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Euphyllia's BioCube 29 HQI ~ Teh Remayk


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$25?! I see those pure bred Black Moscow trios on CL for $10 :lol:

i wic wivven lin gwuppidoodles :)


What's CL?


These are extended fin moscows. The females have super long dorsals. IDC, I got a good deal for them. I don't even know what CL is lol.

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Okay... Well Squared, if you're actually interested in a trio/pair, I can ship, in about three to four months, adult guppies.


nah i was just curious. i would love to set up a nano cube as a FW planted, but still restricted to one tank.


also, i know where you live -_-

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nah i was just curious. i would love to set up a nano cube as a FW planted, but still restricted to one tank.


also, i know where you live -_-


Let me know if that changes! I'd be happy to work something out with you. Remember, with slow acclimation, they can be adapted to SW. :D

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OMG so the other female is being harassed by the males and she breathing VERY quickly and shivering, cowering in the plants. :tears:


I hope she makes it through... :(

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Turned the halide off and she came out of the plants. Still kinda frantic but she's out and swimming around.


The babies found the really thick, bushy plant I had in there. It's like their little baby hideout. There's three or four popping in and out of it at all times. Just kinda swimming around in circles inside the plant. Probably 8-10 in there.

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you're supposed to have more females than males, you have lots of females?


I ordered a trio, two females and one male. He sent an extra male. I think it should be fine, however both males target the same female at the same time, so IDK. :mellow:

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keep a male in a back chamber. :)


No. They's so purty.


When the babies grow out in a few months, all should be good again. I'll have like 7f/7m so the load will be distributed pretty well.

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Male w/ big caudal fin... Caudals

Male w/ small caudal fin... Snuggles

Female w/ long dorsal fin... Bubbles

Female w/ shorter dorsal fin... Fluffy


Thoughts/suggestions? :huh:

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Didn't allow the tank to cycle, now I'm suffering the consequences...


I think I explained somewhere about how a guppy from petco died in the tank these were going into in my GH and I didn't want to risk these to the temperature swings either, so I set this tank up and threw them in after one real day of cycling. Well, I forgot to do my 5g WC + AmQuel yesterday and I payed the price. This morning everything was fine, then when I came home three hours later, I noticed a tare through the male with the smaller fin's dorsal and it was white on the edges of the fin. Fin rot! I went to the LFS and picked up a bottle of Melafix, which I've read will work magic. Good thing I caught this just hours after it started and now I'm treated it. Otherwise, he is fine. He'll probably make it. All other fish are fine. You can't tell its eaten away at the fin at all. Just a little torn and a little pale around the edges, no fungus or anything like that. Treating it as a bacterial infection.


The fry have gotten a little bigger than when they were born. They're all hanging around in the back where the fluffy plants are. Just swimming around through there. Some and being braver and swimming up into the water column. I'm feeding them crushed flakes. None have been eaten, and from the looks of it, there's probably 10-12 fry in the tank from that one drop. :)


5g water changes and daily AmQuel doses have been used ever since I got the guppies, and now I'm doing daily Melafix doses. So all should be good. :)

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The tank is booming with little b :o lack and gray fry! The gray ones are the females, the black ones are the males. Dark colored moscows are the only guppy that you can tell the sex at birth. :D


They must have all hid in the plants. They're maybe 15 or 20 in there, maybe.

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Deleted User 4




lol. Just funny how you reacted to it. Aren't you underage? I guess that is why your reaction is funny...

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