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Coral Vue Hydros

Euphyllia's BioCube 29 HQI ~ Teh Remayk


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Because it was like $4 and planting substrate is like $40... :lol:


They'll get enough nutrients through the leaves. The nutrients from the fish poop will be absorbed into teh plants. :D

You will most likely need root tabs, though. I have to use them in all of my planted tanks I've had, I've always used sand.


And euphy, you need to get a handful of these:









They'll take care of those pesky guppies. :lol:

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what more fish getting next?


Well I'm probably going to get more in 1-2 weeks. Some babies. The females are preggers if you didn't notice. ;)


You will most likely need root tabs, though. I have to use them in all of my planted tanks I've had, I've always used sand.


Was ist das? :huh:


Is that a product or what? What does it do? :huh:

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You just put these tabs in the sand to substitute for the nutrient-rich actual substrate. I'll give you like 12 for free.

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You just put these tabs in the sand to substitute for the nutrient-rich actual substrate. I'll give you like 12 for free.

This. I bought like 50 of them (clear capsules containing Osmocote) for like $12 I think.

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Thanks Ballz, but I'm good. I won't make you go through the trouble of shipping just for that haha.


So how far does this stuff leach out into the substrate? Can I put one every five inches or so, or does it have to be RIGHT under the plant's roots? :huh:


And when I used to have FW tanks like ten years ago, I had gravel substrate and didn't put any crap in it to give the plants nutrients and they grew like weeds. I had an amazon sword, some tall, thin grass that kinda looked like seaweed, anacharis, some really fuzzy stuff and all sorts of other plants. Everything grew fine. :huh:

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OH MAI GAWSH! The REALLY preggerz female is about to drop fry like its hot. omgomgomg


She sitting up in the corner at the top of the tank swimming back from one side to the other. The other female is just kinda swimming around the tank with the two pimps. :)

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Thanks Ballz, but I'm good. I won't make you go through the trouble of shipping just for that haha.

Like, I'm not kidding.

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so how much did these "pure-bred" guppies cost?


$25 for the trio, $15 for shipping and I got an extra male for free. :)

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i want one!


Okie, but I'll sell you a trio for $25 plus shipping once they're able to be sexed. :)


those are awesome! omgomgomg

and i cant believe your guppy is having kittens! :wizard:omgomgomg:happydance::bowdown::wub:

:welcome: to this world young kittens!



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me knew, its just that he's getting pretty fish that poop kittens. :angry:


Okay... Well Squared, if you're actually interested in a trio/pair, I can ship, in about three to four months, adult guppies.

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Please refer to my location in my profile. :)

texas? your local time is an hour earlier than mine.


chicago! yes! i got it! i dont care, but guessing games are fun. :)

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The two males are trying to like rape the female that just gave birth... She's hiding in the back under a plant now. <_<

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