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New form of aberrant Coral Beauty Angelfish looks truly weird


© by Jake Adams - Oct/2012




Just when we thought we’d seen just about every iteration, aberration and permutations of the way that coral beauty angelfish can get funky, one comes along with a while new swag.


Whereas many of the aberrant coral beauty angelfish look like mistakes were made on the basic blueprint coloration, this little guy living at Abyss Aquatics in the UK seems to have pretty much abandoned the guidelines for its species and done its own thing.


Link: http://reefbuilders.com/2012/10/15/aberran...auty-angelfish/



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WOW! Great link and find Albert, I will take the time to read it later.




Yes it is an interesting one, but if you use a search engine and type in Martin Moe Jr. you will find many more.


The main thing is that he is doing well and still involved in research, even at his "advanced age".


Hopefully one of these days he will be given some kind of top award and recognized for all his achievements, as he certainly deserves it ... that and more !


Just as a side note in 2009 he cracked the Urchin Code ...




More on that topic : http://tinyurl.com/8nuegm4



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New form of aberrant Coral Beauty Angelfish looks truly weird


© by Jake Adams - Oct/2012






Link: http://reefbuilders.com/2012/10/15/aberran...auty-angelfish/





Hi Albert,

Just so happens Abyss Aquatics is about 30 mins drive from me. They specialise in unusual marine fish and sell them to many professional footballers here in the UK at mega bucks. I have been there a number of occasions but it isnt one of my fav shops but they do have some nice stock and unusual corals and fish but many out my price range.




Well the suns comes out here and I'm off to work now. take care and catch you again soon.



Edited by atoll
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Hi Albert,

Just so happens Abyss Aquatics is about 30 mins drive from me. They specialise in unusual marine fish and sell them to many professional footballers here in the UK at mega bucks. I have been there a number of occasions but it isnt one of my fav shops but they do have some nice stock and unusual corals and fish but many out my price range.


Well the suns comes out here and I'm off to work now. take care and catch you again soon.



Wow what a coincidence ... and yes looking at their website I see what you mean ... and they are into both Fresh and Salt and Reefs ... Looked at some of the pics of what they have and the choice is indeed different from what most other LFS's sell for the most part.


Thanks and don't labor too hard !



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Martin Moe! One of my favorite of the old timers...... I mean pioneers! This includes you of course!


I have all of his books and one of them is autographed!


I try and sort of keep tabs on him. I'd love to retire and go work for him.

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Martin Moe! One of my favorite of the old timers...... I mean pioneers! This includes you of course!


I have all of his books and one of them is autographed!


I try and sort of keep tabs on him. I'd love to retire and go work for him.


He definitely is one of mine too, and I think that the first book I ever read on marine tanks was his, and then I went on to read Stephen Spotte's ones, and from there on a multitude of others.


I actually have a typed pre-publication 8 1/2 by 11 signed manuscript of his The Marine Aquarium Reference: Systems and Invertebrates, which I managed to get by being the highest bidder at one of the Macna Conferences many years ago ...


He is a true pioneer indeed and hopefully many of the newer hobbyist will read or have read his books as there is so much information in them that it would be a pity if they did not. Beginner to Breeder is another really excellent one!


I am glad to have found out that he is still active a while ago ... and I also found his new email address recently so I can communicate with him.


Thanks Mark.



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Citron Goby just moved off the M. setosa as I was about to catch him on it :






I call him "Magnet" because at times he will just "hug" the front or side glass of the tank, as if he is held in place by magnetic forces ... odd fish to say the least, but so cute !



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Aquarium Medications that contain Tea Tree Oil, Cajeput Oil, Clove Oil,


and/or Melaleuca)


Cautions that should be observed and warnings about the overuse of Pimafix and Melafix and similar meds


Possible Dangers:


One caution I would offer for the use of Pimafix is for marine aquariums; although I have not observed any problems, human and other animal studies have shown that the active ingredient in Pimafix is highly toxic when ingested and since most marine fish drink the water around them to regulate osmotic pressure in their bodies, the potential of over use exists in marine aquaria (I would most definitely not use with marine invertebrates!)


