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Veng's 20L - Black Friday Madness!


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I second Seahawk in documenting your experience directly helping me solve some of my coral issues. I also was running too much media to keep from growing algae--oh the fear of algae--and my corals were starving instead. Now there's red coming back on the sunset monti and a little green on the UWW monti. The birds have stopped fading and their flesh has stopped receding. If it wasn't for you and Kat troubleshooting, I'd still be running a zombie tank of SPS death.


Now someone tell me what superglue to use that actually sticks for more than a month! I was putting tongs into the pom pom crab cave to feed the cheerleader and lightly tapped--very, very lightly--an acan colony. Down it tumbles. Same thing to a sylophora - it's laying down on a rock for now. IC gel does not work for me...

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Now someone tell me what superglue to use that actually sticks for more than a month! I was putting tongs into the pom pom crab cave to feed the cheerleader and lightly tapped--very, very lightly--an acan colony. Down it tumbles. Same thing to a sylophora - it's laying down on a rock for now. IC gel does not work for me...

THIS. I'm fed up with superglue, and I don't want to use epoxy in case I want to move something at some point.

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For gluing corals down, I've used the "water weld" epoxy stick from JB weld. It's a 2 part stick epoxy that's kind of like modeling clay (a bit softer) that you kneed the parts together (it's a center and outer parts in the stick are the two parts). It's great stuff at holding a shape and filling spaces, however it won't bond worth a crap. For that, you use super glue on both sides. So it goes Rock - super glue - epoxy/putty - super glue - coral.


Superglue is brittle, which is compounded when you try to fill gaps with the stuff, instead the epoxy fills the gap, and the super glue is there for the bond. You can get the stuff off if you need to, since you just have to break the super glue bond, however, you aren't going to accidentally knock it off.

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For gluing corals down, I've used the "water weld" epoxy stick from JB weld. It's a 2 part stick epoxy that's kind of like modeling clay (a bit softer) that you kneed the parts together (it's a center and outer parts in the stick are the two parts). It's great stuff at holding a shape and filling spaces, however it won't bond worth a crap. For that, you use super glue on both sides. So it goes Rock - super glue - epoxy/putty - super glue - coral.


Superglue is brittle, which is compounded when you try to fill gaps with the stuff, instead the epoxy fills the gap, and the super glue is there for the bond. You can get the stuff off if you need to, since you just have to break the super glue bond, however, you aren't going to accidentally knock it off.

What keeps the superglue attached to the epoxy rock from breaking off just like it does when attached to the coral? Am I missing something?

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Stevie's sandwich method. I just pulled off almost 40 frags that were glued in this manner for over a year and they came right off, but were not knocked over all that time by mexican turbos or multiple large hermits. I use AC glue by the gallon. :)

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What keeps the superglue attached to the epoxy rock from breaking off just like it does when attached to the coral? Am I missing something?

Because the super glue doesn't have to fill a gap. Glues are very weak when they have to fill gaps. They really need to be compressed while they set to have any real strength after they dry. When you have to fill a gap, then you can't get the compression needed to achieve a high strength bond.


Stevie's sandwich method. I just pulled off almost 40 frags that were glued in this manner for over a year and they came right off, but were not knocked over all that time by mexican turbos or multiple large hermits. I use AC glue by the gallon. :)

Yep, exactly. I forgot the name.
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If I need to use the a glass cleaner (I'm preferring the razor blade scrapers by far to the magnet cleaners TBH, but that's another topic), I might consider cutting back the food, some. Or adding the minimum recommended amount of GFO (not 24 times the recommended dose that I ran without realizing it, yes I'm an idiot.)


Honestly, despite everything, it was a chance post in Kat's thread that turned me onto GFO overdosing. I didn't even know it could happen. If I hadn't of come across that, I'm pretty sure I would have taken the tank down.

I'm glad it helped. I know it's frustrating to be googling for a solution to a problem, and finding lots of threads similar to your problem, but the OP never replying to what happened in the end.

I should hack your account and rename this thread Veng's fear of Algae. Insert appropriate meme here.


