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The Key Patch


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I just got a great deal on a 56 column (30 x 18 x 24) that I feel will be perfect for a patch reef tope with large PS gorgonians. I haven't seen many tanks that focus on gorgs almost to exclusion but I love them. I've decided to make this exclusively Caribbean with the majority of stock coming from the keys.


Here is a quick rundown of what I'm planning:


a few blennies, a pair of gobies, chromis, and a red spot hawk(maybe).


Sea fan, other gorgs, fire coral, and hard corals such as Porites and Siderastrea (Live rock HH)

other inverts:

sponges, colonial tunis, brittles, and some peppermints

Possibly curleycue anems with alpheus armatus

lots of different macros


Here is the rock curing 10/23/12




So the the setup plans so far are:


A AC70 with inTank running purigen and chemi-pure elite. Will possibly running Chaeto in top chamber. I will be having macro in the tank proper, but most are slow growing calcareous species. So not a lot of nutrient export that direction. Plus a small refuge for microinverts is always a good thing.


HOB skimmer Reef Octopus BH90. It is relatively new, but I like that it is a sump style HOB. From the small amount on I can find, it is a great unit for the money. cross fingers


The light was tough, I wanted to build my own, but decided I could not do all I wanted without spending a ridiculous amount of money. So I went in for the LEDTRiC iNSPIRE. 52 LEDs fully controllable, nice width and full spectrum with 8 TV's to really push PS. For 400 dollars could not be beat. Just have to wait a few weeks.

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Following for sure!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!


Do you even need a skimmer? I think your gorgs and macros would appreciate all the nutrients they can get. What about live rock? I highly recommend uncured live rock from sealifeinc. :)

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Thanks Gena, I hope it turns out well gorg-eous. (I'm here all day folks.)


Yes Sea Life ala K+P are in my mind for the majority of the beginning stockings. I've already talked to Kara, and will be contacting them soon to get the rock ready. Should I definitely go uncured, over their cured?


As for the skimmer, my worries are actually on the chemical department, gorgs secrete a lot of crap, and I was hoping a good skimmer will pull some of that. I know that skimmers mainly pull proteins, but proteins tend to bind other compounds. I plan on having some pretty exclusive gorgs, ie expensive, so I thought I would be cautious. (for those wondering yes I will be running carbon as well)


Also if I get uncured rock, I will definitely want to start with a skimmer to keep the stuff on the rock alive the best I can. :)

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I just think the uncured is more fun. It's really up to you. I definitely had a strong cycle with the uncured stuff. I can't believe how much life (worms, a crab, etc.) survived it as well and I didn't use a skimmer then nor now. I don't think it costs anymore to let them do the curing for you???? I can't remember. Whatever you decide, the rock is outstanding. You win either way :)


I can't wait to see the gorgs you buy. Do you have a secret source???? :happy:

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Don't forget a bottle of Prime/Alpha if you get uncured rock. It can help keep ammonia/nitrite at bay if you can't do a water change (though water changes, are the best way). :)

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Thanks everyone for tagging, hope I won't let you down :P


Gena, unfortunately I do not have a secret source for some of the gorgs I'm planning, unless you count K + P aquatics and aquascapers, ha ha. I basically having been scouring the interwebs for sites. No one seems that into gorgs at the moment, excepting teh NPS gorgs.

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Thanks everyone for tagging, hope I won't let you down :P


Gena, unfortunately I do not have a secret source for some of the gorgs I'm planning, unless you count K + P aquatics and aquascapers, ha ha. I basically having been scouring the interwebs for sites. No one seems that into gorgs at the moment, excepting teh NPS gorgs.

Well, if you come across anything different from what KP Aquatics and Aquascapers have, let me know. I'll do the same for you!!!!!


I watched a few Caribbean reef diving videos on youtube today. The gorgs grow very close together...literally forests of gorgonians. Guess that means I can squeeze more into my tank :lol: Nah....I'll only add more if I come across an unusal one ;)

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Updated tank setup above, nothing special, just the filters, light, and skimmer decided.


Gorgonia ventalina, this is the planned showcase coral for the tank:


Purple Caribbean Sea Fan



These are illegal to own in my state of FL, unless you get a fragged piece. Thus I need to have a paper trail kept for the purchase, as well as if I ever frag the piece (assuming I'm successful). So Divers Den looks like the only place I can find a legal piece, but a bit pricey.


