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Jamies 13.3g custom


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Yes actually i have decided somewhat on how ill do my led's. Im going to be making two 7 inch round cannons that i will mount inside of two 8 inch round ceiling pot lights above the tank. Im going to be wiring then up through the wall so you cant see the cords, and into my attic as the tank on the top floor. The heat from them will be dissipated into the attic thanks to two 120mm fans that will come on with the lights. Im going to put some very tight optics on the led's to focus the light into beams that will still keep their PAR over the distance because the light is focused not dispersed. Ill be able to keep the clean look of the tank and have it lit up with out seeing the fixture


Well from looking at the rest of your build I can tell that this is going to be awesome! Looking forward to seeing this happen. How far away is your ceiling from your tank? Are you going full spectrum or a mix of blues and whites?



Hope you get your gear soon, I want to see this get filled up. :)

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Well from looking at the rest of your build I can tell that this is going to be awesome! Looking forward to seeing this happen. How far away is your ceiling from your tank? Are you going full spectrum or a mix of blues and whites?



Hope you get your gear soon, I want to see this get filled up. :)


Haha thanks, it took a lot of looking around to find someone who had already built something close to what i was looking for. I finally came across Widmer's build on RC, Im going to be doing something close but wildly different haha - take a look thought his build its really interesting.


Ill be doing just a mix of whites and blues with a moon light in each of the pots. I feel if i went full spectrum i would end up with a spotlight of red and another of green instead of a nice balance the whole way across the tank. Id only be using one green in one pot and a red in the other because they are very dominant colours that we normally washout by using a very wide angle lens and lots and lots of white and blue in comparison. Because everything is going to be so focused i don't think full spectrum will work without causing the red and green colours to be very visible. I hope that makes sense haha

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Hey guys, So seen as how there is nothing going on with my nano cus the mail is slow a heck i thought i would let you all in on a little secret...after im done i got a new project to start! I hope i dont confused anyone here but i picked up another tank about 6 months back now and my head has been going crazy with ideas haha so i thought today i would finally share with you what it is....










any one want to take a stab at what im going to do with this tank?? if you have been following my current build you should know that i cant just be happy with an off the shelf tank, i need to take it apart and do something drastic to it haha

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Kraken tank?



I considered it, and i might still do it but its not the highest up on my list of things i want to do to it haha

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Im more excited to see this tank running than my own. It looks great so far. Keep us updated. I will be (have been) following this.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey everyone! Im back again, and this time ill be here for longer then a week haha i got some time off work and ill be busting away at my tank again. So hold onto something sturdy cus things are going to get pretty wild around here!!


First up on the chopping block - literally, is my rock wall. Im going to start chopping it up, mutilating it and disfiguring it!! haha pictures will be soon to follow my progress tonight so keep an eye out later today



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Hey everyone, so as promised I'm back with pictures for you guys. I spend the last 24 hours cutting and reworking my rock wall and when i finally stood back and looked at my new creation this is what I saw. Ill take you though everything from start to finish.


So i used:

A Hammer

A Chisel

A Hack-saw with a masonry blade

A Can of "Touch n' Foam" Landscape from Lowe's

and a lot of time haha


This is where i started with the old wall that you've all seen before






THen came the destruction of the wall, i cut off the upper rock that was out of the water and the moved it over to determine where i wanted it to sit




Once i figured that out i had to cut some off the back of the rock so that it sat flush with my wall - thats where the hack saw came into play




After a few hours of cutting dow the rock i was finally ready to start putting it back into place, but I knew that i wasn't happy with the size of the pond so out came the chisel and hammer and away i went until i had chunked out a very substantial portion of the work i had previously done




Then out came the foam and it was time to start rebuilding...


This is the new pond






This what i ended up doing to the rock that was in the middle of the tank - I hammer out quite a bit of it and moved it around until i found a place for it




I added a leg to the ledge just for looks




And finally this is the new scape from the front




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Very cool build! I was thinking about getting a 13.3 and drilling it, but after you cracked yours, I'm not so sure anymore...

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I liked the first one more, if not =


Haha i was thinking i was going to find someone that would haha I think this one will work better for getting like down into the tank cus the waterfall isn't in the way now


Very cool build! I was thinking about getting a 13.3 and drilling it, but after you cracked yours, I'm not so sure anymore...


