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Jamies 13.3g custom


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I've got a new project that I'm going to be sinking myself into and doing a lot of "custom" work with. I'm really missing my last not-so-nano tank, so its time to once again start over, just smaller. So without further a due let me introduce you to the four-walled beauty that will house the masterpiece and bring to life the inner working and creations of my imagination.


This is my new Mr. Aqua 13.3 gallon bowfront. She measures in at 23'1/2" long by 11'3/8" tall, by 9'1/2" at the outside edge and 11'1/2" at the middle of the bowfront








My plans for this tank are fairly extensive so ill break it all up like this.


The Display Tank

- Cut and drilled to accommodate an external overflow and single return

- Drilled for a second addition to the back wall of the tank that will house a tunze pump and controller


The Sump

- 4 chambers, 1st will be the inflow and bubble trap to the filter sock, 2nd skimmer and reactor, 3rd Macro algea / live rock rubble, 4th return pump.

- Separate ATO box and pump


The Scape

- The scape will be dry rock and foam creating a bunch of negative space in the front of the tank, it won't cover the full back of the tank just create more space by using up the un-used debris catching areas thats usually don't get flow


The Equipment



-DT, Kessil A150w

-Sump, Panorama Strips



-Return, Tunze Silence 1073.xxx

-Tunze 6202.200 Massacred Nano Wavebox

-DT, if needed EcoTech MP10



-SWC 120 or BubbleMagus NAC 3.5



-BRS Deluxe Reactors



-Neptune Systems APEX

-PM2 Salinity Monitor/Control

-WEM Wireless Expansion Module (For EcoTech if needed)

-Breakout Box (DIY Breakout Box)


Auto Top Off

-DIY 2 Float Switches, and Pump to APEX Breakout Box



So thats all I've got for you guys right now, I have a bunch of figuring, measuring, cutting and constructing to do, so stay tuned for the updates and don't worry I love my camera as much as I love my fish!

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Look what I picked up today! along with a few diamond hole saws. Ill be starting to cut and drill the tank this afternoon! ill post more pictures of how it all went, stay tuned!!






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So i finally got the hole cut and the bulkhead in, man oh man was it nerve racking but its done and now its time to put the box on it then water test it this after noon!

















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The wave box is on now, i water tested it and it looks solid to me, im going to let it sit over night with the wave running just to see if it builds slowly on itself and causes it to spill over the sides, if im all good then ill start to cut and drill the overflow, but i need to know the height of the water that i can get in the tank and still have a wave


Heres the progress so far!













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Looks good so far


Thanks for that, ive built a few tanks before but never really went to far with them, this one is going to be the crown jewl of the fleet so to speak


This is ####ing awesome.


a video of that would be cool ;)


Thanks very much, i just didnt want a big bulky wavebox taking up space so i put it behind the tank haha


Ill put one up real soon here like next half hour, its slow to upload haha

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That's freakin sweet!



well i think that might be a successes lol



I know right, i was pretty happy about it, it took so long to tune it though. If you look closely you can tell that every second wave is taller then the first one in succession haha I had to tune the pump to double the wave length or it just kept building on itself until it was splashing everywhere haha it needed that one wave in the middle to come back and loose some energy before being pushed again!

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The wave box is on now, i water tested it and it looks solid to me, im going to let it sit over night with the wave running just to see if it builds slowly on itself and causes it to spill over the sides, if im all good then ill start to cut and drill the overflow, but i need to know the height of the water that i can get in the tank and still have a wave


Heres the progress so far!













Hey man what are the dimensions of that wave box does it have to be a certain size

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Hey man what are the dimensions of that wave box does it have to be a certain size



The only things i took into consideration when building it was the height of the outlet on the original tunze wavebox so i could place the bulkhead at the right height, then i just made it wide enough to get around the bulkhead and still be able to silicone it to the tank, then deep enough to hold the pump from the wavebox and the magnet. Wavebox's aren't that finicky so long as you have enough water volume and are able to keep the flow linear to the wave, i.e. the pump cannot create a wave it you use a 90 degree turn or elbow on the outlet. It kills the wave and timing.


But to answer the question haha its - O.D 4.5" Wide x O.D 3.5" Deep x O.D 9" Tall

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Awsome work..............cant wait to see filled up.



Good thread, I always like them.





Thanks guys! ill be working cutting and drilling my overflow and return today, keep an eye out ill have more pictures!!

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Absolutely genius my friend! I'm really in love with that wavebox!


Honestly it works so well, i was pretty skeptical when i first started thinking about it, and everyone i talked to while trying to source a bulkhead that would work said that it wouldnt work, but so far it is just what the doctor ordered!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone sorry for the delay in getting everything done, i ran into a few problems and questions myself that I needed to work out before I started cutting but here it is so far


I got the return line drilled and the overflow weir is cut into the tank so here you go!

















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Hahaha thanks Jr! I was pretty stoked when i got it all cleaned up and saw what I had before me! next is the overflow box with my modified bean animal cus i dont have much space for it

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your dremel is fricken awesome. looks more like some sort of weapon to me



if you put the handle on it you can hold it like a sidearm laser B)

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Really sweet job. I wish I was that handy myself! That dremel in your hands would be a decent zombie apocalypse weapon. :closedeyes:



Ive always been a fan of lifted trucks and crazy ass guns so i think this would be at the top of my list, and i suppose i could find a way to attach the dremel to the grille...



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