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Bonnie Shallow Reef - 75 gallon mixed reef


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Do you stop flow completely or have something to prevent the wave action?

I turned of all the pumps to take the top down shots :)

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New Coral arrived today... :wub:


My Clementine - Zoa

Got a nice deal on a single polyp. Half the price of what I usually see these at from a private seller on the favourite internets auction site. There is a new bud on the other side already starting to show. Been wanting one of these for a long time now.



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Yeah man get it on!


Its breaking as we speak :) - They recommend leaving the collection cup off and closing output tube thing for 24 hours first before setting the water level. Its like a big bubbly volcano!

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TOOK LONG ENOUGH !!! ;) Happy to hear it.


Tell me about it! The amount of times I was going to give in and get another skimmer was unreal. But every time I asked Vertex they said it will be ready in about 2 weeks, this happened for a bout 4 months. But I'm glad I waited, the omega is very well built and looks great, still need to see how well it skims mind you ;)


Can you outline your plan?


Plan is simple. I was over feeding my tank when I set it up in attempt to improve the health of my LPS which were looking in need of some feedings which I could not do in my nano tank which they came from. I feed, frozen daily along with amino acids an reef roids - Crazy I know! But my corals, especially my Acans, were back in shape shortly. Then came the Cyano - TBH I wasn't surprised.


Anyway I have cut back feedings to every other day, no more liquid coral foods and reef roids once a week.


Along with that I have Increased my water changes and manually remove as much cyano as possible. Also I have increased the flow, my sand has all moved away from one side of the tank for now but I think this has helped (the flow not the moving of the sand). Im running Rowaphos in a reactor and changing it out every 30 days.


The final blow I hope in the battle of the cyano will be the addition of my new skimmer which should hopefully help get rid of the organics before they can break down into phosphates.

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Seriously still one of my favorite builds! Next time I'm in Scotland I'm buying you a beer! I love the attention to detail and the thought process through the build. When I get a house I always planned on a 36x36x16 shallow so it has been great to see yours!

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9. Montis, Stylos and a Birdsnest


Seems a good enough reason to mark a new chapter in the tanks story. I have had an Montipora Undata in the tank since the transfer so these aren't the first SPS in the system but they are the first SPS I have bought since I almost lost all my other frags in the nano except from said Undata which barely made it. Witnessing its full recovery in the new tank has given me confidence to tackle SPS again now with a more stable system.


Here are the new additions.


Red Plating Montipora

Had one of these before, though I'm sure it was a different variety. Im a really big fan of these guys and hope its a quick grower as I want huge swirly plates :)




Pink (Purple) Stylophora




Pink Birdsnest

Well supposedly its meant to be pink. THese were just added today so I'm hoping to see this one colour up soon.




Super Green Montipora Digitata

By far my favourite out of the new additions, this guy glows like crazy!







So I ordered a purple Goniopora with my order aswell, pics coming once it settles in better. I know they need feeding and some have success whilst others don't but I thought I give it a try as I feed reef-roids anyway. Well I got the purple one as it appears to do better generally, but within my order I noticed I had a 6th coral! An additional green Goniopora! So either they put it in the order by mistake or they felt like rewarding me for all the corals I have bought from them over the past year :)




... oh yeah I got a new fish too but I cant take a photo of the sneaky little thing! <_<

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Pink Birds need high light to develop the pink color which is essentially a sunscreen. They will do fine in lower light but that bright pink is a reaction to it being roasted. Once acclimated move it up slowly. Also, your frag plugs are fascinating!!

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Pink Birds need high light to develop the pink color which is essentially a sunscreen. They will do fine in lower light but that bright pink is a reaction to it being roasted. Once acclimated move it up slowly. Also, your frag plugs are fascinating!!


Thanks for the information Kat! I will certainly do that. Right now the birds nest is a practically at sand level but I will move it up over the next few weeks and hopefully will see some more colour from it.