Thanks!! To be honest it was my own fault for cracking the tank, i was working way to much with rigid plumbing and i had the bulk head tightened right up and twisted the drain and BAM! thats why i switched to flex PVC and i bumped up the thickness of the glass because i wasn't to sure of i had drilled to close to the top edge of the glass the first time around and just wanted to be safe, I think if i was to start over with a stock tank i would be just fine now that i have learned from my mistakes. Not to mention that the new glass is only a millimetre or two thicker then then stock glass.


crazy lookin! You gunna throw some live rock in as well to seed it?


Thanks!! haha, Yeah im going to throw a piece or two into the sump into the fuge to get things going!!


Wow this tank is going to be crazy once it's up and running what are your plans for coral?


I cant wait for this to finally be up and going, I'm STILL waiting on my dam BRS shipment to get here, but i suppose patients is a virtue :angry: Im going to do a zoa garden in the pond up top and the lots of really bright and possibly rare LPS down low and a couple stunning clams and then ill start my venture into some SPS up around the top, ill stick some mushrooms in there too but my main goal is get a gorgeous nem in there somewhere that can bob around in the wave from my wave box!!

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And I thought my build was taking long...


Ahhh, just kidding. Progress is progress. This tank is gonna be sick!


Haha yeah this tank is defiantly painfully slow at times haha, i looked though your build though it looks amazing i love the incredible attention to detail!

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Haha yeah this tank is defiantly painfully slow at times haha, i looked though your build though it looks amazing i love the incredible attention to detail!


Thanks man.


I can see you're the same way too. I really like what you're planning here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

is the bottom glass the same thinckness as the sides? Think a hole in the bottom would hold up ok?


Actually the bottom glass is the thickest of all of it even after i upgraded the back wall, i think the bottom would hold up just fine, however in a tank this small you'd have to put it pretty far away from the edges IMO almost to far away to make doing an internal overflow that emptied out the bottom worth the loss of space. Perhaps a closed loop but a higher return rate from the sump should give you enough flow especially with the wave box but thats just me talking haha in any case the bottom would hold up i think :)

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  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone!!!! im not dead dont you worry and neither is this tank! the two of us just took a nice summer break to get other more pressing needs resolved, that and my gear took forever to get here haha but were back! and this time around now that ive had more time to day dream ive got a few more crazy and wild ideas up my sleeve that I want to try out! so stick around cus Ive got some new pictures coming your way tonight I just have to find my camera and then were crusin again!!!


So i bet some of you might be wondering whats next for this little nano with big dreams, well here is what ive come up with so far:


1. Ive got to get a heater into this tank cus lets face it i didnt want a cold water tank to start with

2. Ive got to get my new tunze return pump into my tank and fine tuned so that everything less my skimmer is run on one pump!

3. Ive got to get my new RO/DI unit installed, with the float cut off valve in my fresh water bucket

4. Ive got to get my mixing station set up and then have it be controlled with my apex!

5. I have to get my dosing pumps set up in the little ottoman box i have under my desk so i can dose this tank again run on my apex

6. LIGHTS! i need to sort out my lights, im pretty sure I'm going to be using one of tunze's new waterproof LEDs for my sump that will run on my apex and I cant decide between doing a Kessil A360N or a custom super chip set up

7. Water - fish need that

8. Fish - I need that

9. Beer - we all need that



But keep an eye out and there will be plenty coming your way!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright so now that I have something to update you on Ill update you haha I came home from work last night and found a lovely big brown box at my front door! It had all kinds of goodies in it


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Alright so now that I have something to update you on Ill update you haha I came home from work last night and found a lovely big brown box at my front door! It had all kinds of goodies in it

huh, dats weird :huh:


somebody must have left it...

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huh, dats weird :huh:


somebody must have left it...


I think it was a crazy little Canada Post guy that carried it all the way to my door! Best guy ever that one!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, im back I have been up at work for the last week, now im back for two weeks before im gone again for a while so im going to be getting right to work on the tank, so far its all in pieces as I install the new pump into the wiring harness and ive decided to add a little color to the inside of my sump cabinet in the form of paint and LED's hahaha so keep a look out tonight there will be photographic proof that its getting done!!

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