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Maximas are derpy in my tank


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Hey all,


So I have three clams at this point, one crocea and 2 maximas. The crocea is happy, well, happy as a clam! He's in the sand and has buried himself and attached to the bottom of the tank, I can see his foot from underneath.


Anyway, on to the maximas.. The first one I've had about 3-4 months. He REFUSES to stand up like a normal clam. I tried him in the sand alone, tried him in sand with rocks underneath, tried the rocks, tried other rocks, and whatever I do, he'll just lay on his side. So I decided to leave him like that, and he didn't move. So now he lives on his side on the sand, opens up wide every day, gets lots of light etc. but I really wish it would stay the right way and live with the crocea! The right side of his mantle (the one that lays on the sand when he opens) is like 2x as long as the other side because the top side can't open right haha. Anyway, I picked up a new maxima and it's doing the same thing! I think they're trolling me at this point, the new one is super pretty but won't let it's colors be seen because it'd rather take a nap on the sand.


Anybody else have this issue?


Also, I should add that they were both from the same LFS and were living in a plastic container with sand in it, on the sandbed of one of their display tanks. We have roughly the same lighting, my LEDs are a bit brighter, but not much.



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Hey all,


So I have three clams at this point, one crocea and 2 maximas. The crocea is happy, well, happy as a clam! He's in the sand and has buried himself and attached to the bottom of the tank, I can see his foot from underneath.


Anyway, on to the maximas.. The first one I've had about 3-4 months. He REFUSES to stand up like a normal clam. I tried him in the sand alone, tried him in sand with rocks underneath, tried the rocks, tried other rocks, and whatever I do, he'll just lay on his side. So I decided to leave him like that, and he didn't move. So now he lives on his side on the sand, opens up wide every day, gets lots of light etc. but I really wish it would stay the right way and live with the crocea! The right side of his mantle (the one that lays on the sand when he opens) is like 2x as long as the other side because the top side can't open right haha. Anyway, I picked up a new maxima and it's doing the same thing! I think they're trolling me at this point, the new one is super pretty but won't let it's colors be seen because it'd rather take a nap on the sand.


Anybody else have this issue?


Also, I should add that they were both from the same LFS and were living in a plastic container with sand in it, on the sandbed of one of their display tanks. We have roughly the same lighting, my LEDs are a bit brighter, but not much.




You have cockeyed clams. No need to worry, let them go where they want. Is your lighting evenly distributed? In other words they are not attempting to "reach" for light right?


If you can, lets see a pic.

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You have cockeyed clams. No need to worry, let them go where they want. Is your lighting evenly distributed? In other words they are not attempting to "reach" for light right?


If you can, lets see a pic.


Yep, it's all even, well of course the edges of the tank aren't AS bright as the center, but it's bright enough for a montipora to grow on the bottom at the edges.


Clams are here: 'Scuse the old dirty picture, but you can kinda see the crocea all buried and stuff.



They're under 144 watts of LED that are about 20" above the water. The Crocea loves it down there and has grown about an inch in the almost year that I've had it.

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Heres a picture of how they are now, my girlfriend was kind enough to stand them up, but I guarantee later in the evening the two small maximas will be strewn about 6 inches away from the crocea. It's like the crocea stinks or something haha.



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Heres a picture of how they are now, my girlfriend was kind enough to stand them up, but I guarantee later in the evening the two small maximas will be strewn about 6 inches away from the crocea. It's like the crocea stinks or something haha.




Croceas are burrowing clams by nature, and can actually secrete acids that dissolve rock. The maximas, well it is a little bizarre, but these small ones seam to be very active lately. We have a small gold maxima named Bunny because it literally will not stay still and jumps off rocks and wonders around the tank nomatter where I put it. Yours look totaly healthy to me. The max in the middle is not fully extended but im guessing a hermit has climbed up it. Do you measure nitrates? You must have nice nitrates in there to get that kind of growth from your crocea. Very nice.

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Croceas are burrowing clams by nature, and can actually secrete acids that dissolve rock. The maximas, well it is a little bizarre, but these small ones seam to be very active lately. We have a small gold maxima named Bunny because it literally will not stay still and jumps off rocks and wonders around the tank nomatter where I put it. Yours look totaly healthy to me. The max in the middle is not fully extended but im guessing a hermit has climbed up it. Do you measure nitrates? You must have nice nitrates in there to get that kind of growth from your crocea. Very nice.


Honestly, I don't measure at all -_- I occasionally do a dip stick test thing, but I really only measure when something's amiss. I do my normal dosing (2part)/water changes and everything seems to be thriving so far.


The middle maxima, the side of the mantle that's on the left is the shorter one and only extends that far out always, the other side of the mantle is much longer. I attributed that to the clam extending the longer mantle out onto the sand and it receiving more light than the other side. But yeah, they seem pretty happy so far, also the crocea may have not grown an inch, but it's definitely larger than when I got it.


SPS thrive as well, so it couldn't be TOO dirty.. zoas don't live, I think it's too clean for them haha.


SPS Example:


This is may, note the green slimer and orange monti cap:



This was August 26th:



Looking at those side by side I guess everything has grown, frogspawn and hammer, xenia is out of control. My tank is doing good haha.


And here's the clams:


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Here's a better picture of the clam family, they actually stayed upright all day!



They are totally messing with ya. lol Great looking clams though. Nice growth on the sps as well. :)

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Hmm lovely clams you got there. Isn't the one on the way left a crocea?


Yep, the far left is a crocea and the other two are maximas.


And Thanks! We had one die in the past, but it came in with PMD that was too far gone to cure. :(

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is the maxima on the far right Black and white?! :bling:


the stripes are very light teal and the rest is super dark almost black. Also I was too lazy to do white balance to the t so that's almost lifelike coloration but not quite.

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So since I started talking trash about the clams, they have all stayed upright. Maybe they just needed a little internet pick-me-up.




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No idea, woke up and it was 100% gone. Also, the other one I'm thinking is a crocea, he burrowed down into the sand pretty deep.

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