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GaLAthoun's 12g Long.


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FTS 11/16/12




Green Leaf Aquarium 12g long

Finnex Ray 2 36" Blue/White Leds


Koralia 550

Eheim Jager 75w



Six Line Wrasse

Royal Gramma



Red Monti Cap

Acan Echinata



Kryptonite Candy Canes



Clean Up Crew

2 red tip hermits

2 blue leg hermits

4 cerith snails



Green Leaf Aquarium 12g Long. 36"x9"x10"









Soo Bright.





Just for fun. haha.


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Hot dog! Looks fantastic.


Are you planning on keeping your 10 gallon, or are you transferring everything to this bad boy?


i'm keeping my 10g the way it is, just gonna let everything grow out. lol. i'm gonna have two tanks in my bed room now. my cousin wants one in his room too! haha. 3 tanks in one house...whaaaattt!? big plans for this tank. but its gonna be a cheap, simple, and low maintenance tank like my 10g. no sump/skimmer.

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What are you doing for flow?


i plan on having a aquaclear 70 and a koralia 425. maybe an extra 240 if need be. This tank is going to have softies/zoa and lps. but if i play my cards right i'll have a mp10 for Chrismas. i just want to get things started.

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Heck, I'll donate you my Koralia 425 and 240 if it helps you save some money for that mp10 :naughtydance:


haha! if you're serious i'll send you my shipping address and send you shipping to your paypal.

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haha! if you're serious i'll send you my shipping address and send you shipping to your paypal.


Sure! Why not? Helping a fellow enthusiast is the least one can do. PM sent, my friend :D

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Sure! Why not? Helping a fellow enthusiast is the least one can do. PM sent, my friend :D


sounds good, i'll get back to you early this week.

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I've got this same tank, I'll tag along.


thanks, what i really need is a stand for this thing. everything else would just fall into place i hope. equipment wise.

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thanks, what i really need is a stand for this thing. everything else would just fall into place i hope. equipment wise.


If you haven't checked mine out, it's on my kitchen counter, I'm currently in the process of figuring out a good spot for it.


I've found a few stands that would work but I'm leaning towards this one, either the 30/38 or the 50/65 (planning for an upgrade to a 40B down the road). Color is limited to black but can't find much else I like, I've been looking at "real" furniture for close to a month now with no luck.


I'm curious how your light will work out, my bulbs need replaced soon and I've been thinking out trying out LEDs, I've had Finnex products in the past and have never had any complaints. A nice thing though is the shallowness of this tank, makes it very easy to light.

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If you haven't checked mine out, it's on my kitchen counter, I'm currently in the process of figuring out a good spot for it.


I've found a few stands that would work but I'm leaning towards this one, either the 30/38 or the 50/65 (planning for an upgrade to a 40B down the road). Color is limited to black but can't find much else I like, I've been looking at "real" furniture for close to a month now with no luck.


I'm curious how your light will work out, my bulbs need replaced soon and I've been thinking out trying out LEDs, I've had Finnex products in the past and have never had any complaints. A nice thing though is the shallowness of this tank, makes it very easy to light.


i just picked up a stand today and finished putting it together. Its actually a tv stand but its really sturdy and a pretty good fit. i wish it was a little bit taller though, but i can deal with it. i'll post some pics up later. As for the lights, i had put it over my 10g to see what it would look like and i must say its a really crisp white. I wish it was a bit more blue, but i can maybe fix that with some moonlights/actinics strips.

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looks super dope man! gah i cant get upgrade to another tank til i buy a house next year!


are you planning on running a sump on this one or just a hob?


my next tank is gunna be a zeovit system so im shooting for something like 25gallons of over all water. lol my sump will be almost twice the size of the display haha

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looks super dope man! gah i cant get upgrade to another tank til i buy a house next year!


are you planning on running a sump on this one or just a hob?


my next tank is gunna be a zeovit system so im shooting for something like 25gallons of over all water. lol my sump will be almost twice the size of the display haha


thanks, i think i'm just gonna run an ac70 on this one. i'm too scared to drill it. lol. i'm also gonna tint the back of the tank black to hide the wires and equipment.

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That stand makes the tank look huge, I like it though. And I can see what you mean about the stand being a bit short, what is it like 25" tall?


The AC70 is a good idea, from my experience with this tank you definitely need flow coming from both sides of the tank, so you're on the right track with that and a powerhead.


That light is super bright, I wish Finnex made their all actinic Ray2 in a 36" length, that would probably work well for supplementing some more blue into the picture.

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That stand makes the tank look huge, I like it though. And I can see what you mean about the stand being a bit short, what is it like 25" tall?


The AC70 is a good idea, from my experience with this tank you definitely need flow coming from both sides of the tank, so you're on the right track with that and a powerhead.


That light is super bright, I wish Finnex made their all actinic Ray2 in a 36" length, that would probably work well for supplementing some more blue into the picture.


yeah its short, just about 23". got it for like $99. so that wasn't too bad.


Wow!!! That looks awesome!!!!! What a fun size/shape :happy:

thanks :D time to get this thing cycled.

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Can't wait to see what you do with this tank. Following. I'm also following your 10, glad you're keeping both going.


thank you ;) can't believe i got an audience now. haha. like i said this "should be" a softie/lps/zoa tank. i'm not even thinking about fish rite now.

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