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jnelson's Gyrating DB 30G Shallow RR


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Bought this from a local shop and got a great deal on it. Broke down both existing tanks (Oceanic 30G cube and Nano Cube 12 DX) to both stock and fund this tank.

All of my early tanks were AIO/non-RR. Doing it "right" this time and keeping my display as clean as possible by using a sump.

FTS as of 13-Mar-2015

Hardware as of 22-Apr-2015

  • Deep Blue 30G Shallow RR (24x24x12) with corner overflow
  • Stock Deep Blue stand
  • Custom King sump
  • Refugium with LR/DSB/chaeto
  • Eheim 1250 return pump with ball valve
  • Maxspect Gyre XF130
  • Ecotech Radion XR15w Pro with RMS mount
  • Cobalt Neo-Therm 100w heater
  • Eshopps PSK-75 in-sump skimmer
  • Elos Osmocontroller ATO

Livestock as of 22-Mar-2015

  • 20-30 lb. each LR/LS in display
  • Assorted SPS, LPS and Softies
  • Assorted CUC
  • 2x Ocellaris Clowns
  • 2x Black Clown Goby
  • Green Clown Goby
  • Sunrise Pseudochromis
  • Midas Blenny
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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated with the first FTS.


And also a shot of the Tomato Clowns in my sump before giving them away to their new home:



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Looks great. How do you like it do far? Interested in seeing more pics of your sump. In trying to decide on one. This fish tank sump was cool at first, but it's not the long term solution.

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I definitely like the setup as a whole, totally worth the investment.


Here's the sump. It's made by Custom King (local New York City vendor), it's about the same dimensions as a standard 10 gallon AGA tank. As of now it just has the drain with a filter sock, a fuge area with chaeto, some rock and some sand, and the return. There are other small touches that are nice, such as holes drilled at the top of the drain section just in case the sock gets clogged, or the spot next to the fuge to tie in some mesh or egg crate and block chaeto from entering the return.


See attached for some pics.




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Deleted User 4

Hey there, nice tank and everything. But I would recommend that you wrap your kessils' wiring around the gooseneck like the way I have it as.


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Yeah I got a good price, included the plumbing kit and also got some discounted sand with it. Jesus disappeared, I think he fell victim to the dottyback I had at the time :(

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Nice! That Kessil has amazing coverage. I was waiting for dark spots, but it looks very good. When they come out with a controllable version I will have to get it.

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Yeah, I'm very happy with the spread. Since it's a single point light there's a bit of shadowing on the edges, but only due to the way I arranged my rockwork. (I'm not putting corals around the edges anyway.) The shimmer is very natural looking as well.

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No top and I'm hoping to keep it that way, it looks great without.


My evaporation actually hasn't been bad - about half a gallon a week. For reference, I have about 25 gallons of actual water volume.

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Evap is crazy for me. I have the same tank with a small fan over it. Probably top off 5+ gallons weekly.


You should make a screen for the top. I lost a pretty pricey fish to carpet surfing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wasn't able to separate the montis by hand... Cracked a little bit off the green one in the process. Not sure how to get them apart, might need some sort of tool.


Anywho. Some new shots. Added a Koralia Nano 240 for extra flow, mounted to the overflow. Also glued some GSP to the overflow which will hopefully look cool in time. Bought an Eshopps corner frag rack to keep some new and healing corals neat. Also added a Talbot Damsel to the tank, seems to be doing well, loves swimming between the rocks.







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Looks real nice. I love that light man. Only one thing keeping me from buying it...controllability. IMO though, its too close to the surface. Your loosing a lot on the sides and corners. Don't worry about the PAR. I sent some questions into Kessil on SPS and they said that at 11 inches with full spread at 100% output the light would be able to support SPS in a 24x24. Not sure it thats true, but thats what they said and I think you could raise it up a bit.


Is that a gorgonian of some kind? Sea fan? How are you feeding it?

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Thanks for the comments everyone!


Looks real nice. I love that light man. Only one thing keeping me from buying it...controllability. IMO though, its too close to the surface. Your loosing a lot on the sides and corners. Don't worry about the PAR. I sent some questions into Kessil on SPS and they said that at 11 inches with full spread at 100% output the light would be able to support SPS in a 24x24. Not sure it thats true, but thats what they said and I think you could raise it up a bit.


Is that a gorgonian of some kind? Sea fan? How are you feeding it?


I tried raising it a bit more but since it's near my couch in the living room, you get a lot of distracting glare from the light. It works for me right now since my corals/rocks are mostly focused towards the center.


As for the coral - it was sold to me as a photosynthetic gorgonian at a LFS. I do dose some Marine Snow once a week though. Either way, it's had good polyp extension and has shown growth as well. May look into fragging it soon.

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I have to get one of these PS gorgs. Very nice. I have so many corals right now I don't even know where I'd put it.


As for the light, i had the same problem with the halide light on the bio cube.

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