Another caution with Pimafix is that it contains refined Clove Oil (refined so as to dissolve in water). Many aquarists warn against the use of Pimafix for this reason, HOWEVER I think this is a knee jerk reaction with NO scientific studies to back this up.


Of course continued use of Pimafix with no water changes or use of carbon for removal could certainly allow for dangerous Eugenol (the active ingredient in clove oil) buildup, but then ANY treatment when abused can be dangerous!


I found one such reaction in Fish Lore by a person who seems quite knowledgeable, but in this case is making non-scientific anecdotal claims based not in controlled studies, but the knowledge that Clove oil can be and is lethal at certain dosage.


Link to full article: http://tinyurl.com/8u7pk9z


Link to a Lab Study done: http://cmr.asm.org/content/19/1/50.full



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Live BlackWorms: Best Fish and LPS Food Ever?


Link to a discussion on the benefits of feeding Live Black Worms




As you read the thread you can decide for yourself whether you should give them a try based on the advantageous that are pointed out.


Link: http://tinyurl.com/8mhda2d



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On an Ocean Related Topic and General Information on the Deep !


Deep Sea Vents, The Key to the Biggest Questions in the Universe?


© thelivingocean.net






By the 1970s, we pretty much thought we had the world figured out. You name it - quantum physics, black holes, DNA, plate tectonics, evolution, space travel - we knew all there was to know about it. (Though to be honest, the popularity of both the leisure suit and velour from the 1970s do remain two of life’s greatest mysteries.)


Then in 1977, a submarine observing a deep sea vent deep near the Galapagos Islands reminded us that we still have a lot to learn. Because there, thousands of feet below the surface, in an environment with extreme temperatures and pressures and bereft of sunlight, was a world filled with snails, crabs, fish, clams, tube worms, and fish.


We previously had no concept that this ecosystem existed and no idea how it possibly could.


Link: http://tinyurl.com/9kpqdox



Edited by albertthiel
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Rare, Elusive Marine Fish Observed Off Central California Coast


© thelivingocean.net






Researchers videotaped the little anglerfish Chaunacops coloratus on several seamounts off the Central California coast.


On the fish's head is a light-colored "esca" that functions as a fishing lure.


Link: http://tinyurl.com/94e4n3s



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I have an autographed copy of the Marine Aquarium Reference by Martin Moe as well.


Great. I have quite a few as each time I went to a MACNA conference I would buy books or have some with me and then have them signed by the Authors ... and would sign mine when hobbyists brought them over or purchased them from one of the vendors.


I also have a lot of technical books on specialized subjects, like the one on BlueGreen Algae that I made a post about earlier today ... that is a great book and not too technical and also still available at a good price if you get a used one.


Oh I meant to ask if you have some nice pics of macro-algae from the aquariums you had, please post them with and ID if possible, I think others would be interested in seeing them.





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A Few More Shots of My Tank taken Today



Looks like the Duncan is getting back to normal ...







The Baby but it does not seem to have grown much





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Too much of a good thing can be bad for Corals


© Shane Graber and Advanced Aquarist Magazine




New study in Nature Climate Change shows that having too many algal symbionts makes corals bleach more severely in response to warming


A new study by scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science shows that corals may be more severely impacted by climate warming when they contain too many symbiotic algae.


The single-celled algae living inside corals are usually the key to coral success, providing the energy needed to build massive reef frameworks.


However, when temperatures become too warm, these algae are expelled from corals during episodes of coral 'bleaching' that can lead to widespread death of corals.


Link: http://tinyurl.com/9dmkunx



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Klein Butterflyfish hybrid could grow into a fantastic clownish pattern


© Jake Adams and reefbuilders.com






If hybrid butterflfyfish have shown us anything it’s that the recombination of different Chaetodon species can take on many forms.


Case in point is this super unusual hybrid Klein’s butterflyfish, Chaetodon kleini crossed with a very rare species for the region.


Link: http://tinyurl.com/8rqd2kl



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