Hopefully a piece like this will be available when the tank is ready. Looking at December - February to have everything smoothed over. (This might mean May then, haha)


Also CITES count starts over in the new year, so maybe I'll see some Pacific gorgs that are PS enter circulation. Again though the Pacific seems to have very few PS gorgs. (The only one I can track currently is ORA Grube's Gorg which originated in the Phillipines.) Overpriced but it is ORA.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well the leak test was a success in that the tank does not leak! I'll be keeping it running with tap water(and a bit of vinegar) to let my protein skimmer break in. My rock is coming in on the 23rd. That will give me plenty of time to mount the lighting, drain the tank, refill with RO/DI add salt, etc...Nothing else of note except that I've decided to stick to a Caribbean patch reef tope which will make the tank 'realistic' (Not sure if that's the right word). I've reached out to a bunch of people who are familiar with the patch reefs off the Keys and I'm definitely on the right track.


Oh and one thing is this tank isn't going to be filled with candy. It isn't going to be garden like. Corals will be where they would be in the wild. So I doubt it'll get TOTM because of the lack of flash, but it will hopefully evoke a patch reef. This what the tank will look like:


From a thousand feet :lol:


Oh and JMB if your reading the secret fish was a Wrasse Blenny. I have found the juvenile form that I want is basically impossible to get and even the adult form is close to impossible. So if you(or anyone else) have any connections now is the time. Here is the link to a reefbuilders article on it.


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Oh and JMB if your reading the secret fish was a Wrasse Blenny. I have found the juvenile form that I want is basically impossible to get and even the adult form is close to impossible. So if you(or anyone else) have any connections now is the time. Here is the link to a reefbuilders article on it.


OMG I ALMOST SAID THAT I THOUGHT IT WAS A WRASSE BLENNY! I looked at RB when you said that and I saw that and was like 'that's gotta be it!' But I didn't want to say it and ruin the surprise, or just be wrong. :lol:


I will keep my eyes peeled for you!

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Oh and one thing is this tank isn't going to be filled with candy. It isn't going to be garden like. Corals will be where they would be in the wild. So I doubt it'll get TOTM because of the lack of flash, but it will hopefully evoke a patch reef.

Flash is overrated ;) I would rather have the type of tank you are creating than one filled with fancy corals with fancy names. Though both types can certainly be beautiful when done right.


I can't wait to see this up and going. It's going to be so awesome!!!!!!! (no pressure :lol:)

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OMG I ALMOST SAID THAT I THOUGHT IT WAS A WRASSE BLENNY! I looked at RB when you said that and I saw that and was like 'that's gotta be it!' But I didn't want to say it and ruin the surprise, or just be wrong. :lol:


I will keep my eyes peeled for you!


Thanks, turns out that there are so many blue-head wrasse and the mimicry is so good that most divers don't notice them, and thus don't collect them. Thanks for keeping your eyes peeled!


Flash is overrated ;) I would rather have the type of tank you are creating than one filled with fancy corals with fancy names. Though both types can certainly be beautiful when done right.


I can't wait to see this up and going. It's going to be so awesome!!!!!!! (no pressure :lol:)


Thanks for the encouraging words!! Yup no pressure :P


btw dropping the knowledge on the above pic. The reason the patch reefs are outlined is Diadema antillarum urchins go out and clean up all the algae and seagrass surrounding the patch reef. Back in 1983 the majority of these urchins died from an unknown pathogen, which led to smothering algae and is one reason the Caribbean reefs aren't anywhere near what the used to be. :(

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Thanks for the encouraging words!! Yup no pressure :P


btw dropping the knowledge on the above pic. The reason the patch reefs are outlined is Diadema antillarum urchins go out and clean up all the algae and seagrass surrounding the patch reef. Back in 1983 the majority of these urchins died from an unknown pathogen, which led to smothering algae and is one reason the Caribbean reefs aren't anywhere near what the used to be. :(

You betcha ;)


That's sad about the urchins. Do you know what type of algae is smothering? My guess is bryopsis!!!! The most evil algae on the planet :lol:

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That's sad about the urchins. Do you know what type of algae is smothering? My guess is bryopsis!!!! The most evil algae on the planet :lol:

my grandma was telling me all about what happened. the phosphates used for farming leached into the glades and flowed into florida bay, causing all the algae.I went snorkeling outside no-name key where my grandma used to live and it was depressing to her what happened. there was brown algae everywhere, choking out the seagrasses. she said those waters used to be full of urchins, and i did not see a single one.