Now someone tell me what superglue to use that actually sticks for more than a month! I was putting tongs into the pom pom crab cave to feed the cheerleader and lightly tapped--very, very lightly--an acan colony. Down it tumbles. Same thing to a sylophora - it's laying down on a rock for now. IC gel does not work for me...

IC gel is AWFUL! use anything but that. BRS glue works great, Stevie T is fine, Coral Affix is fine, the loctite from HD is fine too.

Stevie T's sandwich method using reef safe 2 part epoxy putty + superglue gel is the best way to go.


I have nothing interesting to post at this time. I do go for my 12 week sonogram on Tuesday though. omgomgomg

Pictures of little tang please. :flower:


On another note, I met another golden called Max today! My nephew had a playdate with one if his buddies and his brother so I went to pick up the boys from their house and the HUGE golden came running out happy as can be. :wub:

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Pictures of little tang please. :flower:


On another note, I met another golden called Max today! My nephew had a playdate with one if his buddies and his brother so I went to pick up the boys from their house and the HUGE golden came running out happy as can be. :wub:


Of course I'll post up what I can get. I think I like fraglet or Venglet better because in August/Sept someone will be calling the Tang Police on me because baby Tang won't have space to move. :D


I miss Max. Poor puppy.

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She's suppose to be home tomorrow night around 11pm or something silly. However, we have to leave at 4 or 5am for Houston the next day, so she won't see max till Sunday. He's still at brothers, I didn't pick him up. It would have added two trips to his side of town so Max could be home for roughly 36 hours and tailes wouldn't even have been able to see him. :(

I should hack your account and rename this thread Veng's fear of Algae. Insert appropriate meme here.



I just want a pretty tank. It doesn't help that the people who got me into this hobby think this is what a tank is suppose to look like:




No, that's not their tank. I think they're tank was worse, no corals or macros.

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She's suppose to be home tomorrow night around 11pm or something silly. However, we have to leave at 4 or 5am for Houston the next day, so she won't see max till Sunday. He's still at brothers, I didn't pick him up. It would have added two trips to his side of town so Max could be home for roughly 36 hours and tailes wouldn't even have been able to see him. :(



I just want a pretty tank. It doesn't help that the people who got me into this hobby think this is what a tank is suppose to look like:




No, that's not their tank. I think they're tank was worse, no corals or macros.

See that to me is a tang heaven

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Perhaps if they had a tang....


They used a canister filter, used the cheapest salt you could buy, used tap water, hydrometers, API test kits that were 5 years old, and upgraded their lights to marineland leds. Yeah... they were those people.

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Your tank was gorgeous before this downward spiral happened. A beautiful tank is not a 24/7 spotless one. That is just a faker.

I know, I was very happy with it. With all I have read, I had never read that you could overdose on GFO. Regardless, the tank is on track now.

maybe a sea hare?

I dunno, I don't really care. I've pretty much washed my hands of them after I realized just how much they thought the world revolved around them.


Way back when, we did buy them an emerald crab. We later found her puffer with crab legs sticking out of her belly and a green puck with claws left on the bottom of the tank. The puffer later came back to finish the job.

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Your tank was gorgeous before this downward spiral happened. A beautiful tank is not a 24/7 spotless one. That is just a faker.


maybe a sea hare?


No... they would have needed like 5 or 6 sea hares.

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cellphone FTS:




last FTS before this for reference:



And, no the brain isn't as bleached as it looks, it's a bad photo, and it's not propped up like it was bfore. I look forward to the tank recoloring. I may have to make some additions if I'm too impatient though.



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Oh, and the orange plate isn't dead, it's just slid behind the yellow polyps it's doing fine.


Do your cerith snails start climbing the glass the moment it turns 5 pm? Mine do that, like they go out in search of a drink or something. idiots.

They do that 24/7 I think. Being rimless I've found quite a few outside the tank. :(
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They do that 24/7 I think. Being rimless I've found quite a few outside the tank. :(

There is a limpet chilling on the back glass of my tank. I don't know how long he's been there, and I don't think i can get him off without breaking the glass. Or him.

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