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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Tiny clam requirements?


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There is a tempting 1" clam at the LFS. What do I need to support it? I have a decent cree led setup. Do I have to dose? Can it live happily on maybe once per week DTs or coral smoothy type feeding?

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Need a stable tank, strong lighting and calcium at least 400-450. If you think your tank is stable enough and your led lighting is strong I say go for it!

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i believe you would need to dose mg and calc depending on how high your levels rest at... however from my past experience working at an LFS i know the little guys are reaaaaallly delicate. how long has it been at the LFS? i would wait a week or two and see how it does there before bringing it home.

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If your member is small enough, I see no troubles with a one inch clam...oh you meant like a Crocea?!




I don't put quotes in my sig...but this is tempting!

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There is a tempting 1" clam at the LFS. What do I need to support it? I have a decent cree led setup. Do I have to dose? Can it live happily on maybe once per week DTs or coral smoothy type feeding?


feed it every day and make sure your nitrates are between 1ppm and 2 ppm. No more, no less.

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Those small clams are really tempting... but most don't survive long-term. Most live and look fine for months and then just up and die. If you want a maxima that will last you're best off getting one that is at least 4 inches.



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Im pretty sure you don't need to feed a clam regardless of its size. I would just keep my params stable and not try and feed something it doesn't need that may raise your trates. I have heard that feeding can actually hurt clams if the food you are feeding is too large.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Such small samples are very hard to keep...I had 2 maximas ultra amazing color..one day I found one empty and a couple of weeks later I found the second one empty too...damn those nassarius snails...Those small samples need one breeding small tank or the ocean..

I got a 5 inch squamosa after...looking good...so far...

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