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my grandma was telling me all about what happened. the phosphates used for farming leached into the glades and flowed into florida bay, causing all the algae.I went snorkeling outside no-name key where my grandma used to live and it was depressing to her what happened. there was brown algae everywhere, choking out the seagrasses. she said those waters used to be full of urchins, and i did not see a single one.


Interesting!!!! This reminds me of my honeymoon to St. Croix. There were a bunch of the Diadema antillarum urchins right at the waterline on the beach. A wave pushed me right into them and I had two perfectly round red marks on my thigh where I was stung. I still thought the urchins were cool :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I received my Sealife/KP Aquatics rock yesterday and it is fantastic looking. Beautiful orange, yellow, green corallines. Many colonies of SPS also fire coral as I requested. Sponges, Halimeda everywhere, dusters, crabs, bristles, snails etc. (The crabs I saw where tiny but I will have to bait them out at some point in the next few weeks, I don't like getting crabs :lol: ) Now I'm in the midst of the hard part as this rock was fresh fresh fresh. Did I say the rock was fresh!


I hadn't expected an ammonia spike till tonight, but it turns out I was wrong and the rock turned sometime last night. Damn soft cycling is an art form. As work was calling and I did not have the required water (I figured 10% change daily, looking now at 25% change daily or 12.5 gallons instead of 5) I dumped in my soft cycler enabler Amquel and left. Now I sit at work and wait while my RO/DI unit runs at home to get water ready for tonight. It looks like the plan will be Amquel in the mornings and water changes in the evenings. This weekend I might do double water changes on both days. The rock is laid out so none is on top of the others. Light is running low to keep some photosynthesis in action, but don't want to tempt an algal bloom. I have an MP10 on nutrient removal. Oh also treating with Microbacter7 that I premix with aragonite powder. I've never had rock this fresh, it took me by surprise, I really hope I don't lose too much :unsure:


Oh and my condo smells like a dirty wharf :o

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Using Dr. Tims (or even the Microbacter7 that I will be using carefully) can be dangerous by causing a bacterial bloom(with the subsequent anaerobiasis) on live rock that is this 'fresh'. I guarantee the nitrifying system is already in place, it just isn't able to suck up the ammonia etc from the probable half pound of dying material that couldn't withstand the 24 hours out of the water.


I'll be set with water changes, lots of water changes.


Edit: Actually reading the back of the Microbacter7 bottle, it recommends protein skimming off for 4 hours, that ain't happening during the cure.



Here is a pic of the rock curing:




A couple stonies and some fire:


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im going to kp's facility this weekend to pick up rock. im going to keep them submerged in rubbermaid tubs for the 1 1/2 hour drive home to minimize die-off. your rock looks great. im really excited!

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Using Dr. Tims (or even the Microbacter7 that I will be using carefully) can be dangerous by causing a bacterial bloom(with the subsequent anaerobiasis) on live rock that is this 'fresh'. I guarantee the nitrifying system is already in place, it just isn't able to suck up the ammonia etc from the probable half pound of dying material that couldn't withstand the 24 hours out of the water.


I'll be set with water changes, lots of water changes.


Edit: Actually reading the back of the Microbacter7 bottle, it recommends protein skimming off for 4 hours, that ain't happening during the cure.



Here is a pic of the rock curing:




A couple stonies and some fire:


Very nice looking rock.


im going to kp's facility this weekend to pick up rock. im going to keep them submerged in rubbermaid tubs for the 1 1/2 hour drive home to minimize die-off. your rock looks great. im really excited!


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im going to kp's facility this weekend to pick up rock. im going to keep them submerged in rubbermaid tubs for the 1 1/2 hour drive home to minimize die-off. your rock looks great. im really excited!


Yeah that's a great call, I would've done the same thing if I lived near the Keys. A little bit jealous.

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