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RollaJase's 30G Custom Cube - Tank Torn Down


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Don't forget once adding a sump the evaporation rate increases a considerable amount.

Duly noted. As I mentioned before, when I had my previous sump installed my top off consumption was around 10L per week so I am hoping that that doesn't increase dramatically with this new sump design.


Awesome pictures! LOVE those plates and the torch!

Thanks mate, I really like both of the plates myself as well. They are really enjoying the flow from the MP10, seriously inflating themselves and gorging on brine every other day.


That purple green acro in the 5th picture! Sick. :)

Thanks :D, the acro in the 5th pic is definitely my favorite SPS piece, followed very closely by the piece in the 4th pic.


I got a phone call from work today, looks like my PicO MP10 shield arrived today :). I'll be down that neck of the woods later this week so I'll try to swing by and pick it up. We are on skeleton staff at work so there should be someone around.

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Awesome pictures, Jason!!!! The reef looks fantastic!!!!


Merry Christmas to you :).

Thank you very much Gena, your reef isn't looking too shabby either :D.


Well my Christmas day is almost over (7.30PM) but Merry Christmas again to all those still celebrating :).

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Merry Christmas buddy! Santa is beat....gotta go to bed and get a couple hours before the little ones wake up.

Santa best get to bed then buddy ;). I hope you have a great day with the family.

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So I have been a little behind with all the SS stuff. What is going on with the MP 10? Last I read you ordered one and it arrived I thought? That sump looks really good man.

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So I have been a little behind with all the SS stuff. What is going on with the MP 10? Last I read you ordered one and it arrived I thought? That sump looks really good man.

Yeah I ordered it, took close to 3 weeks to arrive and arrived in a condition that I believe is faulty (serious vibration from wet side unless I offset it from the dry side by about half an inch). Long story short the store I brought it from palmed me off onto the local distributor. After a week of no contact the distributor told me I would have to pay to send the whole pump across the country (about $20) to them and they would test it and send it or a replacement back same day and I would have to pay freight if there was no fault. This all took place around the 17th December and I asked them that due to the time of the year and shipping delays etc if this could be done in the new year as long as it doesn't effect my chance of warranty. I never heard back from them and they are currently closed for the holiday season. As Jack mentioned on the previous page my best bet would be to contact Ecotech directly, I will be doing this in the new year.


Thanks, the sump is coming along well. I finished the overflow box today and the only thing left for me to do sump wise is measure and install the baffles. Then I can purchase what I need to run the hard lines and get the plumbing done.

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I had some spare time this afternoon so I though I'd throw up some pictures of my progress over the last few days. But first a couple of pics of the awesome weather we are having and the killer view from my shed :).


A casual 32c (90f), perfect weather to be outside :D.


So I started with two pieces of 4.5mm black acrylic:



And after about an hour using nothing but these:




I ended up with this:



10 mins and some Weldon 16 later I ended up with this:







This all took place Christmas Eve, and on boxing day so far I have achieved this:


I drilled holes at the base of the teeth and then used a hack saw to cut out overflow teeth. Only 1 tooth casualty which was pretty good.


Easy fixed with some more Weldon.

Then I glued the front into place:


The teeth aren't as uniform as I would have liked, the biggest issue was using a drill bit slightly larger then I thought it was. This led to the odd shape of the teeth. I would have much rather used a router but wasn't going to purchase one for a single project like this.


The completed overflow box with lid:





I probably made it a little larger then need be but I wanted to make sure there was ample room to fit my hand if for cleaning and adjustment. Either way it is going to take up considerable let room then my skimmer currently does. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, 2-3 hours of my time and $40 worth of acrylic and solvent is a lot better then paying $80-$100 for a pre-made one any day.


What did I learn from this experience? The hole on the tube of Weldon 16 is way too large, this leads to easy spills and over application. The issue isn't as bad once you use some of the tube and the hole starts to clog up but initially it is a little difficult to manage. As people say, yes the Weldon 16 i less forgiving then the Weldon 4. The thicker nature means if goes on thicker and this can lead to excessive running. This would be a big issue for those working on clear acrylic but for someone using it with black acrylic or on pieces that will not be seen or painted it is perfectly suitable. It is also really good at sealing acrylic pieces together along the seam, this is what I did to avoid any chance of spoiling the visible face of the acrylic. I used very minimal solvent on the joins and when dry used the solvent like you would a silicon and ran it down the internal seams of the overflow box to create a perfect seal, it worked really well and now I have a very strong and water tight join.


Not much really left to do now until I can get the sump in. There are some electrical things I want to do but these can be done after the sump is in to save time. The largest job I have left really is to black the gap in the back of the stand and install the intake and exhaust fans before I can apply the remaining sound deadening and start on the hard lines.

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Nice DIY work.....but, your view from the shed is even better! I'd live in the shed. No really, got room?

