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Cultivated Reef

Peanut's Paradise


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so here it goes, I bought this 40B aquarium during the Petco dollar a gallon sale since i was not able to get a 20L AIO kit made for my 20L. I have it drilled with two 1 1/2 bulkheads for the drain and will be installing a coast to coast overflow with a beananimal plumbing. The 20L will be turned into a sump and for the lighting I am waiting for some GU10 LEDs to arrive from China next week. Home made stand and canopy for the lights that i will be hanging from the ceiling of my room. I will also be ordering a MP10 hopefully soon as well as a RKL but for the time being i will be using a powerhead inside the tank. Rockwork was made my the president of my reef club (Wine Country Reefers). let me know what you think. Also, I am unsure of what pump i should buy for the return so any and all suggestions are welcome.



As you can see on the left of the first picture, all that in that aquarium will go in the 40B hope it all fits :)





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Nice stand. How much rock is that? I think I have more rock in my 40b and I was getting hassled about not having enough rock.

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Nice stand. How much rock is that? I think I have more rock in my 40b and I was getting hassled about not having enough rock.


Thanks I'm still working on it just need to add a small piece of trim to the bottom. I'm not sure about the amount of rock but I would guess about 25-35 lbs maybe a little more. I don't want to add too much rock since i want my fish to have lots of swimming room.

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I think I have less rock than you and mine is doing just fine. Wouldn't worry bout it.

yeah im not worried i will still keep a little bit of rock in my sump as well as about 5 or so inches of sand with the chaeto and maybe a mangrove or 4 :)

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I really like the design of the right pillar :)


The middle rock that connects the two seems slightly out of place, but I'm sure it would look good overtime. I used paint to alter your scape into 2 pillars to give you an idea of how to would look without it.




Definitely following along!

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Bravo! on the scape and setup! i like what you did and even better if you take Jruberti advices! Looks awesome man!

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I really like the design of the right pillar :)


The middle rock that connects the two seems slightly out of place, but I'm sure it would look good overtime. I used paint to alter your scape into 2 pillars to give you an idea of how to would look without it.




Definitely following along!

Thanks J, yeah I also love the right pillar also I will try to have the left one made to look like the right one. If I try to take it off then the left pillar will fall down unless I can find a way to keep it from falling that piece will have to stay there. Just hope also I can keep up with the updates even if no one comments on my thread :)


Bravo! on the scape and setup! i like what you did and even better if you take Jruberti advices! Looks awesome man!

Hey how did you know my other last name D? hehe. yeah just have to find a way so that the left pillar does not fall or i can also ask the person who built them for me to make the left one so it stands alone also like the right one.

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Any suggestions on a return pump? The overflow has 1.5" bulkheads that will drain down about 4-5' to the sump. I am not sure which one would be better also maybe a suggestion on a skimmer would be nice so i can plan the sump for those dimensions.

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Any suggestions on a return pump? The overflow has 1.5" bulkheads that will drain down about 4-5' to the sump. I am not sure which one would be better also maybe a suggestion on a skimmer would be nice so i can plan the sump for those dimensions.

I love my Tunze Silence 1073.20 (643 GPH). It's virtually silent, and I've had 0 problems with it. Since your overflow and tank are larger than mine, you might want to get the 1073.040 (792 GPH). The best thing about these pumps is that they are adjustable and use a small amount of energy.


For the skimmer, I'd get a SCA-302. It'll save you a ton of money and it's comparable to a Bubble Magus NAC 7,

. You could even try the SCA-301, which I own and love. It's $79.99 at the moment and it's a clone of the Bubble Magus NAC 3.5. I've had mine for a year and it's been pulling out tons of gunk.


If for some reason you don't feel like trying one of those, spend a little extra and go with an SWC 120 $225.

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I love my Tunze Silence 1073.20 (643 GPH). It's virtually silent, and I've had 0 problems with it. Since your overflow and tank are larger than mine, you might want to get the 1073.040 (792 GPH). The best thing about these pumps is that they are adjustable and use a small amount of energy.


For the skimmer, I'd get a SCA-302. It'll save you a ton of money and it's comparable to a Bubble Magus NAC 7,

. You could even try the SCA-301, which I own and love. It's $79.99 at the moment and it's a clone of the Bubble Magus NAC 3.5. I've had mine for a year and it's been pulling out tons of gunk.


If for some reason you don't feel like trying one of those, spend a little extra and go with an SWC 120 $225.

Cool thanks again J, i am definitively interested in the Tunze pump and i think the smaller skimmer should be found for my tank. I'm just trying to get an idea of how much space to leave in my sump when i start the build for skimmer and pump.

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Coast-to-coast overflow cut to size and siliconed in place now waiting for it to dry tomorrow leak testing.


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did some leak testing today and so far everything looks good. Tomorrow baffles for the sump and then wetting time :)

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Got my new skimmer today but it was broken from the base :( hope i can get a replacement or a discount i can just glue it together. Its just separated from the base but nothing some glue can't fix. Also after 3 weeks of waiting and waiting and calling oceanic i finally got my replacement fans for my biocube so that will get replaced also tomorrow.

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So i talked to the seller of the skimmer and they offered to send me a new skimmer body or a $15 refund. I opted for the Paypal refund since i still had some weld-on left over from a previous build. Also got a semi-new RO/DI system so i Sam slowly making my water and mixing it in the empty tank. Got a very cheap used MP10wes for $190 in also very great condition. just wondering if anyone knows any tricks on how to make it more quiet its pretty loud.


Now a new pic. Tank being lit for now with 1 actinic and 1 10k T5HO



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The mp10 is noisy? It should only make noise if it isn't aligned properly.


Yeah its the motor that is making the noise also not the wet side. its aligned wet to dry side properly.

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Might need to be replaced. Mine are silent. Even at full blast.

Bummer, guess it really was not a great deal if i have to replace the motor.

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have you got the GU10's yet?

im starting a 40 breeder and am really thinking about going the GU10 route.


really like the scape by the way, cant wait to see this filled in

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have you got the GU10's yet?

im starting a 40 breeder and am really thinking about going the GU10 route.


really like the scape by the way, cant wait to see this filled in

Yeah i already got them lights but i'm still just waiting on the sockets to arrive they said this week. I have some over my Fluval spec aquarium and they look very nice.


Thanks i also can't wait to see out filled out.


Maybe you can upgrade it to a mp40. I think the controls is the same. Not 100% sure, or what the cost is.


I am having one of my lfs order me a brand new mp10wes so i will keep that one. On the right side i will have a Koralia 600 that will be mostly covered by the rockscape along with the sump return just don't know if that will be enough flow.

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Might need to be replaced. Mine are silent. Even at full blast.


I have never heard a silent mp10. They make a huming sound when the rpms go up.

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