Haha, yeah they are wall plugs, you usually use them when you want to put a screw in a wall but the guy I buy my corals obviously found another use for them ;) They are quite handy when you want to position them temporally but easy to remove the plastic part when you want to glue them down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pink Birds need high light to develop the pink color which is essentially a sunscreen. They will do fine in lower light but that bright pink is a reaction to it being roasted. Once acclimated move it up slowly. Also, your frag plugs are fascinating!!


I was thinking the same thing about those plugs...screws.

Thanks for the information Kat! I will certainly do that. Right now the birds nest is a practically at sand level but I will move it up over the next few weeks and hopefully will see some more colour from it.


Haha, yeah they are wall plugs, you usually use them when you want to put a screw in a wall but the guy I buy my corals obviously found another use for them ;) They are quite handy when you want to position them temporally but easy to remove the plastic part when you want to glue them down.

Dude I never thought of using sheet rock screws.....how awesome. Im gonna do that from now on! That stylo is amazing.

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I was thinking the same thing about those plugs...screws.

Dude I never thought of using sheet rock screws.....how awesome. Im gonna do that from now on! That stylo is amazing.


I can't take the credit, these are how they arrived from the place I ordered them from. its Just SPS corals he does this way. But they are really handy and a really cheap alternative for temporary frag plugs. They will go once they are glued in there final position.


My favourite thing about them is that they are great for sticking into cracks in the rocks to hold them up. You can easily move them higher up the tank by sticking them into different cracks in your rock work.

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You can screw them into cracks too. So awesome. You'd have to buy in bulk though in order to save money.

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I was thinking the same thing about those plugs...screws.

Dude I never thought of using sheet rock screws.....how awesome. Im gonna do that from now on! That stylo is amazing.


You can screw them into cracks too. So awesome. You'd have to buy in bulk though in order to save money.


I didn't use screws! :huh: They are wall plugs. Plastic plugs you put into, for example, plaster board before you put screws in them to get a good hold. You cant put metal screws in your tank.

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Clownfish Lovin'


So Hercules (Thats what I called my clownfish) has been a little sad lately. He's grateful he isn't cramped up in the little 8 gallon tank I had before and loving the extra swimming space. Also his duncan coral is nice and large now, and super comfy to sleep in at night. But we had a heart to heart and what he really wants is a little friend to snuggle up with him amongst the soft polyps of his home.


What kind of owner would I be to deny little Hercules of that! He needs a girlfriend (or boy friend don't know which way he's going to go yet)


So a few weeks ago I picked up the smallest clown I could find and QT her for a few weeks. Last night they had there first date and it couldn't of gone better.


Meet Coco

She's the smaller one at the bottom (Or she could be a he...)




Here is a over view of the evening. After acclimating Coco I released her into the DT and did she cause a stir. Everyone was interested in little Coco, especially the other Clown, Hercules. She found some refuge by a Gonopria coral until she got her bearings, then the other Clown (Hercules) rushed her stopping just before they touched. I assumed this was the other clowns attempt to assert dominance, as he is bigger.


Little Coco just stood her ground. Then the bigger Clown (Hercules) proceeded to show signs of submission to the little clown, turn slightly and quivering in short bursts. This continued on for some time, but then Coco started doing it also... Strange.


Anyway I left them to and gave them some privacy. Today I found the two going for romantic swims around the rocks with each other and snuggling in the duncan together.


Sometimes Coco will wander off and then Hercules will freak out rush over and bring Coco back to the Duncan. Its really cute.


Anyway thats the first chapter in the little love story....



Heres another fish I got, Canary Blenny (Sorry no love story for this little fishy)




And here is a picture of some nasty fish poo! Skimmer is in beast mode :)



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I didn't use screws! :huh: They are wall plugs. Plastic plugs you put into, for example, plaster board before you put screws in them to get a good hold. You cant put metal screws in your tank.







Screws can be plastic...

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You sure that's not a canary blenny? I searched cannery blenny and it just came up with stuff for canary blenny.


Typo, I have changed it. Yeah its a Canary Blenny, or Forktail Blenny or Meiacanthus atrodorsalis

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  • 1 month later...


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