Thanks Jack. The view is pretty nice, I'd live in the shed as well but I have the same view from my bedroom haha. Plenty of room if you want to come visit ;).


By saying 90* was perfect to be outside, you were being sarcastic, right?

I'm usually not a lover of the heat but we have had a very long winter with not much warmth yet in Summer so I'll take what I can get haha. Our heat is fairly dry with low humidity where I am so it really doesn't feel as hot as it really is, especially with a nice afternoon breeze blowing through. Last week we had temps up to 43c (110f), now that was bloody hot.

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I just moved from the east coast of the USA (DC) 90*+ and 90%ish humidity is the reg in the summer, it was disgusting. So glad I am in Northern California now with mid 70 summers and no humidity haha

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Nice work on the box, once you start DIY there is no turning back...



I wish it was 90 out here, in the past month we have had at least 5 days where the temp doesn't get above 0F...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice work on the box, once you start DIY there is no turning back...



I wish it was 90 out here, in the past month we have had at least 5 days where the temp doesn't get above 0F...

Yep, love me some DIY.


Nope Jstn, we live in the cold tundra haha.

Edit: I'm also from Minneapolis MN.

Believe me, it gets bloody cold over here in winter as well, I just don't get snowed in haha.


I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year!


Well as predicted, I didn't get the sump finished :(. I went straight to work helping my family out after New Years so I have had no time to myself since last Monday. Never fear though, I still plan to finish the sump and get it installed, this should hopefully happen by the end of January. The tank is looking great at the moment, the thorough detritus clean of the sand bed I did before Christmas helped me bring down my phosphates enough for my GFO to keep it at bay. The red slime algae I had is all but gone (I have had a small aiptasia outbreak though. My SPS are loving the MP10 and I am getting mad polyp extension during the day, it's pretty cool to watch them pulse in the current, it's even cooler at night. Pretty much everything is recovered from the big chill my tank suffered. My MP10 PicO shield arrived at work while I was on leave, I picked it up today as it was my first day back. An absolutely fantastic piece of kit and I can't thank PicO enough for their service.


On the MP10 front, the saga continues.

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Those latest tank shots are fantastic! I love how filled in your tank is looking. Its so lush and colorful! Also, nice job on the DIY work!

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Tank looks great, and nice work on the sump and overflow box!


I hope the MP10 issue becomes a non-issue soon too... fingerscrossed

Thanks, all the DIY is coming together really well, the sump is almsot done now, pretty much just the baffles left to go. I'm hoping to sort the MP10 issues out quickly now that the new year is upon us. I think I may have fixed the problem myself though, will be monitoring over the next few days.


Those latest tank shots are fantastic! I love how filled in your tank is looking. Its so lush and colorful! Also, nice job on the DIY work!

Thanks Felicia, I'm glad you like the photos. Since those photos the nem has decided to go walk abouts so there will be some serious rearanging once it settles down again. Also my Xenia has decided to grow up the back wall, just like I wanted it to :).

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Nano sapiens

Looks like you've been busy with the DIY stuff. I just finished up two slotted overflows (drill and a hack-saw), so I know the difficulties. So easy to break a 'tooth' off in the process!


Tank shots are looking real nice.

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Looks like you've been busy with the DIY stuff. I just finished up two slotted overflows (drill and a hack-saw), so I know the difficulties. So easy to break a 'tooth' off in the process!


Tank shots are looking real nice.

Drill and hack saw worked quite well I think. Mine looks pretty average cos I rushed it and used the wrong drill bit to start with, should have taken more time. My acrylic was quite sturdy at 4.5mm thick, clamping it to a bench helped stock it moving while using the hack saw. I'll have to check out how your turned out :D. I'm glad you like the shots, once I get the sump in and the equipment out of the DT the entire tank will change again haha.

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As long as it's close, who's going to notice?


Way too much work for me though.


It's -7F (-22C) here, and I bet I still complain about the heat come July. Do you get cold winters?

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Nano sapiens

Drill and hack saw worked quite well I think. Mine looks pretty average cos I rushed it and used the wrong drill bit to start with, should have taken more time. My acrylic was quite sturdy at 4.5mm thick, clamping it to a bench helped stock it moving while using the hack saw. I'll have to check out how your turned out :D. I'm glad you like the shots, once I get the sump in and the equipment out of the DT the entire tank will change again haha.


I made some for someone else's tank, but it'll be a while until that tank build is posted...

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As long as it's close, who's going to notice?


Way too much work for me though.


It's -7F (-22C) here, and I bet I still complain about the heat come July. Do you get cold winters?

Yeah, knowing I could have done better annoys me though haha. Our winters never get that cold thankfully. Where I am we get -3c morning sometime in winter but I am very far away from teh snow fields where it can get down to -10c. Our winters tend to be very wet though which always makes things feel much colder then they actually are.


I made some for someone else's tank, but it'll be a while until that tank build is posted...

Oh damn, I'm sure you did a great job all the same.

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