniently just fits in the tank. Take out 2 scoops.. however much that is, and add it back. I mix up a little extra when I do my water change for the big tank. Other than that, I don't test for anything or do anything else besides occasional glass cleaning. I top off every 2 days using the same bucket when needed. Change carbon when I remember.

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Lost a few zoas to the flatworms.. tank seems have bounced back quite well from a triple dose of flatworm exit. I moved my clown to a breeder net in my other tank to avoid any problems with toxins as there was a lot of flatworms and I didn't feel like siphoning them out.



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A green rubberband? Or some type of plastic clip.


<---- this bonehead completely forgot about all the rubble i have left over from the box of marco rocks I set up the big tank with. Now I just need a green rubberband hrmmm.. ;)


So, time for an upgrade.. bought a full spectrum bulb from coral compulsion, dimmer, and gooseneck clamp on fixture.

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No signs of flatworms. 4x FWE FTW. Ran it for 2 days with no water change/no carbon. Corals all faired well. I think it did make my blue clove polyps spawn though.


Sending the light back. The gooseneck fixture is huge and the bulb just throws rainbows across my living room. If I try to lower it, I just end up with cyan spotlighting on the sandbed. Back to the trusty 15w solarflare for now.

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