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Jedi's Science Reef


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That's good to know. How big is your tank? Any problem with fish gobbling them up?

Tank is 30 gallon so not near as big. As for the fish I only had two clowns and neon gobies at the time and they didn't give a moments notice to the berghia.

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Evansi anthias (female) under just 2 bulbs - ATI Blue+ and ATI Actinic, also a custom royal blue and violet LED bar.



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I've ordered from Salty Underground twice for Berghias, good experience both times. They are nocturnal so it depends on the skill of the wrasse. I believe my Pygmy may have found them in my 29 but when I used them in my 40, with a sixline, they got the job done.

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Are those from my frag?

:wub: <---- peechurs


Yeah. I lost most of the colony in one of the crashes, then they came back. There's more in the big tank and at least as many in the nano.

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My zoanthids on the right look like more like poop every day. Staying closed a lot, almost look like they are melting away. That's where most of the cyano is, though there really isn't as much as there was now. BAH.


We won't talk about aiptasia.

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No idea why this is happening, but it is. Levels are all normal, aside from alkalinity being low - ish and phosphate being high, which isn't news.


The dark spots aren't bugs, they are the polyps retracted.



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The JF Barney acro that has been a uber turd for the past year is dumping its flesh from the bottom up. I've been tempted to rip it out more than once, so I'm not totally sorry to see it finally give up and make the decision for me.


There's aiptasia...everywhere. I ordered some Berghias the other night, they come Friday, if they can survive my wrasses, they will probably grow to be the size of the slugs in Tremors given how big of a buffet I have waiting for them. Speaking of, I see aiptasia growing in between and on the branches of a hammer coral and on the (dead) underside of the big purple stylo. Not tiny aiptasia either, dime sized heads.




Zoanthid garden remains half closed and all the Sunny Delight palys are staying closed. The giant aiptasia a few inches away probably aren't helping though I find it hard to believe that's causing this level of a problem.


Clownfish eggs should hatch sometime in the next few nights, so I guess it can't all be bad right? SURE!


Rather watch this on a loop than think about the reef right now.



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No idea why this is happening, but it is. Levels are all normal, aside from alkalinity being low - ish and phosphate being high, which isn't news.


The dark spots aren't bugs, they are the polyps retracted.



You've ruled out pests?

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Somewhat unintentionally backed off the NOPOX an the super slimer above got better. Way more PE. Interesting. Not about to complain though. Will stay back-ed off a hair. Around 25 ml per day, probably only once a day. I had been using around 40ml total a day in 2 doses of 20ml , approx 12 hours apart.


I also added a little bit of KZ Coral Vitalizer the past few days. I will make the unscientific conclusion that it's helped bring the slimer back from the dead.


PO4 still very high

Nitrate 0 (last week, need to re-measure)

Magnesium 1400

Calcium 400

dKH 5.5


I don't know what else to do about Alkalinity other than keep dumping it in. I don't totally know what's using it, but it's being used. I guess it's the super slimer or the big Derasa, though I see no growth lip on the clam. I do see tissue retraction on the Pink Lemonade. The small frag of Setosa I had left dumped its flesh the other day. Purple stylophora is growing like crazy on top, dead on the bottom growing algae, aiptasia, worms, you name it.


Color is poop on the SSC, PL, Brown Planet, PC BrownRainbow, Super Green Slimer = Super pale green / yellow brown Slimer.


Zoanthid garden still looks like it's losing polyps daily. Weird.


12 Berghia Nudibranches were added Friday. Hopefully they figured out to only come out at night when the wrasses are in sleepy land. I have...so. much. aiptasia....



Waiting on Triton for the trace-y stuff. Apparently the lab is having issues and the postal service in Germany is on strike or something too.

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Some coral food seems to be going a long way to help. Red Sea 2 bottle stuff, and KZ Coral Vitalizer appears to have helped bring the super slimer back from the brink. Color is slightly better and PE is way better. Going to continue dosing a small amount of either on alternating days.


Berghia's laid eggs on my glass last night. I guess they are doing something good. Fingers crossed they reproduce faster. Zoanthids still... meh.





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Big reef clownfish laid a huge huge huge clutch tonight. Like double or triple the size of the last one. Interesting.

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Refugium has been completely emptied. There is nothing in there but Satan's Black and White Chromis and a golf ball sized piece of (new, dry) rock onto which I rubber-banded a hunk of red gracilira. All the sand, rock, poop etc is gone. I rescued the mantis shrimp too, trying to give him away. (Anyone local want him? Pick up only, free to a good home) I ought to stick a powerhead in there and make it a frag grow out or something. If I could grow frags.


Also, cleaned out and soaked in vinegar both the return pump and the skimmer and skimmer pump. And both heaters. And scraped clean the entire sump except for inside the bubble trap. My back hurts. The skimmer is so clean now it's overflowing constantly, even with a wide open wedge pipe and minimum pump power. I gave up, took the cup off and am just letting it overflow for a few days. It will normal up eventually. 2 days of soaking makes for a clean neck.


There were A LOT of those hard, calcified spiral worm shell things on the sump walls. I wonder if that's where all my calcium and carbonate were going? Or maybe just into all the sand.


Tonight, testing. Dosing has been off for a few days following all the water changes, which were probably 36 gallons over the weekend. Still no results from Triton. Stupid German postal strike.


Actually wait I can't test till I wash out the Shop Vac. All that sand sucking up has probably lead to a stinky vac. I might have to bleach it.


Me last night:



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Of what? The clean sump? My sleepy ass? My poopy corals? Bears?




Ugly mantis shrimp:






Saturday was Penny's 2nd birthday. This is how she celebrates most days.



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HA! Picture is adorable.


That's a crazy amount of Alk! You sure the testing is right? Maybe double check with another kit.


I have those spiral thingys in the rear chambers of my AIO- thanks for the unintentional ident ;)

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That mantis is pretty, not ugly :P



HA! Picture is adorable.


That's a crazy amount of Alk! You sure the testing is right? Maybe double check with another kit.


I have those spiral thingys in the rear chambers of my AIO- thanks for the unintentional ident ;)


Penny is literally the most adorable pup ever.


I test alk with both a Hanna and once a week or so, also a Red Sea titration. Same goes for PO4. They all agree. Shrug.


I agree with BEnny, clean the darn glass and get us more pictures of him


That's not glass, it's an acrylic Dip and Pour :)


That mantis is intense. He was shooting the side of the thing so hard this morning he WOKE ME UP from a room and a 8" block wall away. .22 caliber is for sure. Eeesh.


Kitty you should come take him :) I'll be home by 7:30. heh I already offered him to the Big Guy and he just laughed.

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