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Veng's 20L - Black Friday Madness!


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So found some time and did some testing, dKH low (6.0), Ca high (550), and Mg fine (1400). So manaually added some dKH and increasing the dKH dosing, pulling the Ca down a little, and leaving Mg alone.


Pickles breeders lounge. Also Lalanis breeders thread. Both are in the aquaculture forum.

Guess I've got some reading to do. Although I just gave away a bunch of the spare stuff I had. :lol:
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So much reading on clown breeding, and I'm thinking it'll have to wait. I'm counting no less than 2 extra tanks, 2 buckets, and a lot of work that I just don't have time for right now.

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So much reading on clown breeding, and I'm thinking it'll have to wait. I'm counting no less than 2 extra tanks, 2 buckets, and a lot of work that I just don't have time for right now.

I felt the same way after I read what is needed. Plus space is a premium for me, I need to install a wire shelf type of countertop in the fish bathroom for all the stuff I have and organize the room a bit better. One day....

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If you just moved to Texas you could get the extra space you want...



Ive tried to tell her this. Maybe she will listen to you .








but I doubt it

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Good thing Max doesn't like to be under thw covers. He does hog my side of the bed when he's invited up up. Lol, no more though since I need to be able to get to Chloe. :wub:

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Chloe has been up nearly all stinkin' day and neither one of us has had a nap. Well, until recently and she passed out. My brain won't turn off even though Veng offered to 'help'. :owned:


And boy does this little girl EAT!! I had no idea babies could eat that much. :eek:

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She's TINY! There's a little algae here and there she can find and eat. I've continued the overfeeding of the tank and the tank has been responding to it fairly well. As long as I change the GFO out regularly anyways. I think I even saw the mandy pick at some frozen the other day. Not sure how much if any she's eating of the frozen, don't really care she's fat and healthy either way and the tank still has pods.

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I've been overfeeding as well in my 40 and I'm shocked I haven't had any issues. I accidentally dumped a double dose of Reef Roids in over the weekend and besides being cloudy for a while and the crappy HOB skimmer doubling output nothing happened. I regularly vac the sand and blow the rocks, including sticking the baster into the sand in areas I can't reach with the vac and creating a real mess. This probably helps keep my exports in line.


I'm still using Phosguard, but I've reduced it to maybe a teaspoon until I see the need for more.

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Hope all is well with you and yours! Been a while since I visited but I wanted to show ya what I have been doing with my T4i and hoped you'd do the same with some pics of your babe! Edit: For the record, not my child! Still 6 weeks away for me :)



Morgan by ShaneOhMac, on Flickr
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Honestly, the kid's been pretty good, it's work that has me crushed lately. I've forced my self to take a few quick tank pictures in the last couple of weeks, but haven't had any good sit down with a tripod, camera, and the tank for an hour sessions. I mean there's been time where I guess I could have, but just no energy to do it.


Luckily, the tank has really stabilized lately and is generally very happy and healthy. Running the alk lower, around 8-9 dKh and the coloration of the corals is much nicer. Kinda stepped back and realized how much growth I had on some of the frags. Sometimes you can be too close to a tank and not realize. Hell, the GSP has almost completely taken over the left wall. It'll probably be on the front glass by the end of this month. Shame you can't sell it by the sq foot. :lol:

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Nice to hear about the color, and the kidlet. :) I let my 40 get down to 7 and things not so happy (well, acros really happy, montis not so much), so slowly adjusting back to 8. My 46 is running about 8.5 (I'm in the magical 1 cap full a day zone at the moment) and all looks great so I'm just going to let it ride for a while. Maybe I'll take the 40 up to 8.5 or 9 as well. That would be about 2.5 cap fulls a day.

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Mine has run between about 6-9 for the past two months or so now, and it's acting much better than when I was running it at 11-12. Probably not as good of growth, but the colors are much better.

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