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Coral Vue Hydros

Do you dip your new clam?


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I just got a new maxima. got it from aquatic collection in hayward ca. at the store all the clams look very healthy and close everytime I swap my hand over it. Should I dip it in Revive?

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I've never heard of dipping them. I have heard of NOT taking them out of water though. Also heard about flipping it a couple times to "burp" it.


"Take care when unpacking your clam that you do not expose it to air. Internal air bubbles can cause problems, "burp" the clam by tipping to dislodge any bubbles."

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I just got a new maxima. got it from aquatic collection in hayward ca. at the store all the clams look very healthy and close everytime I swap my hand over it. Should I dip it in Revive?


You should never dip a clam in Revive.

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Thanks for the info.

Ill just brush the shell with ro water.

Use butter instead, will taste better once you grill it.

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I'd wait for ZephNYC to respond on the matter.


Dont ever use a product like revive on clams. Most coral cleaners use very high amounts of iodine which will really stress your clam out. The only thing I would ever dip a clam in is fresh water.

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I'd dip it in tank water and swash it and use a brush to scrub it. Don't expose it to air though(or try not to). Don't dip it in ReVive!

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No point in dipping. I got a Crocea clam about same time you did and asked a trusted LFS owner if I should dip in anything. He told me it's unnecessary and may stress the clam even more after the move to my house.


Dips for clams are usually freshwater and for stuff like Pinched Mantel etc. Don't use Revive.

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