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BillyC's 120g Reef Candy


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Wanted to share my tank with everyone. I'll update with lots of pics often. Thanks for looking.












Very nice looking indeed ... Thanks for posting.

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Thank you very much albertthiel!


Revaltion131, thanks! I love my blue jaw. He has the best personality of all my fish. Likes to just come up to the glass and follow you.


Here are more pics! First a few fish, then corals.


Bluejaw Trigger



Solar wrasse



Exquisite wrasse



Mystery wrasse



Ultimatefrags insane watermelon






War coral



Unnamed chalice



Unnamed chalice 2


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Thank you very much albertthiel!


Revaltion131, thanks! I love my blue jaw. He has the best personality of all my fish. Likes to just come up to the glass and follow you.


Mystery wrasse



If you go to my thread, either the last page or the one before it, I found that mystery wrasse and posted your pic and what I found with the scientific name there.



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Nice looking tank. Welcome to N-R.


Thanks fewskills. I see you're from Wilmington? My wife was raised there and misses it so much! Beautiful area.


Here's another photo upload...


My clownfish in the acclimation box a few weeks ago



My Maldives Lyretail anthias trio. Since this picture was taken, the top anthias has transformed to a super male and is gorgeous. Stay tuned for a pic of him.



My guinea fowl leopard wrasse. Had him for almost a year now and is thriving!



My "purple paradise" deepwater acro



My Tyree "Lime in the Sky" acro. Growing very well.



My Fragfarmer "Red Robin Stag"


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You have excellent taste in fish.


Yep, we moved to Wilmington in 1992 when I was 6 years old.. I have no plans on ever leaving. It is home.

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beautiful! I wish I could sell 120G as a nano to my wife ;)


"I swear it's a nano compared to the aquarium's"

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You have excellent taste in fish.


Yep, we moved to Wilmington in 1992 when I was 6 years old.. I have no plans on ever leaving. It is home.


Thank you very much!



beautiful! I wish I could sell 120G as a nano to my wife ;)


"I swear it's a nano compared to the aquarium's"


Haha I've been trying to sell a 220g to my wife for a while now but I do love my 120 dimensions right now.





Darth Maul Paly



Tyree Setosa



Raptor's Peace favia



Jared's Rainbow millepora


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beautiful! I wish I could sell 120G as a nano to my wife ;)


"I swear it's a nano compared to the aquarium's"


All that is is a "Maxi-nano" Should be an easy sale !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chalices. Easy to confuse with echinatas like Ben did but an easy ID IMO due to coloration.


Billy were these fragged from the same colony, as well as the one in your avatar? Because they look awfully similar in species. Wouldn't trading them all for a bigger frag of the same net out at a better price? I'm curious because I'm not a chalice collector and always wondered. Thanks.

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Chalices. Easy to confuse with echinatas like Ben did but an easy ID IMO due to coloration.


Billy were these fragged from the same colony, as well as the one in your avatar? Because they look awfully similar in species. Wouldn't trading them all for a bigger frag of the same net out at a better price? I'm curious because I'm not a chalice collector and always wondered. Thanks.


They were not fragged from the same colony believe it or not. My avatar is the AD mystery machine chalice. The top chalice is the SC dynamite, the middle one is Joe's Shockfire Chalice, and the last one is the SC Flashbomb chalice. The dynamite and shockfire do look similar as frags but as a colony one is more dominantly red, and the other is more dominantly purple. The Flashbomb has similar coloration too but instead of the purple streaks, it has bright blue streaks. All of these things are minor subtleties that would only matter to a chalice collector lol. Great question though. If you do a quick search on these chalices, you'll be able to see pics of the mother colonies. If you do, let me know what you think?

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They were not fragged from the same colony believe it or not. My avatar is the AD mystery machine chalice. The top chalice is the SC dynamite, the middle one is Joe's Shockfire Chalice, and the last one is the SC Flashbomb chalice. The dynamite and shockfire do look similar as frags but as a colony one is more dominantly red, and the other is more dominantly purple. The Flashbomb has similar coloration too but instead of the purple streaks, it has bright blue streaks. All of these things are minor subtleties that would only matter to a chalice collector lol. Great question though. If you do a quick search on these chalices, you'll be able to see pics of the mother colonies. If you do, let me know what you think?

It seems much like zoas then, where the subtleties are only obvious to collectors. Ha! Except for prices!!


I know that at least in SPS, specifically in montiporas, polyp colors can change due to lighting, is it the same in the instance of the chalices you name above? You listed common names, is the species name the same or different for these?


So why is it that chalice colonies I see at my LFS or in hobbyist tanks are never bright like these frags? Why do chalices loose color as they establish in a tank?


I always thought, given how slooooow these guys grow, that a tank builds up in nutrients and inhibits zooxanthelle over the time that it takes to grow into a colony. But I'm too new at this to comment with confidence either way. Be interested to hear your thoughts.

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Def a great question. I used to wonder the same thing (I still wonder it myself sometimes!) I'll write up a little paragraph when I'm at work tonight.

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